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Author Topic: Hustle HYB  (Read 19062 times)


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Hustle HYB
« on: February 07, 2018, 05:04:34 PM »
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In sports we are always told to hustle well now Roto Grip is providing a line of bowling balls that will do just that on the lanes. The Roto Grip Hustle HYB takes the renowned Hustle core which has a lower RG design and lower differential and pairs it with the VTC-H18 (Versatile Traction Control-Hybrid 18) core then is finished with a 3000-grit pad. This combination offers a smooth earlier midlane motion, with more stability down lane, and with more traction and is best on light to medium oil conditions.

Color: Black/Blue
Coverstock: VTC-H18 Hybrid
Core: Hustle (14#-16#) (Lightbulb core for 13# & 12# and a puck core for 11# & 10#)
Finish: 3000-grit Pad
RG: 2.53 (15# ball)
Differential: 0.030 (15# ball)
Recommended Lane Condition: Lighter to Medium Oil



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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2018, 06:33:56 AM »
Hustle HYB Review:

This ball is right up my "alley". Controllable solids and balls with surface are balls typically found in my bag at all times. I love how I was able to play right and a little right of the track area and consistently get to the pocket. Also, the hitting power of this ball was exceptional, especially for a ball in this price range (HP1).

I tested this ball after throwing the Hyper Cell Fused on a fresh THS (Typical House Shot). I was roughly 3 boards further right with my feet with the Hustle than the Fused. The reaction of the Hustle was smooth and controllable. It read the mid-lane well and didn't overreact if I happened to miss with my target.

I definitely see this ball being a step down ball when my higher end equipment starts becoming too much for the lane. This will be a great step down from either the No Rules Exists and/or Dare Devil Trick.


Luke Rosdahl

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Hustle HYB Review by Luke Rosdahl
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2018, 09:29:18 AM »
The Hustle HYB uses the same core as all the other Hustles before it, but has a brand new hybrid cover.  The HYB hooks several boards more than any other Hustle, and outhooks the price point by a significant amount.  If you’re looking for bang for the buck, the HYB is a great place to look, it’s really a budget IQ Tour Solid, but if you’re looking for a true light oil ball, you should probably look elsewhere.  This ball is strong enough to be an HP2 ball, and approaches Storm’s Thunder line in terms of overall strength. The HYB is a very smooth and controllable ball, there are no surprises with it once you accept how much it hooks despite the price and being labeled an HP1 ball.  The HYB is a great compliment to the Hustle Ink, while the Ink is long and strong, the HYB is earlier, smoother, and stronger.
Storm Amateur Staff
Turbo Regional Staff
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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2018, 12:02:05 PM »
The New Roto Grip Hustle HYB is another must have for all types of styles and releases. The Hybrid cover on the HYB is the perfect compliment to the Hustle Ink which is a shiny solid. If you are still looking for a nice predictable motion like the ink but a lil more POP down lane, the HYB Hustle is for you. I drilled mine with the same layout I had on my INK which was a 60x4x30. Go out to your local pro shop and get your Roto Grip Hustle HYB today! #SquadRG

Erik Ramos

SIB Pro Shop Manager

Storm/Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2018, 08:11:56 PM »

Length:  41'

Volume:  Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS


Once again so much bang for your buck! Shelf appeal excellent, ball reaction excellent and hit through the pins incredible! With the Hustle Hybrid, I first took a look with my Hustle solid and got line up with it, after a few shots of playing 8 to 5 or miss room out to one the Hustle solid was clean as always. Went to the Hustle Hybrid and played the same shot, the Hustle Hybrid was earlier and picked up the mid lane a little quicker. Both balls were box finish. So I made a 3 and 1 move left and just that small of a move made all of the difference in the world. This made the Hustle HYB get the extra length I needed and picked up in the mid lane with a nice controlled backend motion. This allowed me to stay lined up for several games with just slight moves left. The performance of the HP1 line will surprise anyone that hasn’t thrown any of the balls in the line. The Hustle HP1 line will be for most all house shots.

Likes:  A lot of ball for little money.

Dislikes:  Heavier oil patterns


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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2018, 11:07:40 AM »
I drilled my HUSTLE HYB 65/4.5/40 which is my standard drilling for a ball to gauge where it fits or where to increase the numbers at. I put a 7/8"/2" deep weight hole on my axis which is 5 1/4 x 5/8 up. I left this one box finish.

I have thrown this on mostly THS at 2 different centers. The HUSTLE HYB is a slower response piece in my hands especially compared to my HUSTLE INK and ALL OUT SHOW OFF.  The ALL OUT SHOW OFF is about 6-8 boards stronger and the HUSTLE INK is about 3-5 boards stronger. The motion is smooth and slower response and will let me stay right of higher traffic areas on the pair.

Put this one in your bag if you are looking for a piece that is smoother off the spot than the HUSTLE INK or MATCH UP'S and also a possible first ball option on short patterns.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2018, 09:24:59 PM »
Layout: pin under bridge cg 3 inches directly under it.

