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Author Topic: Duo  (Read 17672 times)


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« on: May 02, 2023, 09:27:48 AM »
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« Last Edit: May 02, 2023, 09:30:00 AM by BallReviews-scodaddy21 »



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Re: Duo
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2023, 02:15:21 PM »

Length: 43'

Volume: 22.5 mLs

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes: Best release of the year!

Dislikes: Nothing!

I am so excited about this ball!  This is probably my favorite release of this year, for so many reasons!  First of all Stef and Shannon have put their heart and souls into this ball and it’s a dream come true for them.  Secondly the fact that they teamed up with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to give back is such a noble gesture.  Lastly the performance of this ball is AMAZING!

This ball has the same cover as the Exotic Gem and a core similar to the famous DareDevil line.  The DareDevil line was one of my favorites of all time! The Black and Bright Green color not only pops as it goes down lane but its also my wedding colors :)

Performance wise, this ball actually is very close to the Zen but with a little more pop off the spot.  This actually makes it more useable than the Zen, for me. 

The new factory polish has been a topic of discussion for a while but the surface prep for this one is perfect.  I’m ready to get to the lanes and get to using this ball in competition!

My layout is 5x4x2

Balls getting a lot of play
Infinite Physix: 5x4x2
Eternity: 5x4x2
Phaze4: 5x4x2
Fate: 5x4x2

Casey Mattingly
Storm/RotoGrip Staff
Turbo Regional Staff
Coach's Corner Pro Shop
Alexandria, IN


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Re: Duo
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2023, 07:58:09 PM »

Length: 40

Volume: 20ml

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS and Marshall Holman Oil Pattern


I love this ball so far! Its one of the smoothest yet controllable balls I've ever thrown. Even though it's smooth, it never seems to die out and be lazy downlane. You get a good amount of traction in the mid lane without sacrificing any motion down lane. It's easily become a staple in the bag in the short week ive thrown it. I shot 288 FRESH out of box!

Its very comparable to the zen, just a little bit earlier for me. But the same shape, a little more traction and shape, just as versatile, and just as good! Zen ball was good and i think the Duo is gonna be one of those great balls too! It's a step down from the exotic gem and infinite physix, but still a step above something like a IQ Tour Solid or IQ tour Ruby. I dont say must haves very often but this ball might fall in that territory.

Layout: 50x5x50
Two hander no thumb
425 rev rate, 15-16 average speed


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Re: Duo
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2023, 04:53:44 PM »
1st off I want to say Roto Grip is in partnership with Big Brother Big Sisters, and donating 5% of its sales to them. How great is that?! Now performance wise, I was pretty amazed. It rolled very well. Some people are different, no one is the same. For me...I had to hit it with a 3000 pad to calm the back end snap down. Then it read the mid lane reaction a little better also. In my eyes, It almost reacted on the back end like a 900 Global Zen. I love the new Mentor core! rolls for me very well, especially on sport patterns. Its very easy to read mid lane. Then with the Microtrax Pearl Cover stock, this ball is in my bag!


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Re: Duo
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2023, 06:24:11 PM »
Roto Grip Duo – WWRD 5/19/23
Cover: Micro Trax Pearl Reactive
Core:  Mentor Symmetric
RG: 2.49
RG. Diff.: 0.05+
Finish: Reacta Gloss

Roto Grip’s new Duo is a Pearl Symmetrical piece that is good for Medium Oil conditions.  PAP is 5 5/16 R 1 3/16 Up. Rev Rate: 400.  Speed: 16.5.  Drilled this piece with the Pin up between the fingers with the CG kicked out 2” from the palm.  Out of Box ball motion started a little early in the mids with a smooth backend reaction.  I changed the Surface to 3000 Abralon and was a similar motion through the fronts with a little more on the backend.  I compared this piece to the Roto Grip Idol Cosmos and Storm Fate.  Idol Cosmos was a few weaker than the Duo.  The Storm Fate is 2-2 Stronger than the Duo.  Fate has a cleaner shape through the front with a sharper backend.  This piece will be in my bag cause of the versatility it will bring on tournament patterns.  Plus, 5% of all sales will be supporting the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America.

