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Author Topic: Infinite Theory  (Read 27017 times)


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Infinite Theory
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Coverstock: Insight Hybrid Reactive 
Weight Block: Triliptic Core (14-16 lbs), Modified Triliptic Core (12-13 lbs) 
Ball Color: Red Pearl/Silver Pearl/Black 
Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil 
Ball Finish: 1500 Polish 
Flare Potential: 7+ inches 
RG: 16#-2.49, 15#-2.49, 14#-2.54, 13#-2.57, 12#-2.59 
- RG Differential:
 16#-0.051, 15#-0.058, 14#-0.049, 13#-0.032, 12#-0.029 
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal 
Description: Following the huge impact on the market made by the original Roto Grip Theory, Roto Grip has created the Infinite Theory. This ball is for bowlers looking for a smoother glide through the heads with strong motion through the pocket. The Triliptic core helps the ball get into a roll easier while the Infinite theory's triple elliptical shape creates consistent axis migration and predictable ball motion giving the consistency needed. This ball also provides more energy transfer from the ball to the pins, increasing pin movement and therefore increasing strikes. The hybrid coverstock gives added versatility while the polished surface will float the ball effortlessly through the heads with a hint of Abralon for the benefits of a solid.



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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 10:21:19 PM »

Layout- Label- pinup and right of the ring finger, mass bias next to the thumb, cg in the palm, no hole.


After  throwing a pair of Theories, my expectations for this ball were pretty  high and it pretty easily met them. First game out of box was 258 with  no warm up (and the first 2 shots were a 4 pin and a 9 pin as I  attempted to line up). For a dull ball, the original Theory was pretty  clean through the front, this ball was a touch cleaner as expected, with  more angularity. It’s an absolutely flawless compliment to the original  Theory, which in my opinion is THE ball to buy in 2011. It is also a  nice color combination, the ball looks sharp enough to command the  attention of a staffer from another company who shall remain nameless  (lol) from a couple lanes away, which means it will command attention on  pro shop shelves as well, always a plus.




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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 11:51:15 AM »

Length: THS 41FT and Storm EBT (2940)



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):




Dislikes:Could be a little stronger 



My specs: left hander, 230 plus average 3 & 5/8th and 1/16th up, 17+ plus ball speed ,bowl in several leagues in 2 counties and bowl in about every tournament locally and state and nationwide.


Ball specs: 11RITA25F092- Layout: 50-5 ¼-45 pin located directly above the middle finger and CG is at the center of the grip and the MB is located left and below the thumb hole.


Review: Tested ball on 41ft THS and Storm EBT tournament shot KEGEL (2940). Noticed on the THS I was able to play a strong swing shot and deeper with my feet. With my feet on 37 and looking at 9-10 at breakpoint the ball and enough energy to roll thru the heavy oil part of the lane and still able to make the corner and not slow down and cause any pin deflection issues. No weak shots and no weak leaves. Did notice on the Storm pattern, it took a little longer to get out of the skid part. Squared myself up and was able to play a deeper and straighter shot to the pocket without the ball developing any over/under look to it. A SUPER ball on heavy oil house patterns and also a GREAT ball for the heavy handed bowlers to have a pearl coverstock that won’t over hook.





Rick Mitchell
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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 09:16:57 PM »

 Length: 41ft

Volume: Medium

Type (THS,Sport Pattern etc): THS


The Infinite Theory is a hybrid coverstock with a pretty strong, early revving core.  My immediate first impression was that this ball will be extremely versatile.   It has the capability to control the midlane with that strong core, yet also has the punch to provide a pretty strong backend reaction.  That should be the signature of a hybrid and I think a lot of people are going to like this ball.  I think it has the potential to be a benchmark ball for a lot of people.   Don't think of "benchmark" or "control" as equal to "weak" or "tame"
backend.  It is very capable of generating high entry angles.  This ball can easily be used on a fresh shot but is also capable of chasing the oil in for many games while still being able to generate ample entry angle to carry the corners.  I had no problem using this ball for 7 games straight.
On the fresh shot, you can get the control you need with lower entry angles and when the shot begins to breakdown, you can start to move in while still carrying.