Condition: 41 ft ths on hpl

I drilled this ball wanting the typical hustle reaction for drier lane conditions. After reading some reviews I was terrified this ball would be much stronger then I wanted so I polished it. I absolutely hated it with polish, it could have easily become my spare ball, but I took it back to oob condition and I really liked the shape of the ball I got then. For me it definitely wasn't as strong as my tour solid but that's not what I wanted in this ball. I was able to play up the lanes on the fresh condition with considerable backend, this is definitely not my "a" game, as I would prefer to open up the lanes more and play across the boards. I did like the reaction of the ball and look forwarded to getting it on more of a lane condition that I could use it more. This ball is currently available. Go see your local pro shop professional today and pick up this gem. You won't be disappointed.
Charley Burge
Hammer staff member


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Roto Grip Hustle HYB Review by Casey Murphy
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2018, 02:15:49 PM »
Orientation:  Right Handed
Rev Rate:  375 RPM
Speed:  16-17 MPH
PAP:  4 5/8 straight across

Location:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO
Pattern:  High Volume THS
Layout:  45, 4 ¾   , 70

I didn’t think there was a way to improve on the Hustle Ink, but the Hustle HYB does it.  I love the motion from the Ink but it’s a little too weak at times.  The HYB takes care of that problem.  It’s a good 4-5 boards stronger, but still gives me that controlled, versatile Hustle shape.  The Hustle HYB is the perfect step up from the INK!


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Re: Hustle HYB Review by Lonnie Pemberton
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2018, 09:42:19 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): 5:1 Modified Pattern


Cover: 2VTC-H18â„¢
Weightblock: Hustleâ„¢ Core (Symmetrical)
Finish: 3000
RG: 2.53
Differential: 0.030

Right-Handed Tweener
Speed: 12-13 mph
Rev Rate: 315
PAP: 4 7/8 Right 3/8 Up

Ball Layout: Pin Up and Right of Ring 50 X 4 1/2 X 40

Roto Grip continues to amaze with their HP1 releases. The new Hustle HYB gives you their trademark un-matchable performance for the dollar with a different motion. The Hustle Ink has been my house-shot killer since it's release and now I have a Hustle that is ideal for sport patterns. The HYB is ideal for me on lower ratio patterns where i feel like I lose my hold but my lower ball speed traps me.

I tested the HYB on a lower ratio modified house pattern. The surface is very low friction and less than 10 years old so not much track built up. This pattern has pushed me about 20 lower in average for league because of the big out-of-bounds area to the right and the lack of volume in the middle. The HYB has been my most consistent look in league. With flatter patterns I have to play the lanes much more front to back. The HYB reads the breakpoint incredibly consistently.

The real treasure for me is the ability of the ball to "lay" into the pocket on my shots where i miss left. No other ball has given me area to miss left on this pattern. The ball will still come back and go through the pins on minor misses right as well. I threw the Ink on the same line and the increased back-end caused it to nearly go brooklyn, but when i opened the angle up to counter the stronger back end, the lower ratio pattern caused the Ink to slow down so much off the spot that I weak 7'd on a very good shot.

The Hustle just seems to come off the friction so perfectly that your entry angle is much less important.


PJ Haggerty

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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2018, 06:46:14 PM »
Roto Grip Hustle HYB Ball Review by PJ Haggerty

The new Hustle HYB is a perfect addition to the HP1 line and can be used for many types of players.  I’ve used my Hustle HYB the most on patterns where the pattern is flat or there is a lot of friction.  I think what makes the HYB different is the cover is still clean, but strong at the same time.  My best example is bowling on the PBA Don Carter 39’ pattern a few months ago.  This pattern plays extremely flat and the Hustle HYB makes a lot of sense to use both on the fresh, or on the burn.  It’s clean enough to not be too responsive in the front, but is smooth enough down lane to allow the friction at the end of the pattern take the ball into the pocket.

The one I’ve drilled so far is mapped out as 6 x 4 with a 59/64 hole below my axis.  I also hit the surface with a 2000 pad to smooth out my reaction.  If I were to drill another one, I’d drill it stronger.  I don’t think it flared enough and the flare rings were super tight which probably sped up my response time.  If I drill it stronger, I bet the flare rings open up and my response time slows down a bit more. 

After watching Matt O’Grady win the TOC and Joe Novara strike a ton with the Hustle Solid, we know the Hustle HYB is just as good.  Go drill one!



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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2018, 01:56:48 PM »

Length: 42ft

Volume: medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


The Hustle HYB is without a doubt a must have in every competitive bowlers bag. Its a great compliment to the Hustle INK in the fact that it reads the lane a few feet sooner and blends the oil pattern out so well. The only downside I saw in the INK was that it had a tendency to not pick up in the oil because of the shine on the cover and weaker core and required alittle surface to get it to pick up. Well the surface of the HYB does just that. The HYB picks up more in the middle part of the lane and still continues off the spot. My HYB is just alittle stronger overall than my INK. I went with my normal 70*5*40 layout on my HYB and left the surface at the box finish. very pleased with the motion I get with this ball and at the lower price point you cant beat it!!!

