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Author Topic: Riot  (Read 21093 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Coverstock: Ultimate Vision Solid Reactive
- Weight Block:Photon Core (14-16)
- Ball Color: Dark Red/Black All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Ball Finish: 2000 Abralon
- Track Flare Potential: 3-4 Inches (Med) on a scale of 1-10 Low-High
- Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Light Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- Description: At Roto Grip® we pride ourselves in providing a complete line of bowling balls in both value and performance. The recent introduction of the Dark Star™ created a nice complement for those medium to drier patterns, but we still needed a strong solid reactive in the Shield™ Line for those patterns with a bit more volume up front. The RIOT™ is just what the kingdom ordered. The utilization of the Ultimate Vision™ solid reactive coverstock is the key to this addition. The increased surface topography and greater coefficient of friction battles those medium to heavier volume patterns with fierce intensity. The Photon™ core delivers the energy behind the RIOT™. This newly designed medium RG (2.58) and medium differential (.040) core creates greater mid-lane read and increased entry angle to the pocket than its predecessors in the Planet™ series. It''''s time to start your RIOT™ in the Bowling Kingdom!



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Re: Riot
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2010, 03:35:14 PM »
See profile for stats.

Lay Out: 4.5" from PAP at 75* PAP angle and 60* VAL angle. The pin ended up under my ring finger. No weight hole.

Surface: I left it in box finish.

Purpose: I wanted to fill a gap for a benchmark type ball in my arsenal.

Lane Condition observations: I have mainly thrown this on our house pattern both on the fresh and on broken down second shift conditions. The house pattern at our center does not hold up in the heads for very long, so I am able to stay with this longer by shimming inwards. The cover/core combo gives a very smooth read of the condition. I also noticed that the surface did not overreact off the dry boards, but made a nice smooth arcing shape. This ball reeks of control and may get smoothed up with 4000 sa-air and moved into that spot in my arsenal.

Final Thoughts: I anticipate that this will be a fantastic "read" ball for me to start with and make moves with. It also gives me a duller surface control ball that can be taken down with abralon to throw on flatter/longer patterns where keeping my target in front of me would be a plus.

"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Riot
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2010, 04:51:51 PM »
Here is my review of the 1st RIOT I drilled:
 60x4x70 a small hole at P2- Serial# 10RRTB09E050G.
WOW, this ball hooks!! With this layout on a 41ft THS I had to move extreme right and get the ball out towards the gutter so it would not hook past the head pin. By far board for board the strongest hooking ball I have in the mid to lower price points. The ball was simply amazing. Used it for about 10 games before posting this review. I was crazy to try it on Cheetah, so I used it on our marathon shot, which is pretty flat. Was able to play in and was hooking a little too much to be playing that deep. But overall, on the THS this ball was GREAT

Rick Mitchell
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Re: Riot
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2010, 04:52:50 PM »
Here is my review of the 2nd RIOT I drilled:
 30 x 3-3/8 x 70 medium size hole on P2- serial# 10RRTB04E033G
This one is much smoother and not as a BIG HOOK as my 60x4x70. A lot smoother length and hook wise. Don't get me wrong, it was not flat, just more of a good "rolling" ball. Used it for about 12 games on THS, and 4 games on our flat tournament shot. This layout performed much better on the tournament shot, less overreaction. Loved it... Feels real good and made my confidence better on the tournament pattern.
Thanks to Mike Sinek for the layout recommendations.

Rick Mitchell
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Re: Riot
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2010, 12:21:06 AM »
Surface: Box Finish

Purpose: Was looking for something with a weaker weigh block and a strong coverstock.

Lane Condition: The first time I used this ball was in a mixed tournament where the shot was moving alot.  Out of the box using the Dark Star on one lane and Riot on the other (lane 7 was hooking about 10 boards more than lane 8) I shot 816.  Next time i used the Riot was on Cheetah in the Colorado Springs Masters where I placed 2nd.  This ball was very predictable and carry everything.  It never overreacted even when the pattern broke down.  This ball is the first ball out of my bag.

Final Thoughts: If you are looking for a one two punch that doesn't cost you alot the Dark Star and Riot are the balls to get.  The Riot is a very controllable ball.  It is one of the best balls I have ever thrown.