For the complete written and VIDEO review, please visit:

Digitrax Analysis:


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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2011, 10:36:51 PM »

Pin Length: 2.5-3"

Starting Top Weight: 3.32 oz

Ball Weight: 15 lb 4 oz



Pin to PAP: 5"

CG to PAP: 3 1/2"

X Hole (if there is one): 7/8 " hole 5  " from mid grip



Rev Rate: tweener

Ball Speed: 15.9





Grit: 1500

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):polished





Volume: medium to heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS 7 to 7



Length: Average

Back End:Strong Continuous


Overall Hook:Above Average

Midlane Read:Very good, consistant

Breakpoint Shape: Like a hockey stick



Likes: recovery is very good, maybe the best of Roto Grip. Strong enough to carry on pulled shots. Reacts a little earlier than other Cells.Reads the lanes well.

Dislikes: when the heads dry up, its best to put it away becase it reads friction extremely well.







lil League Coach

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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2011, 07:19:00 PM »

Length: 42 ft


Volume: heavy middle tapered to the gutter

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes:  Medium oil 

Dislikes:  Heavy oil


DRILLING:  I drilled my infintie theory up with a 5" pin to PAP and a MB at 4.5" no hole.

REACTION:  I drilled this ball the exact same way as my original Theory. The Theory hooks about an arrow more than the Infinite with this type of drilling. This ball shines with the oil carries down and the Hybrid cover takes over. On the fresh I start out with my Theory and when it starts burning early and wrapping corner pins I can go directly to the Infinite Theory and this ball starts right where its big brother the Theory left off. This ball also has a little more continuation then the original theory due to its Hybrid cover. If you like your Theory this is a must buy as you will have a great 1-2 punch with these 2 balls in your bag.


For more visuals please check out and please dont hesitate to ask me any questions.




 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
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John Brodersen

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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2011, 11:55:37 AM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):




Ball specs – 15 lbs 2 oz, 3.26 top weight, 2-¼ inch pin.

 I really liked the motion of my Theory (please visit my review for specifics) so I decided to drill the Infinite Theory with a similar layout but looking for a little more length from the layout and the hybrid cover stock.  The Infinite Theory was drilled using the dual angle method with the layout being a 4 ½ inch pin, 60-degree drill angle (larger than my Theory) and a 70-degree VAL angle.  An x-hole was not needed due to the CG being left of a line drawn from the pin to the factory marked PSA (RG).  Using Storm’s layout terminology the layout would be 4 ½ by 5 by 4.  The cover was left OOB. 


Bowling on a very flat (I’m guessing 2:1 or less ratio) sports pattern the Infinite delivered as expected.  It was cleaner and longer thru the front, picked up later in the mids and provided a stronger move on the backend than the original.  The Infinite provided another great overall ball motion with tremendous hit and carry.

 The Infinite Theory will be a great piece to go to when the original Theory starts to burn or check early.  It should also handle most medium conditions with ease.  The Infinite Theory is another purposeful release from Roto Grip.

John Brodersen






Mr Scary

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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2011, 09:13:54 AM »

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): House



Likes: Length, hitting power, overall hook, ability to use on many dfferent conditions



Drill pattern: Drill angle – 60 Deg. Angle to VAL – 70 Deg. Pin to PAP – 4” 15 lb. Box finish

After drilling up 2 Theory’s I thought it couldn’t get any better, I was wrong. This ball is incredible. It clears the heads very easy and rips through the pins the same way as the Theory. The Theory and Infinite Theory really complement each other. The hybrid coverstock compliments the core very well. To see the ball reaction, please go to the link below.


Chris Slagter
Roto Grip Amatuer Staff
Edited on 3/2/2011 at 8:17 AM
Chris Slagter
Roto Grip Amatuer Staff


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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2011, 12:26:53 PM »
  I have found that the Infinite Theory is a great complement to its counterpart the Theory.  As we’ve seen, the Theory was a great ball that could get through the oil but still save the energy for when it hit the pins.  After the lanes have broken down, the Infinite Theory is a great “go to” ball.  The Infinite Theory helps tame down the unpredictability of the backends later in the day.   I would highly recommend this ball for any bowler who is looking to better their score on the burn!!


Rebekah Diers
2009 Clash of Champions
Amateur Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2011, 09:48:36 AM »

Length: 39' 

Volume: THS

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes: Good length, hard hit, strong continuation through the pins







Senor RotoGrip


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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2011, 09:50:19 AM »

Length: 39' 

Volume: THS

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



I drilled the Infinite Theory using a 4 1/2", 75 degree pin/pap layout, MB 5" from pap, pin above my ringer finger, cg in my grip line below the fingers, no hole. My intent for this layout was to be able to change to the Infinite when my Theory began hooking to early.

The only difference between the Infinite and the solid Theory is the cover on the Infinite is a 1500  polished hybrid. This will get the ball through the heads smoother and also provide for more length as the lanes dry out.