Check Out the Ball motion Video on my YouTube Page:


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Re: Duo
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2023, 09:15:49 AM »
We have a new ball plugging the gap in our arsenals with the new Duo from Roto Grip. This ball is a perfect benchmark pearl for those medium to heavier oil conditions. A step up from both the Zen and IQ Ruby yet a step down from our Exotic Gem.
Out of the box I found the cover to be clean through the fronts and smooth off the backend. When I hit it with 2000 the ball picked up much sooner conspicuously yet it angled a lot better than when I had it out of the box. When the higher end asyms or solid syms become too much the Duo will be a great ball to jump into. We have not seen a ball like this since the Idol pearl and  Axiom pearl. The shape that the Duo provides is extremely user friendly and will provide tons of margin on today's conditions. The ball is very forgiving and should match up to many bowling styles.
I believe this ball will be very adaptable to different lane conditions from sport to house.


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Zen 2.0?
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2023, 08:50:26 AM »

Length: 40 ft

Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes: Dual Angle Layout: 55 x 4 ½ x 25
Pin Buffer Layout: 4 ½ x 4 ½ x 1 5/8
Dare I say this is the Zen 2.0?  I put the same layout on the Duo as I did my original Zen and if it was not for the awesome color scheme I would not be able to tell the difference.  This ball is clean through the heads, picks up nicely in the mid lane, and really pops off the end of the pattern.  Plus 5% goes to the Big Brother Big Sisters, I’ll take a 2nd one for sure.

Dislikes: That I have not ordered a 2nd one yet.

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Storm Staff Member - Ball Driller- 230 Average Bowler - Right Handed -

Rick K

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Re: Duo
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2023, 01:43:08 PM »
Duo • Roto Grip •HP3
Core • Mentor Core (Symmetrical)
Coverstock • MicroTrax Pearl reactive • Finish Reacta Gloss
Weight • 15 lbs. RG • 2.49 Differential • .046
Layout •4 x 4 x 2 ¼
Tester PAP • 5” R, 5/8” D Tester Axis Tilt • 11° Testers Rev Rate • 300
Test Pattern • 42' THS (Typical House Shot) • Modified, Kegel Stone Street

Are they helping the next generation? Roto Grip is doing precisely that with their release of the Duo. Partnered with Big Brothers and Big Sisters, your Duo purchase will not only be helping the next generation, but your Duo will also bring a smile back to your A game! You will love it, especially if you are a down-and-in player like me! So, let's take a closer look at what makes the Duo worth the purchase!

The Mentor Core is at the heart of the Duo's success. I like how the Mentor Core's symmetrical "mushroom" look produces a smooth and robust rev'ing motion later in the mid-lane versus rev'ing too early upfront, causing it to lose all its gusto down the lane. And if you're a straighter player like me, you will love the results of the puck block added to the bottom of the Mentor Core. The puck block helps the Mentor Core stand up later as it makes its turn off the pattern. And because it doesn't overreact when it finds friction, the Mentor Core creates a dependable margin of error the Duo can recover from while still maintaining a strong continuation through the pins. So, if you're a down-and-in player who likes to play right of the second arrow, then the Mentor Core was made for your game!

The MicroTrax Pearl Reactive Coverstock gives the Duo an excellent appeal. However, I am a proponent of the correct surface to match the bowler. So, I tweaked the surface of my Duo to 1000-Grit Abralon and followed that up with Storm Step # 2 compound for my straighter, rev-challenged hand. And this surface combination brought my A game to a fun and high-scoring bowling night. I liked how the MicroTrax Pearl had strong traction in the mid-lane but still allowed the Duo to retain a lot of energy off the pattern. And as the night went on, I liked how the MicroTrax Pearl smoothly blended the over/under conditions that developed throughout the night without losing its crisp turn-off pattern. And lastly, the MicroTrax Pearl allowed me to stay in my comfort zone all night as it gave me the confidence to play right of everyone else!
 In conclusion, Roto Grip has produced a winning release with the Duo.  The Duo is a predictable and consistent powerhouse for my straighter and more classic game. So, I highly recommend the Duo to any down-and-in, low-rev bowler looking to boost their game.  And what better way to improve your game than by helping the Big Brother, Big Sister Organization make a difference to our next generation with the purchase of your Roto Grip Duo! So, stop into your local Storm VIP Pro Shop today and see how everybody wins with the purchase of Roto Grip Duo!

