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MVP Pearl
« on: December 18, 2019, 01:37:38 PM »
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The Roto Grip MVP Pearl bowling ball is an MVP among mid performance pearl balls. This ball uses the Neutron NXT core and the VTC-P19 Pearl Reactive coverstock. With a higher RG and medium differential the Neutron NXT core offers ample length as well as down lane motion for any bowling style. The coverstock formula allows more response to friction at the back of the lane than the hybrid version from Roto Grip. This ball is a go to ball for lighter oil conditions or when the lanes transition and a stronger ball starts to break too early.

Color: Royal/Golden/White
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Coverstock: VTC-P19 Pearl Reactive
Core: Neutron NXT
Finish: 1500-grit Polished
Recommended Lane Condition: Light to Medium Oil
RG: 2.55**
Differential: 0.040**
** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls



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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2019, 12:54:37 PM »

Layout: 55x4.5x35

Surface: factory polish with a light 2000 pad by hand on top

PAP: 4.25R, 1U

Rev Rate: 500rpm

Speed: 20mph off hand

Conditions: THS, on both wood and synethetic lanes


The new MVP Pearl from Roto Grip might have the strongest fun-per-dollar ratio on the market today. It's got a pearlized version of the MVP cover (VTC-P19 at 1500/polish) and the same modified Wrecker core (Neutron NXT at 2.55 RG and 0.040 differential in 15#). The shape feels EXTREMELY familiar to the MVP, but where it creates the gap is the extra length and downlane pop provided by the cleaner coverstock variant. It's easy enough through the fronts that it's very throwable once the lanes get a bit fried and you need a strong hockey-stick type motion, but the heavy-rolling shape through the pins means that it's equally at home on lower-volume fresh conditions. Finding an excuse to use this one is pretty easy - go get one and see for yourself!


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Roto Grip MVP Pearl
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2019, 06:33:43 PM »
I had a lot of success with the original MVP over the summer and when they announced the MVP Pearl, I was very excited. I drilled mine 5.5 x 4 x 5 and I actually broke the cover 2000 grit. This ball revs up strong on the mid-lane and gives me a similar reaction that my Winner Solid but the Winner was a lot cleaner and stonger on the back end. League bowlers will love the MVP Pearl all around and tournament bowlers will love this ball later in blocks because it is not as long as other pearl balls.


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Roto Grip MVP Pearl
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2019, 09:23:35 AM »
The Roto Grip MVP original was good ball, but was a little early for me.  So when the MVP Pearl came out it was the perfect compliment to the MVP.
From what I've seen so far from the MVP Pearl, its going to be "The Ball" to have in the RG line.  From its great looking color scheme and hard arcing backend motion.
I drilled mine pin down with 5 inch pin no hole.  You still get the similar motion as the MVP but the pearl likes friction.  It is a high response ball.  But its not the skid flip motion.  This ball is hard to throw through your breakpoint.
The MVP Pearl is must have in anyone's arsenal!

Brian Watson
Pro Shop Staff

PAP - 5 up 1 1/8
SPeed - 16
RPM - 400
Tilt  - 17


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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2019, 08:02:31 PM »
Roto Grip MVP Pearl

Coverstock:VTC-P19â„¢ Pearl Reactive

Weight Block:Neutron NXTâ„¢ Core

Roto Grip's follow up to the MVP, the MVP Pearl.

3 more feet downlane and sharper reaction...that's what you get going from the MVP to the MVP Pearl.

The MVP has been a house shot staple for myself and a lot of my pro shop customer. The Pearl was just as quickly because a favorite. Great piece to transition to from a mid to strong solid that you may start league or a tournament block with.

For me, the MVP Pearl has been me ball down from the Storm All-Road. Great ball, especially when the lanes start to break down a little and you need a few more feet before the ball makes the move.

