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Author Topic: Nomad  (Read 30778 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Coverstock: Ultra Vision Solid Reactive
- Weight Block: Rotary Core
- Ball Color: Neon Green / Black
- Ball Finish: 1500 Polished
- Flare Potential: 5+ inches (Med-High)
- RG: 16#-2.52, 15#-2.55, 14#-2.57, 13#-2.66, 12#-2.66
- RG Differential: 16#-0.049, 15#-0.054, 14#-0.046, 13#-0.037, 12#-0.037
- Description: The Nomad solid features the performance proven Rotary core found in the highly successful Silver Streak Line of bowling balls. This mid-rg and higher differential weight block was one of the best sellers ever from Roto Grip. The unique shape combined with the best coverstock technology of the time was elemental to that success. Fast forward to 2009, we have taken this performance proven core and added a new coverstock to these balls. The Ultra Vision coverstock is bred from the original Sure Grip coverstock, but with friction enhancing additives that have given us great success with some of our other coverstock blends like the original Cytoplasmic, Cytoplasmic X, and the recent Cytoplasmic XL. This combination of enhanced friction and performance proven core technology is sure to please. This will be the most highly sought after weapon of choice.


Jesse James

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Re: Nomad
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2009, 09:56:06 PM »
15Lbs  2.68 topwgt.  2.5"pin

Nice looking ball. Money-green! I love it. Got to throw this one, first nite of league play on a THS, OOB. Was very much surprised. This is exactly the type of ball, that I like. After reading about how surprisingly strong the cover was, based on other reviews on here, I just drilled mine label leverage.

Ball has very nice push down the lane, and comes back from practically anywhere right. With the drilling I put on here, I expected a soft arc, instead I got a lotta length wth a very angular attack. A skid/flip beast!

This ball is receptive to release change, and a deceptively strong monster in hiding. I will try it in a couple of other houses before I make any surface changes to it. This is definitely a winner for RG.

I've already gotten inquiries from other bowlers as to "What was were throwing?" Heh, heh. They will soon find out!
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Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2009, 12:03:18 AM »
Let me first say that normally I prefer the pearls to the solids.  However I did just drill up the Nomad solid and it has changed my mind.  The ball is drilled 3 1/2 by 2.  The pin is above the fingers and the cg is kicked out at two o clok with no hole because I was trying to delay the hook.  The ball moves through the heads easily and makes a clean move on the back end.  When I say clean I mean it is verry strong but not jerking off the spot.  The hit this ball produces is amazing.  I also find that the light shots sent pins flying.  I do spin the ball some what and normally if I do struggle its because the ball gets too far down the lane.  Not so with the Nomad solid.  It is a great core matched up with a great cover. Out of the box it is still plenty enough ball to hook in the oil, but not give you an over under reaction on the wet dry.  I will be drilling the Nomad Pearl tomorrow.  Another great ball for any arsenal.  I always wanted the silver streak, now I have the best of both worlds.  Great job Roto Grip
John Morvant
Lafayette, LA
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Re: Nomad
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2009, 08:26:52 AM »
I went online ( and used the "C" lay out on both of the balls.
After drilling and throwing them both balls played true to the factory intent. The Nomad Solid played shorter on the oil pattern than the Nomad Pearl. The Nomad Pearl had more back end to it and more of a snapping motion. The pearl gave me about 5 feet more distance before it made its move. Depending on what part of the lanes your are trying to match up on I think both balls are very good. The Nomad Solid will definitely read the heads better than Nomad Pearl but the pearl will read the back ends better.
The oil pattern was our normal AMF house tree pattern * HPL surface * Reactor LL oil *  42 feet distance * using a sentry silver bullet oil machine  ( don't go to sleep reading this part )


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2009, 03:45:34 PM »
The second Nomad Solid that i got drilled is a 5x4 with the pin kicked up additional 3 inches, small weight hole on the VAL line. This drilled did the trick for me, needed additional length then my first drilling, but not as long but stronger then my Nomad Pearl drilling. WOW!!! what a versatile core/coverstock combo. Another Home Run for me.