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Rickie Banister


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Re: Riot
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 08:37:31 AM »
Using the Ultimate Vision solid coverstock (2000 abralon finish) with a new medium core (2.58) and medium differential (.40), Roto Grip has created a Riot in the bowling ball industry. With a slightly stronger Rg than the Planet series, the Riot is a ball for medium to drier patterns. For PBA patterns, with proper layout, a stroker will find the Riot to be a very good choice on the 37' Viper and 39' Chameleon. The ball has one of the best mid lane reads in the Roto Grip line.
I drilled the Riot with a 55 degree pin/pap, pin 4 1/2' from PAP, below my ring finger, with the cg out and a 7/8" weight hole drilled on a straight line 4" from my grip center to create some hook/stop on the back end. I used the ball in a PBA Sr Regional on the 37' Senior pattern on Brunswick synthetic lanes. The Riot did nothing until it reached the midlane. At that point the ball made a smooth move to the pocket and set up nicely. Carry was excellent. I was able to use this ball for 6 games of qualifying before changing to a ball that would get down the lane as the lanes had started to hook earlier as the pattern broke down.
Senor RotoGrip

Mr Scary

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Re: Riot
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2010, 12:53:21 PM »
Drill angle – 40 Deg., Angle to VAL – 15 Deg., PIN to PAP distance – 3 3/8”, 15 lb, box finish
This has become my go to ball.  Very predictable throughout the entire lane.  I can use this on house conditions as well as sport conditions.  I know if I hit my mark, it will strike.  I have had very good luck with the latest Roto Grip releases with sanded finishes.  Way to go.  For more, check out my video review:

Chris Slagter
Roto Grip Amatuer Staff
Chris Slagter
Roto Grip Amatuer Staff


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Re: Riot
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2010, 12:34:00 AM »
The new release from Roto Grip on the dark star and riot are awesome. The combination that both balls bring to the table are well balanced. From the cover stock to the weight block makes these balls my first choice out the bag.

Riot-This ball is almost a mirror image of it's fellow brother dark star. Having the same weight block and ball dynamics in it's characteristics, there are still some differences. While keeping close to the same layout as the dark star the riot for me rolls smooth through the front part of the lanes and still stays on course to the break point. How ever the entire roll of the ball from start to finish creates more over all friction then the dark star. So while the riot rolls through the oil, it still moves towards the pocket with a smooth heavier roll due to it's solid reactive cover stock. These two balls are really ahead of there competition for there performance level. Layout for dark star- pin above bridge, cg 2” right from center of grip. Balance hole on val in pap. Riot layout pin below bridge cg 2” from center of grip. Balance hole on val in pap. I will have a video link on here tomorrow.

Once again great job Roto Grip.

Kevin Blackmer
Roto Grip-staff
In my bag - Quantum Fire Pearl, grudge, Pitbull, BTU, Cash, Fanatic SS,

Kevin Blackmer
Brunswick Regional Pro-Staff
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Strike Nation Proshop - Tomball, Texas

bucko the bowler

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Re: Riot
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2010, 02:19:03 AM »
This ball is great for medium to heavier oil patterns. The continuation through the pins is very impressive. With the cover stock and core combination the ball will match up with a verity of players that play multiple angles to the pocket.  I changed the surface to a 3500 grit finish because it was a little too strong for me at the factory surface finish. The ball will react accordingly to the ball surface change that you make.  (Example: If you polish the ball, it will go longer with an increased angle to the pocket. If you sand the ball, it will read the lanes earlier and smoother with less entry angle into the pocket) I had a 299 game with this ball the second time I used it bowling on synthetic lanes on a house pattern.

My layout on this ball is a 5-3/8 x 5-1/4 with a 5 inch buffer dual angle 80 x 5-3/8 x 75  (my pin is under fingers)
Amateur Roto Grip Staff

Amateur Roto Grip Staff

John Brodersen

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Re: Riot
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2010, 10:17:59 PM »
Ball specs – 15 lbs 1 oz, 2.93 top weight, and 3.00-inch pin.

The Riot was drilled with a 4.5-inch pin, 60-degree drill angle and a 40-degree VAL angle.  This put the pin just above the ring finger with the CG bumped to the right about two inches.  This layout did not require an extra hole with the ending positive side weight being 15/16ths.  The cover stock was left OOB.

I threw the Riot and Dark Star on a fresh, softer oil pattern.  The Riot, with its dull cover, started up about two to three feet sooner than the Dark Star.  The Riot proved to be a stronger ball than I expected and provided a sneaky strong, smooth and predictable motion on this medium pattern.  Hit and carry were very good for an entry-level piece. Track flare was in the four inch range and the rings were fairly close but not over lapping, similar to the Dark Star.

Using an existing cover stock with the new Photon core (.040 differential) allows the Dark Star (and Riot) to fill the gap nicely between the stronger Nomads and the weaker Planet series balls.  The Riot will make a nice addition to anyone’s arsenal providing a similar but overall stronger ball motion than the Pluto.