Kevin Duncan

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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2019, 09:55:54 PM »
Roto Grip MVP Pearl
Layout: 4 x 3.5 x 3.5
Rev Rate: 325 rpm, 7 degree of axis tilt, 40 degree of axis rotation
Testing information: 40 foot THS (medium to light volume)
Bowling Center: Fulton Bowling Center
Kegel Machine – Brunswick Anvilane

The Roto Grip MVP Pearl utilizes the Neutron NXT Core and VTC-P19 pearl coverstock.  The MVP Pearl is cleaner through the front part of lane in comparison to the original MVP, which isn't exactly a surprise.  However, I could play them exactly the same just with a little different shape. The MVP Pearl will be an option down from the Idol Pearl when it starts to hook too soon and a step up from the Hustle.  The lanes were easy during testing but I struck a lot with the MVP Pearl.  This is going to be a good one!
This is a great addition to the HP2 line. 
Visit your local Storm VIP Pro Shop!


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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2019, 02:50:43 PM »

The newest member to the HP2 line. We now have a pearlized version of the MVP. The OG MVP was a hybird, and it was quite a bit of ball for me. What I have noticed with the MVP Pearl, is it with save up more energy for the back part of the lane. It's much more cleaner than what the MVP was. This is a great ball for a step down from a HP4 or HP3 pearl ball, and it's more than a Hustle will give you. I think this ball is a great steal for the price range. Take advantage of it!

Trent Knoop
Storm Staff
Level 1 Bowling Coach


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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2019, 10:57:51 PM »
The Roto Grip MVP Pearl is a great addition to the HP2 lineup. This ball is a great fit between the pearl Hustles and the Idol Pearl. Gives you the length you'd expect at that price and still performs like a high end ball.


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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2019, 08:33:34 PM »
60 x 5 x 40
RG 2.55
Diff .040
The MVP Pearl is the second feature of the Neutron NXT core that was featured in the original MVP but this time wrapped around the VTC-P19 Pearl cover. The new MVP Pearl is a perfect replace in the HP2 line for the Roto Grip Winner. The HP2 line is famous for balls performing outside their price range and this is another example. The MVP Pearl is my go to ball in transition if the Hyroad Pearl is to clean. With the Neutron NXT core the MVP Pearl stands up in the middle will still having the friction response needed with the Pearl cover. I have seen lots of success with this ball on higher friction surfaces and highly cliffed house shots. The MVP Pearl is a hockey stick pearl but more of a forward rolling pearl off of friction so it is easy to control. Also unlike most pearls the heavy Clifton the house shot does not change this reaction much as the core allows it to start up earlier than most pearls. This ball gives me a ball down from my Hyroad and Iq Tour Emerald but also a different shape than my Hyroad Pearl. I was a huge fan of the Roto Grip Winner and I’m excited see more of these on racks soon.


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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2020, 02:06:25 PM »
Volume: High
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS
Rev Rate: 450
Ball Speed: 17 mph
PAP: 5 1/16 x 3/4 up

Introducing the MVP Pearl, the newest release in the HP2 line. The MVP Pearl has the Neutron NXT core inside it wrapped with VTC-P19 cover. The layout I used for this one was 4 1/2 x 5 x 2 1/2, which puts the pin above my ring finger. I went with a little stronger layout on the MVP Pearl as compared to my MVP. With the stronger layout it helped get the MVP Pearl to pick up just a little quicker but still have the super strong motion down lane. It still clears the fronts really well just like its predecessor but responds to the friction even stronger. Its a great addition to the already stellar line up.

Earon Vollmar
Roto Grip Amateur Staffer


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Roto Grip MVP Pearl Review by Lonnie Pemberton
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2020, 04:24:44 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Cover: VTC-P19 Pearl
Core: Neutron NXT
Finish: 1500 Polish
RG: 2.55
Differential: 0.040

Right-Handed Tweener
Speed: 12-13 mph
Rev Rate: 315
PAP: 4 7/8 Right 3/8 Up

Ball Layout: Pin Over Ring 60 x 4 3/4 x 30

Roto Grip has decided to release a pearl version of the MVP. The Neutron NXT core is wrapped in the VTC-P19 Pearl Reactive. I don't often feel that introducing a Pearl or Solid version of an existing ball that utilizes the same core changes the amount of hook noticeably. In my experience this changes the shape of the ball but often you see a very similar amount of hook. The Pearl additive in the VTC-P19 cover however makes the MVP Pearl so much more dynamic off the spot that you can see a pretty descernible change in relation to where the ball sees the friction.