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2009, 06:47:31 PM »
My Axis is 5 5/8 right, ¼ up, my speed is average and I would consider myself with higher revs but more up the back.  So not a cranker but not really straight either.  

Placed pin about 1” above ring finger.  CG is 1” away from center of GMP and small hole in side.  The ball is very smooth throughout the lane without running out.  It reads mid lane well especially on a fresher shot.  Another great ball to play hard and straight up outside 5 when you can.  This ball for me hooks hard outside then I can get it to roll out nicely in the pocket as long as I’m not going around it too much.  If I want to go around it more with my hand I just move inside more.  However, if I get too deep I need more reaction for the backend so I go Pearl Nomad for that.  This ball is very clean and predictable with a nice smooth continuous arc.


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2009, 12:03:53 PM »
The layout on my Nomad Solid is 55 x 5 x 65. This places the pin just below my middle finger, with a balance hole in the P 1.5 position. This is one of my favorite drillings. I really love the reaction I get from this layout and this ball. I usually get less reaction with this layout on mid-range balls, but not with the Nomad.

I have the same layout on my original Cell, and the Nomad actually out hooks it. My Cell sometimes wants to roll too early on wood, especially at the house I am in. The Nomad has yet to roll too early. It is very clean through the fronts, picks up well in the mid-lane and goes through the pins great.
Rob Haverstock
 Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2009, 03:23:07 PM »
I drilled my Nomad with one of my favorite 5" from pap with cg in center of grip, this layout always gives me more versatility out of the ball. The Nomad for me is actually a little weaker and smoother than a Grand Illusion with the same layout. I have found the most use when on the fresh and slighly shorter patterns. The hitting power is very good as it seems to keep the pins low. Another great product.


David Tessman
RotoGrip Staff member.

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Re: Nomad
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2009, 04:28:21 PM »
Drilled my 1st Nomad 5x31/2 this ball glides through the front part of the lane and is smoother than the Pearl. For me this ball is about 3-4 boards less than the Grand Illusion. Can't wait to drill the other Nomad that I have. Another great ball from Roger and the team from Roto Grip.
Ed Riffle
 Roto Grip Advisory Staff
Ed Riffle
 Roto Grip Advisory Staff

bucko the bowler

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Re: Nomad
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2009, 09:52:31 PM »
This ball started with low top weight. My layout on the ball is: Pin under bridge at 5-1/4 from PAP CG swung out at 45° angle 3-3/4 inches from PAP. No Hole.

Out of the box this ball is clean through the heads, picks up a late mid-lane reaction and has a strong drive through the pocket.   It seems to work best on synthetic lanes with a medium to heavy amount of oil and the oil patter approximate 38 linear feet.  On wooden lanes, the oil pattern would need to be heavier and longer to get a better reaction with the ball.  When on wooden lanes, this ball doesn't seem to kick out the corner pins and loses the drive through the pocket verses when on synthetic lanes.
Overall this would be a great ball for a bowler with high speed and high revolutions.
Amateur Roto Grip Staff

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Re: Nomad
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2009, 01:57:11 PM »
I drilled my Nomad 5 x 4 pin under bridge.  I did this because it's my favorite layout and always gives me great versatility, and because I wanted to compare with the Grand Illusion drilled the same.  I also took the Nomad to 2000 abralon prior to drilling to match my Grand Illusions surface prep.  The Nomad is a couple feet longer and much stronger in the backend for me than the Grand Illusion.  Overall I have the Nomad 8 boards stronger than the Grand Illusion.  

Our pro shop recently held a Storm/Roto Open House and the Nomad solid was the most popular ball by far and sold out.  You can't beat the performance of this ball at this price point.


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2009, 02:37:49 PM »
Pin: 3 Inches
Top: 3 oz.

The Layout:

4 x 4, pin above the ring finger with a 1.5 inch buffer. Weight hole (3/4 Inch down 2.5 inches) 1 inch above axis to account for Finger Weight and to clear out some top weight.