Rick Klimowicz
Storm Products Pro Shop Staff
Roll the Ball Pro Shop
Penndel, PA

Oliver Lawson

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Re: Duo
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2023, 08:07:01 PM »

Length: 41

Volume: 28.5

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


The Duo is a a collaboration between Roto Grip, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Shafani Duo. The all new Mentor Core (named after those who are Big Brothers/Sisters) is wrapped in MicroTrax Pearl coverstock that has been featured as recent on the Exotic Gem. I drilled by Duo 4.75x4x4 2LS to help me get a consistent roll off the spot and see a strong smooth reaction. I have this same layout on my Fate and my Phase V, and I see 3 very different shapes of ball reaction. The Duo is considerably more forward off the spot and reads the midlane the earliest out of the three. The Fate is the strongest and has a much more continuous backend motion. The Phaze V goes easily 3-4ft more down lane before it starts to pick up and drive towards the pocket.

The Duo is going to be filling the same spot in the bag as my Zen as it is quite possibly even more controllable. The Duo wants to pick up in the midlane a touch sooner than my Zen has in the past and is stronger on the backend. If you need something that is as good looking on the lane as it is off the lane, then the Duo is right for you. I will not often say that everyone needs a certain ball in their bag, but the Duo might just make that case for me. Visit your Local Storm VIP Proshop today to make a difference on and off the lanes with the Roto Grip Duo.



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« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2023, 10:14:42 AM »
Ball Specs:
Roto grip Duo
Coverstock Micro Trax Pearl Reactive
Symetric  Mentor Core
Finish      Reacta Gloss
Layout     4 x 4 x 1.5 Pin Buffer

Bowler Specs:
Right Hand. PAP 5” Over 1/2 up
Rev Rate 300. Tilt 20. Rotation 50.
Speed at release 17

This new Roto Grip Duo is SMOOTH! I had been hearing about the controllable motion of this ball but was unsure how much it would hook so we drilled one up and went to find out. The Duo borrows a mushroom shape type core from the popular Dare Devil Series constructed to deliver added forgiveness in the back part of the lane. The Duo also reads the mid lane well and not too early which is nice. This ball is a step down from the Exotic Gem in total hook. I would put this ball in the medium category in total hook and shape. The Duo carried light hits with power for a smooth back end type ball. I would say this would be a great ball when the Exotic is too strong or you need control on the back end of the lane. I will be drilling my second one up and add some surface to see how it rolls on higher volume. My guess is this would be a great plan for sport shot patterns. I feel higher rev rates will love the Duo.
As an added boost Storm will also be donating 5% of our sales to domestic distributors to aid in the development and support of children within the program. You can buy a great ball and give back at the same time.

The Duo has a very nice smooth motion.
The Color is different and looks great.
Portions of the sales will help Big Brothers and Big Sisters!

Glenn Wendel
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Storm Pro Shop Staff
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Michael Slatky

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Re: Duo
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2023, 08:35:59 AM »
Roto Grip
Coverstock:  Micro Trax Pearl Reactive
Finish:  Reacta Gloss
Core:  Mentor Core
(14 pd)
RG:  2.53
Differential:  0.047

Layout: 5.5 x 4 x 4 - 2LS
Layout Extras:  2 1/8 Finger Depth, "X" - 4 1/2 D and 1 Inch Left
Tester:  PAP 6 1/2 R, 1 1/4 D

The Duo reunites with the daredevil series from awhile back. The goal of the Duo is to provide a controlled reaction in a pearl coverstock. Previously, some pearls have created to much "hockey stick" reaction which can place a bowler at a disadvantageous position when balling down. The Duo quite nicely provides some forgiveness in the RG line.

For a pearl offering, the Duo provides a decent amount of length and smoother backend. I personally chose a 2LS layout of 5.5 x 4 x 4 to gain a touch more length and slightly more backend. The layout we chose on the Duo tested out nicely.

For me, the Duo oob pearl surface was perfectly fine. However, I tend to always lightly touch pearls with a 4K or 3K pad. Although not always needed, it is a personal preference of mine. The Duo felt comfortable and had great control off the spot and shots have been repeatable.

In comparison, the Cosmos is earlier and a tad smoother downlane. The Duo fits nicely if you need a touch more pop when the Cosmos starts getting a bit early as transition occurs. Having the Duo can be a great asset to be in a pearl that allows you to keep angles in front of you and control at the breakpoint. However, I do need to note my Cosmos is 15pd and my Duo is 14pd, so the numbers are a bit different when evaluating both balls. Also, don't forget when you purchase your Duo you are supporting Big Brothers and Big Sisters as well.  Please be sure to visit your favorite pro shop today or for more information.