On a normal, 39' house shot, I had to start 5-8 boards right of where I played my Theory. This was the result of my layout providing a little more length down lane. The move off the break point was smooth. Pin hit was hard with strong ball continuation through the pins. As is the case with most polished balls, the Infinite did squirt a little when I got it into the oil too early.

Overall an excellent complement to the Theory.



Brendan Bierch

aka SenorRotoGrip   
Likes: Good length, hard hit, strong continuation through the pins







Senor RotoGrip


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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2011, 03:19:16 PM »

Length: Longer patterns 38+
Volume:Medium to Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS with heavier volumes


Likes:Really strong as expected but cleaner through the fronts as compared to the Theory with more on the back. I was pleasantly suprised at the smooth ball motion instead of the typical skid/snap that most pearls offer. Hitting power is silly. Really benefits the weak handed or rev-challenged players. I absolutely love the versatility. Don't be afraid of using an Abralon pad.

Needs oil to perform as does most every other strong covered ball.


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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2011, 09:43:53 PM »

Length:41 ft



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Likes: Stronger off the breakpoint


My specs: left hander, 230 plus average 3 & 5/8th and 1/16th up, 17+ plus ball speed ,bowl in several leagues in 2 counties and bowl in about every tournament locally and state and nationwide.


I drilled my latest one at 70 x 5 x 20..... Now I got serious length and serious recovery... This MIGHT be the biggest and hardest ball I drilled in sometime... Everyone around me was completely amazed watching going from mid lane to way super deep--like 6th arrow... and time after time, STRIKE- STRIKE-!!!! More some reason when this ball hits the pins it sounds like no other ball I own... If you are in the market and live in the south central Pennsylvania area... Message me and i will give you a personal demo of the Theory and Infinite Theory.. I carry one of each with switchable thumb and finger inserts...



Rick Mitchell
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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2011, 03:38:07 PM »

Length:41 foot   



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS and Sport Pattern



This ball is INSANELY GOOD!

I Drilled mine up with the pin below fingers with a 5x3 pattern leaving a need to put a hole low in the P2 region.

This ball could have been called CDL. For that is exactly what you get out of this , is a semi truck driver with you behind the wheel. This ball is a perfect set up to back the Theory(Original).
What I have found with this ball on house or sport patterns is that it reads the lane very well and gives you geat backed to get rid of that pesky 7 or 10 pin. I have had nothing but great success with the Infinate Theory averaging 220 plus with it any where I throw it.

Lately I was asked to work the Storm and Roto Grip booth with Kenny and Mark at the National Bowling Stadium in Reno, NV. What an honor! In my third day here I was able mapand drill an Infinate Theory for a guy that came back to the booth to let me know that he had changed to that ball and shot 279. He also came back later and said he took over All Events. How cool! Congrats to him! 


What a Ball! I'm Glad I have one!


Andrew Jensen

Storm and Roto GripStaff






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Re: Infinite Theory
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2011, 07:30:16 PM »


I love love love the Infinite Theory. I have drilled three so far.


I have just returned from the USBC Open Championships and the Infinite Theory was my ball of choice throughout the entire tournament. As I write this the current All-events leader used an Infinite Theory.


The key to the Infinite Theory is the combination of the Triliptic core with a hybrid cover.


The core is designed to provide a more consistent motion with a sharper breakpoint. I like to think of it as a Cell Pearl but bigger in the back.


The Insight Hybrid cover provides a better launch through the fronts than the Theory but the traction additive still gives great reads in the midlane. The cover takes surface changes very easily and with great results. I threw one Infinite with a 1000 scuff on the fresh and when the lane broke down I switched to an Infinite with 2000 scuffed finish and kept on performing.


The hitting power of the Infinite Theory is impressive. My carry percentage on light hits has gone up quite a bit.


Infinite Theory #1

pin 6" to pap above fingers

Mass bias is located next to the thumb hole


Infinite Theory #2

pin 4 3/4 to pap below ring finger

Mass bias is 1 1/2" from thumb towards val


Infinite Theory #3

pin 4" from pap next to ring finger

Mass bias is next to val


Infinite #1 and #3 are way stronger than the layouts suggest.


I recently drilled one for a league mate who was getting trapped between his stroker and cranker teammates. With the Infinite Theory he was able to get closer to his cranker teammates early and can keep a sustained reaction as he moves left during league play.



Mike Sinek
Roto Grip Staff Manager
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Mike Sinek
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