The Motion:

This ball is a Silver Streak Solid on Steroids, there really isn’t much else to say about it. It is super clean through the heads and reads the mids great. It has a continuous backend motion. The ball is very versatile and can be used on a wide variety of patterns. You can definitely play a little more direct on a longer pattern without the over/under factor coming into play. On shorter patterns it can roll smoothly off the break point.

The Surface:

I have had this ball at multiple surface levels (OOB, 4000, 2000). Currently I have it at a 2000 Grit abralon to help it read even earlier and smooth out off the break point. A solid choice for any cranker.


If you liked the Silver Streak, you will love the Nomad! The color scheme is fantastic. The fact there the ball is all cover and core without any filler makes it hit like a MACK TRUCK. A great addition to any arsenal!

Mason Sherman
Vise Regional Staff
Roto/Storm Best of the Best!

Mason Sherman
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Re: Nomad
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2009, 10:16:30 PM »
Just finally drilled my Nomad Solid. I put a basic label layout on the ball with the pin above and between the fingers. The CG is in the center of my grip. I needed a new league ball so I figured this would work.
After drilling, I simply pulled it out of the box and went to bowl league. I have been bowling in an old wood house that typically puts out a "Top hat" which is a condition that I despise. You miss left the ball goes right, you miss right and the ball goes left. Fun stuff! Usually, when I pull one in the middle, the ball will go bucket or weak 10 and when I miss right with strong covers the balls usually burn up and die.  NOT THIS ONE. When I pull the ball it slaps out the 10 and when I send it right it roars back and destroys the rack. I have only used it twice and immediately love how clean this ball is through the front with tremendous energy left at the breakpoint. I forsee lots of strikes in this ball's future. I highly recommend this one. Unbeatable performance in this price range.


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2009, 11:21:34 PM »
Added this Nomad solid lay-out to my current arsenal to replace a strong drilling Grand Illusion I had. This lay-out consist of a 5 1/2x3 at 30 degrees. and pin pushed over my middle finger to give it a delayed reaction. To be honest, this is the stronger ball off the break point I have seen in awhile. What a versatile cover and weight block combo. Cannot wait for the Mutant Cell. Thanks RG and Bowlers Supply.


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2009, 02:22:22 AM »
Great rolling ball.  If you ready my review on the Nomad Pearl I can relate this ball to that very easily. Background -- pin 4.5 inches to PAP Stacked drilling low weight hole directly in line with the Thumb hole and small.  Surface taken down with 2000 abralon and repolished lightly.  This ball allowed me to play further right into the track area of the lane than the Nomad pearl.  Directly relates to a Cell or Rogue.  Very clean through the front part of the lane picking up great midlane roll and strong arc on the backend.  When the Nomad pearl is too much to control on the back half of the lane this ball destroyed the pins.  Handles carry down easily and any breakdown found on the lane is easily translated into opening up the lane by moving a few boards inside.  Controlling this ball is easy.  Just let it do its job and let it go down the lane, the sudden explosion and dust from 10 pins will follow.  Enjoy!!!!


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Re: Nomad
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2009, 09:57:13 PM »
WOW..that was my initial reaction from throwing my Nomad Solid. I drilled it with a 4.5” pin and a 50 degree layout. The pin to VAL is 3”. I threw this ball with the out of box cover. I was really surprised on the amount of back end reaction that the Nomad Solid has. I was bowling on a house shot. The ball made it through the heads with ease. When it made it turn, it looked like someone kicked the ball to the pocket this is where the WOW factor came into play. I really like the ball as it drove through the pocket. I carried a lot of off pocket hits. I consider myself a tweener with about a 15 mph ball speed. I sanded the surface to 1000 with an abralon pad. I used the ball on the Shark pattern, for 4 games I was +90. With a sanded surface, it tamed the backend reaction but brought the break point closer to me. For those that are having a hard time controlling the backend might consider a little surface to smooth out the reaction to the dry.
Tony Szeluga
Roto Grip Staffer.
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