Michael Slatky
900 Global Staff Member
York, PA




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Roto Grip DUO review by Ethan Fiore
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2023, 06:43:15 PM »
Lane Condition
Length: 40
Volume: Medium
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

The New Duo from Roto Grip features the MicroTrax Pearl Coverstock and the Mentor Core. When it first went down the lane, I was amazed. It stores so much energy to make crazy angles downlane. I compared it to the Zen; The Zen was a little earlier and smoother down lane. They are definitely compliments to eachother. The Duo is a ball for everyone who likes that big hook downlane. Go get yours!

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Bowler Stats
Ethan Fiore
⭐PBA Member⭐Roto Grip Staff⭐CoolWick Staff⭐Tournament Director⭐
Right 2 Handed
Rev Rate: 500
Speed: 17.5
PAP: 4 1/8 up 7/8


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Re: Duo
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2023, 01:24:43 PM »
Roto Grip DUO:
Tech specs: New Mentor core / Micro Trax Pearl Reactive / Finished with Reacta Gloss

Layouts: 60 x 2 x 40 and 70 x 4 x 30

My take: Drilling the DUO with a layout I love in my Roto Grip Hyped Hybrids – YES – that is PURAL, and Hyped Pearl, the reaction I saw was earlier and stronger then what I was anticipating even on Pro Lane with a heavier volume house pattern, the motion in all three stages were quicker in response. Even if I got in really deep – nose bleed area for my lefties of my caliber of game, the flare amount look like it had a strong 4” pin drilling. So at the recommendation of Earl Burger at ABC North in Harrisburg, we layout and drilled my second DUO at 70 x 4 x 30 and what a difference that made. The 2nd DUO became more predictable for the conditions that I bowl on and gave me the “look” I was hoping for. The roll through the pins was AWESOME and my first 5 games with the 2nd DUO were all 30 pins above my average. Anytime a ball can help you improve your average and game – its worth the investment. THE BEST thing about this ball is the purpose behind it – To raise awareness and money for Big Brothers / Big Sisters because a portion of EVERY DUO sold goes to them. Why not buy one or a DUO of them and improve your game and HELP OUT kids also – it is a WIN – WIN situation.


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Re: Duo
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2023, 09:32:36 AM »
DUO - Ball Specs
Color: Black/Electric Green
Cover Stock: Micro Trax Pearl Reactive
Finish: Reacta Gloss
Core: Mentor Core
RG: 2.49
Differential: 0.046

Roto Grip is proud to announce its partnership & support of Big Brothers Big Sisters. With the assistance of our very own mentoring duo, “The Shafanie Duo”, we will not only be supporting BBBS at various events across the country, but we will also be donating 5% of our sales to domestic distributors to aid in the development and support of children within the program. So, if you are looking to make a difference both ON and OFF the lanes, then the DUO is the right choice for you.
The DUO is the newest ball in the Roto Grip HP3 line. Roto Grip has combined the mentor core wrapped with the Micro Trax Pearl cover. The DUO is a little cleaner than Idol Cosmos, which allows me to play further to the right and stroke the ball. The DUO reads the midlane well with a strong reaction on the backend. This ball will be great for the second to third game of league. This ball will be in my bag for league and tournaments.  Order one from your local pro shop today! My ball review videos are posted on YouTube channel Stanley Waite.

Stanley Waite
900 Global Staff Member
Dover, DE


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Re: Duo
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2023, 07:58:16 AM »
Roto Grip Duo
Coverstock: MicroTrax Pearl Reactive
Core: Mentor
Factory Finish: Reacta Gloss
Layout: 4 x 4 x 2

The Duo is Roto Grip’s new HP3 line release. First, it is important to note that 5% of the sales of the Duo will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters to aid in the development and support of children. HP3 is generally in the benchmark range of balls. In the Duo, we have the Exotic Gem coverstock (MicroTrax Pearl) and the Mentor core inspired from the Daredevil series from a while back. I do like my Exotic Gem, but sometimes the window of use is small for me because it is very strong and that leads to bad carry when it starts to stand up a bit too early. But, in the Duo we have a core with a larger zone of use that matches up well with the MicroTrax Pearl cover. I find the Duo to be the perfect transitional ball after the Exotic Gem. It slots in right before I go to my IQ Tour Ruby as the Ruby is about an arrow weaker and stair steps off the Duo very well.

I think the Duo will match up for many styles of bowlers looking for an all around good ball to cover a variety of lane conditions encountered in league and tournament bowling.