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Author Topic: Mystic  (Read 12488 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
No need for smoke and mirrors here! The new Mystic fuses together the single density symmetrical HeliosTM core, with an extremely adaptable Ultimate GripTM Pearl Particle coverstock.

The HeliosTM core can be found in other winners such as the HorizonTM & the Horizon SolidTM. This ultra low RG core with medium to high differential has been a rising star in the Roto Grip product line. These value priced balls have become the new benchmark equipment from Roto Grip, with the MysticTM rounding off this Trilogy.

The Ultimate GripTM features a 2% polished Pearl Particle coverstock. The Particle gives this ball the traction it needs coming off the oil pattern to give you a strong, but yet controllable backend reaction.

The delivery will shock, and mystify all!


Factory Finish  2000 Polished  
Track Flare Potential  5 Inches  
Lane Condition  Medium - Heavy Oil  
Cover Stock  Ultimate Griptm Pearl Particle  
Weight Block  Heliostm Core  
Color  Indigo / Silver  
D-Scale  75 -78  
Available Weights  10 -16 Pounds

Core Dynamics

16 lb.  2.46 (Low)  .048 (High)  
15 lb.  2.47 (Low)  .052 (High)  
14 lb.  2.49 (Low)  .051 (High)  
12-13 lb.  2.60 (High)  .032 (Med)  
10-11 lb.  2.67 (High)  .018 (low)  



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Re: Mystic
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 07:13:08 PM »
Hello all...

Hopefully this review will be helpful in you deciding if you wish to
try the Mystic.   If any questions, please PM me here and as always,
if you are looking to purchase one or have it drilled you may check out
our website at


Bowler Information:
Span: 3 15/16 x 4 3/16 RH - 7/8 Offset Thumb, No Grips, Toms Thumb.
PAP: 4 1/8 x 1" Down
Speed: 14-15 mph
Medium Rev Rate


Ball Data Before Drilling:
15# 3oz, Pin 3-3.5", Top 2.96

Left Box Finish


Ball Layout And Finishing Weights:
4 1/4 " Pin X 4" CG/MB, Pin Above and slightly right of Ring.
X Hole on Line from Grip Center thru CG 5".  X Hole Pitched to
add top weight and remove side.

Finger Wt: 0oz, Top Wt: 1.5oz, Side Weight: 13/16oz

Was looking for a ball to give me a slight more midlane roll when
my pearl reactives are going just a tad long.   With this layout
and the slight particle load I felt this would match up with the
desired reaction.  

On a typical house shot with oil stacked in the middle I found this
layout to work excellent.   Excellent continuation thru the pins and
the breakpoint was as expected.   One observation is that the ball tends
to shoot on heavier oil (the wall) and not recover.   This was of no
concern as I have plenty of other equipment to handle that.  

Comparion Balls With Simliar Layouts:

Domination -- Hooks up sooner then this but not quite as angular.   Definately
would switch to the Domination when the Mystic started hooking up early.

Shift -- Goes a tad bit longer and is more angular for me then the Shift.  
The Shift with the same layout is in dire need of oil for me to get good
motion from it or else it flares out/rolls out.  

I definately see a progression with these three pieces:
Shift to start, then step down to the Mysic and end up at the Domination.

Yet another excellent piece from Rotogrip/Storm.   Thanks for everything
guys and look for my review shortly on the Neptune and the Odyssey.


All Star Bowling
RotoGrip/Storm Staff

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will be corrected.  Any error in price/description will not obligate
All Star Bowling to sell the item in error.


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2007, 09:48:52 AM »
Drilled with pin above fingers 5 1/2" from PAP, CG 4" from PAP.

The ball has very good length on dry as well as oil.  It revs up and is very sharp at the break point.  Works best when carry down is present, has not problem making a turn even in oil.  Great ball for that go long hook, hard rotation.


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2007, 10:50:52 AM »
I drilled the Mystic with the pin 4 1/2" from my PAP, 3 1/2" above the midline. This drilling places the pin above my ring finger. I did not put an extra hole in it, and don't think that I will. This ball works great on a normal house pattern. I was looking for a good skid, snap reaction, and I found it with the Mystic. I can get in and play 4th arrow, and just throw the ball to the gutter, and get great recovery on the back. This ball has a place in everyone's bag.
Rob Haverstock
 Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2007, 12:10:57 AM »
Pearl Particle Cover Stock. ( who said particle doesn’t hook)
The Particle gives this ball the traction it needs coming off the oil pattern to give you a strong, but yet controllable backend reaction.
great recovery on the back-end
I think this ball will be very versatile for a lot of different bowlers.
This ball fits in perfectly in the Roto’s line-up
The Helios Core can be found with other winners such as the Horizon Solid and the SD73.
. This ultra low RG core with medium to high differential has been a rising star in the Roto Grip product line.
These value priced balls have become an benchmark.
 Roto Grip, with the Mystic rounding off this Trilogy.


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 02:46:10 PM »
short review

drill 3x4 pin up 4 inches above midline
my specs in profile

o o   x

* pin
. cg
x wh

this was a friends ball i threw...on fresh ths this ball was amazing...not skid flippy but a strong midlane and turn at end of pattern..this ball seemed to be very user friendly, it seemed to read all the way down the lane, i knew what it was going to do the whole way down the lane.. i could stay behind it further right and strike, stand left and get around side and strike...and when it did hit the pin there was no doubt it was going to strike..very powerful ball...i was impressed, i will have one in my bag soon...


Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now!
myspace profile...    

~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2007, 02:05:27 AM »
The Mystic is a perfect fit between the Solid Horizon and Pearl Horizon.

My Mystic was drilled with the pin above ring the fingers 4 1/2 from the PAP. I found this worked well on medium and medium to dry conditions.  The Mystic goes a little longer than the solid but with a nice move to the pocket and a continuous backend.
Mike Johnston
Roto Grip Advisory Staff

John Brodersen

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Re: Mystic
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2007, 03:11:47 PM »
Ball specs – 15 lbs 0 oz, 2.32 top weight, 2.75 inch pin.

The Mystic was drilled 4.75” X 65 degrees.  This put the pin above the ring finger and the non-marked mass bias 1 inch right of the center of the thumb hole.  A balance hole was not needed and the cover was left in OOB condition.

The Mystic has a great color scheme and is a great looking piece of gear.  This pearl particle ball is very clean up front, transitions well in the mids and provides a strong (almost angular) move on the back end with great continuation.  The Mystic provides a different look than previous RotoGrip pearl particle releases as it is cleaner in the front and provides a stronger backend move than the RSP and Oracle Vision.  The Mystic gives the early revs (but still clean) and backend continuation of the Helios core and is a great fit between the original Horizon (pearl) and the Horizon Solid.

John Brodersen


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2007, 03:58:07 PM »
Brilliant ..

Never liked particle pearl .. and favored the Epic line to the Horizons till this.

Myself and RotoRyan who drills my gear are ripping our house shot to pieces with the Mystic, its creating a lot of interest. Broke my record for 3 and 4 game sets that have stood for several years on my 3rd time throwing it.

Great if you're looking for control through the front of the lane and a fast arcing motion further down. (2.4mb video)
Maximus II Core - At my signal, unleash hell. - Get a Grip

big hank j

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Re: Mystic
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2007, 09:44:36 PM »
3 1/2 pin 3 top
I drilled this ball 5 1/2 x 4" with weight hole on axis - pin above and between finger.  This ball has given me the most predictable reaction i have gotten out of the Horizon Line.  Real smooth in the front from the outside to 20.  Out of my hand with this drill, the ball does not jump at the break and backends are smooth arcing.  Without a doubt, this ball has become my most versatile and most consistent piece of equipment.  High scores have been the norm.

Hank Jordan
Roto Grip Advisory Staff


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2007, 06:30:35 PM »
Mid Performance Line
Symmetrical Core
Coverstock Pearl Particle

Some of my favorite balls have been the pearl particles from Roto Grip.  I was extremely excited to try the Mystic.  Great looking ball.  Proven core on the Horizon line.  Drilled up pin under finger for earlier roll, no adjustments to the cover.  The Mystic made the most violent move off the spot than any other RG ball I've thrown.  The hit was great when it got there but getting their consistantly was the problem.  The cover was a little to sensitive to the dry.   Adjusting the coverstock helped but I think the drill pattern was a little to aggressive for this core/cover combo.  The ball worked much better with weaker drilling patterns.

Kelly ODriscoll
Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2007, 03:02:07 AM »
Bowler Statistics:
Left Handed
15-16 MPH
250-275 RPM
Usually more side roll than forward roll if that means anything.

Ball: Drilled with the pin roughly 4 1/16" from PAP, under my ring finger. CG stacked below. OOB Cover.

 With this layout, I hoped the ball would be pretty much my benchmark ball. What I got was a benchmark ball, but with unbelievable versatility. I'm able to throw this ball on medium to long patterns with great success. This ball really crushes the pocket too, better than any ball I've truly had..I used to be 100% Brunswick loyal. Right now, their equipment just isn't giving me a true desirable reaction. I need length with my speed/rev-rate combo and with the newer Roto-Grip equipment, thats what I'm receiving.

This Season:
300 - Brunswick Ultimate Inferno
300 - Track Heat
289 - Storm Eraser
279 - Brunswick Total Inferno
Finished in Top 16 twice in Kansas City Open.

¡Viva la Nación de Brunswick!


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 06:47:23 PM »
I was told to get this by Joe, from Allstarbowling.  At first, I wasn't impressed, then I used a green pad, scotch brite and what a difference.  The mid-lane on this ball is great and for the summer, I'm averaging 230 with it.  It doesn't over react and kills the pins.  For a mid-price ball, it's the best one I ever purchased.  I'm down and in, throwing around 8-10 out and it comes back with extreme power.  Great buy for the money!


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Re: Mystic
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2007, 01:32:04 PM »
Drilled this ball with the pin under the ring finger and a medium hole down making it about a 5" pin.  Hit the cover with 2000 abralon because I was looking for a compliment to my T-Road Pearl.  I needed an earlier reaction with a smooother down lane move that would help control the break point.  I really like the T-Road Pearl, but for longer patterns and higher oil volumes, this core/cover combination gave me what I was looking for.
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Re: Mystic
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2007, 02:44:45 PM »
Along with my odyssey, i drilled a Mystic with my favorite drilling, 5 x 75deg. pin low. This ball is great for mediums and is still strong for being in the mid-line of the roto lineup. The ball never quits and will come back from anywhere. I was skeptical on getting Roto Grip equipment thinking they wouldn't work for my style, but i was truly wrong. Great equipment and great price=happy bowler.
It's not the lane nor the ball,

If you live by that motto, you'll be the man.
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