John Brodersen


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Re: Riot
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2010, 09:00:49 PM »
The Riot was laid out using the the Dual Angle method, 50/5/70. I like this layout because it gives me a smooth, even, predictable reaction.

I tried out the Riot on the house pattern. I was surprised that the Riot was a quite a bit stronger than I was expecting. Lately when I have thrown the lower end Roto Grip equipment I have had trouble with a LOT of over/under reaction, which has been really depressing. So far I have NOT seen any of that with the Riot or the Dark Star, which makes me VERY happy.

I used the same layout on my Dark Star, and will compare the two in my review of the Dark Star.

Rob Haverstock
 Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff


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Re: Riot
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2010, 03:10:58 PM »

15lb 4oz with 3 oz Top weight. 3-4” pin

Drilling: 4 X 4 with a 27/32 weight hole 1” down on VAL from pap

Finish: 2000 abrolon/magic shine polish

SMOOTH, SMOOTH, SMOOTH….. That’s all I can say about the Riot, this ball is so smooth throughout the lane it’s amazing. I have yet to find a condition were this ball jerks off the spot.  I added polish to mine to get the reaction under my Nomad Solid, it fits really well in this category, and it is about 5 and 3 weaker then the solid Nomad. For the money, this ball is a winner no doubt I don’t think there is a ball at this price point that can compete with the Riot!

Any Questions or Comments please feel free to contact me:

Jake Bedard
Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Riot
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2010, 06:09:08 PM »
Layout- 4 ¾” from pin to PAP, pin up and right of the ring, hole 5 ¾” inches straight out from center of grip, 7/8” wide by 2” deep, pitched away from weight block.

I really struggled with this ball out of the box as it was just flat too strong for most anything I was running into. A lot of that had to do with the surface. At box, it read the friction too quick for me (albeit I’m very soft with my speed and get on the ball pretty good). I did a few things like adjusting the hole a touch, but what really helped me with this ball was to polish the surface. Once I polished it, it started to be a lot more controllable/useable. Now it is a great compliment to both the Dark Star and Nomad, fitting between them perfectly. It provides a stellar amount of hook potential for the price point and has one of the coolest looking logos the market has seen in some time. I’m pretty pleased that there is a solid in this sort of price point now as well, offering a ball that should compete in price with balls like the Freeze, Tropical Storm, etc


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Re: Riot
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2010, 12:28:13 AM »
Hello everyone and thank you for reading.  THANK YOU ROTOGRIP.  Awesome addition to the line.  If you are just starting out with high ball speed or if you are looking for a great fresh short oil pattern ball this is it.  Here is what you all are looking for……   Drilled mine up with the same drilling pattern as one of my Nomad Pearls  which worked incredibly well.  Drilling pattern was 65 x 5 x 65 using the dual angle layout technique.  Here is our video so you may get an idea of reaction-- .  To keep things consistent we made surfaces on both bowling balls 4000 abralon.  This ball has given me a look in the track area longer and with a more controllable reaction on the backend on fresh and through transition.  The ball allowed me to move inside as the lanes broke down and still maintain an incredible carry percentage.  The backend move is controllable and continuous and the pin action this ball creates is unlike any other I have seen from a “lower end ball”.  This ball is anything but low end from what I have seen but definitely allows you to keep your feet and line further right(for a right hander).  The Nomad Pearl that I tested against with the same pattern can been seen on the video.  I am at least 4 to 6 boards right with my feet and 2 to 3 boards right with my target while testing and still maintaining excellent length through the front and GREAT HITTING POWER!!!!   Nuff said.   Keep the good stuff come RG!!!!!


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Re: Riot
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2010, 10:17:26 AM »
I found the Riot to be very suitable for a house shot.  This ball will be ideal in a typical league condition.

My Riot was drilled with a 3 3/8 X 3 3/8 layout from my PAP with the pin above the fingers keeping the box finish.

 This ball cleared the heads great.  In the mid-lane the ball revved up nicely and made a solid, smooth move to the pocket.

The Riot has a very predictable reaction, which is ideal for the league player. As the lanes transition, I could simply move left and continue to use this ball all night long.

This ball surprised me and played a lot stronger than you would expect based on the specs. I was getting 4-5 inches of flair and bouncing the ball off the dry all night. I found this ball to be stronger than the Nomad.

First night on a typical house shot 704 out of the box. The Riot will make a nice addition to anyone’s arsenal.

Mike Johnston
Roto Grip Staff