The first thing that I noticed about the MVP Pearl is that it is pretty strong for an HP2 ball. I took it out in practice for league just to see how it looked on fresh oil, anticipating having to put it away until the dry developed later in the night. I got on top of the track a watched the ball jump left. This was in a house with a VERY dominant track, but I was still surprised that it ignored the volume of oil on the lane. I couple small moves later and i had a good line to the pocket and great power into the pins.

My original intention was that the MVP Pearl would be a go to when the lanes were broken down. I next tested it on a lane that had quite a bit of traffic. Again I was surprised at how much the ball saw the mid-lane. It shaped smoother than I was expecting, but still maintained a continuous roll through the back-end and into the pins. While I definitely had to be further left than I thought I would, the ball was so much more dynamic off the spot compared to my original MVP that I was really happy with my angles playing in. Using a weaker ball deeper on the lane usually means i have to really focus on manipulating the roll to get the ball to go through the pins. I didn't feel I had to make a drastic change to my roll because the MVP Pearl was strong enough to get off the spot even as I continued moving left. I would describe the shape as quick, but even with a rolling shape off the friction it continues and creates great pin action.



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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2020, 01:03:38 PM »
Round Holes No Grips Proshop – Ball Review

Ball:  Rotogrip MVP Pearl
Layout:  5.5x30
Surface:  Box Finish/500 plus polish
Lane Condition:  THS medium volume/4:1 40 ft sport
Average:  230

I was a huge fan of the original Winner.  I drilled two of them and really like them both, but I really loved the one I had drilled 5.5x30!  I saw the MVP pearl as my Winner replacement and it hasn’t disappointed. 

It isn’t a first ball out of the ball on our THS.  However, once the track blows up the MVP pearl really shines.  I love throwing this ball on the right conditions.  With this layout, the ball gets easily up the lane and pounces off the friction spot.  In a recent sport shot tournament, the track blew open after qualifying and I went from my WildStreak to the MVP Pearl.  The MVP Pearl was about 3 boards weaker with my feet but super strong in the back.  If you need a ball that will recover from deeper angles then the MVP Pearl will be for you!

Youtube/Facebook:  Round Holes No Grips Proshop

Andrew Groves
Rotogrip Proshop Staff


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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2020, 05:10:41 PM »
Bowler Bio
Gender:  Female
Rev Rate:  315
Ball speed:  16.5 mph
P.A.P:  4-1/2 & 1-1/8

When it comes to the MVP Pearl I was attracted to this ball just by the colors but it did not disappoint. The biggest thing that surprised me with this ball was the way it comes around the corner off the backend. I can keep moving left and open up the lane when the pattern forces me to which was something I needed in my bag. It’s clean enough to get me through the front part of the when my other stuff starts up to early. I compared it to the original MVP and determined that it was 2/3 boards stronger to the MVP pearl. The MVP pearl obviously is going to get down the lane a bit more rather than the OG MVP that is smother and sooner.

Take a look for yourself in my video review below!!!


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MVP Pearl
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2020, 08:37:02 AM »
The MVP pearl is a great ball for the price because of how much angle the ball gives in the backend.  Comparative to the MVP, the pearl gives another foot or two of length and angles much harder.  If you bowl in league or a pattern that is low volume, this will be a great ball for your bag.  Being a HP2 performance level, the core is still strong enough to use it in the beginning of league or at the end of the league as well.  The colors on this ball really stand out as well so it has great appeal for any pro shop.

Adam Chase
Storm Staff
Adam Chase
Storm Regional Staff
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Bowlifi Regional Staff
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Re: MVP Pearl
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2020, 04:40:36 PM »
Ball Specs:
Roto Grip MVP Pearl
1500 Polished VTC-P19â„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block Neutron NXTâ„¢ Core (Symmetrical)
Color Royal/Golden/White

We were so happy to see them continue the MVP line. This ball follows suit as a ball that fits in a variety of bags, no matter the level of talent. It’s always nice to see seasoned veterans throwing this rock. This ball really allows someone who typically swings it out to move right and play down and in. We feel this ball has the perfect amount of length down lane without that overpowering snap effect some balls today have. The continuation and hitting power is legit! Don’t feel like you can’t add this ball as your “go to” because of it being in the HP2 lineup… this ball brings some serious heat and is a real MVP in our books!

Kyle & Joel Johnson
Roto Grip Pro Shop Staffers