Nick Smith
Storm/Roto Grip Amateur Staff





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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2018, 07:48:33 AM »

Length: 38

Volume: Low Volume

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Roto Grip Hustle HYB (Layout 45 x 4 ¼” x 75; x-hole 1” down on VAL)
The Roto Grip Hustle HYB is a ball that gives me a predictable motion on fresher oil patterns and is going to be my first option on 36 to 40 feet of oil.  The RG of 2.53 and Differential of 0.030 matched up with the Hybrid coverstock (Out of Box 3000 Grit) creates a ball that is meant for controlling the pocket.
I have found that the Hustle HYB works best when my angles are a little straighter and I have to get my breakpoint somewhere between 5th and 10th board down lane.  This ball revs up and read the midlane quite well, however if it has a down fall it is the versatility due to the smaller core.  When transition hits I would transition to a ball that is going to retain more energy and pop on the back ends, for me that is an IQ Tour Solid. 
I compared the Hustle HYB to two options as I see the Storm IQ Tour Solid as a good compliment and the Storm Code X as a ball up from the HYB.  As the lanes break down for me I see myself making an easy transition to the IQ Tour because this ball has a similar motion but retains more energy than the HYB.  When I compared the Code X to the HYB, I had the Code X (4 boards with my feet and 2 boards with my target at the arrows) stronger.  If I ever run into a situation where the Hustle HYB is giving me the right motion but just isn’t enough ball and I know I am not able to bump back right, due to the oil breakdown, I know I can make a smart decision and ball up to the Code X to give me the motion I need.


If you are curious as to what the ball reaction looks like, be sure to check out the video Rubright Ball Reviews has put together.
Matt Rubright
Storm Amateur Staff Member
Rev Rate 450 rpm    Axis Rotation: 30-50 degrees
Ball Speed 17 mph    Axis Tilt: 10 degrees
PAP 5 over 1 up
YouTube Channel (Rubright Ball Reviews):


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Roto Grip Hustle HYB
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2018, 12:08:58 PM »
    The Roto Grip Hustle HYB is the new release in the HP 1 line.  I drilled mine 5 x 4 1/2 x 4 pin down no hole.  It comes with a 3000 grit finish.  I absolutely loved the Hustle Ink.  The INK sometimes would be too much response off the spot and create angle problems to carry.  The Hustle HYB with the Hybird cover has a slower response off of the friction.  Its kinda like a smooth arc motion.  I've used mine on a couple hooking house shots and really liked how it was able to control the pocket. The HYB just didn't over react when hitting the dry.  Thus for me the HYB will be a great late block ball and shorter sport pattern ball.

Brian Watson Storm Pro Shop Staff

PAP - 3 5/8 up 1 1/4
Speed - 15-16
Tilt - 17


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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2018, 09:57:43 PM »
I took some time to drill the Hustle HYB. I wasn’t sure what I wanted out of it. My pin under Hustle INK is amazing for any price point, let alone a HP1. BUT, it’s still the stereotypical long, angular HP1 look and it can be allergic to oil. With the HYB, I wanted something different. I watched others throw it and I saw a lot more midlane read with an archy type backend reaction. It was definitely a more stout ball reaction than the INK. So, I wasn’t affraid to put the pin up with a 60 x 4 x 45 layout. To date, I have not had a lot of success on house yet with the HYB (carry isn’t quite there as we do have quite a bit of volume at my home house) but on a flat, 43 foot sport pattern on wood, it provided a great reaction until the fronts burned up too much. It had the read in the midlane you would expect from a dull hybrid surface, but its backend motion reminded me of my shorter pin balls without lacking the hitting power short pin balls have at times as I move further left.

If you have always liked lower end balls in the HP1 type line, I think this will be a good choice - just expect a little more ball for your dollar with the HYB.


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Re: Hustle HYB
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2018, 09:16:25 AM »
The Hustle Hybrid is a very logical addition to the already very impressive Hustle lineup. The OG Hustles were pretty darn good and then the Ink hit the scene and forget about it…Everyone is looking to spend less money and get a great product, right? I know that is what my customers want and RotoGrip has delivered time and again in that segment. The HP1, 2 and 3 line up is ridiculous at their perspective price points…I know I’m getting off the topic here and I realize some would say, “here is another staff guy worshipping the brand he’s  part of” but, if you know me at all, I always give credit where it’s due and Roto just gets it done in this category. The Hybrid version of the Hustle is exactly what you think it might be…stable, smooth and strong. I put it a few boards weaker than the ShowOff and a touch cleaner as well. I roll it pretty straight in comparison to all the younger big wheelers out there and when my Ink is not enough at the beginning of the night, the Hybrid sees the lane a lot better. Overall, what I see from the Hustles I’ve drilled for my customers, be it the Inks and the Hybrids, is a very affordable and surprisingly trustworthy bowling ball. I’ve got a few people drilling up two and even three of these rocks. At the end of the day, with all the releases at a very competitive price point in our sport, take a look at RotoGrips HP1 Hustle line. You won’t be disappointed. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you on the lanes. #ownit