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Author Topic: Rogue Cell  (Read 35266 times)


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Rogue Cell
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Coverstock: Cytoplasmic XL Hybrid Reactive
- Color: Sky Blue / Purple / Royal Pearl Blue All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Weight Block: Nucleus Core in 14 – 16lbs Modified Nucleus™ Core in 12, 13lbs.
- Factory Finish: 4000 Abralon
- Track Flare Potential: 7"+ (High)
- RG Average: 2.52 (Medium Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
- RG Differential: .048 (Medium) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
- Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavey Oil
- Description: A new generation within the kingdom has materialized and looks to seek total domination. The Rogue Cell utilizes the latest generation of the Cytoplasmic coverstock series. The Cytoplasmic XL hybrid reactive coverstock features a unique blend of additives creating the highest friction to lane values ever produced by Roto Grip. The blend of solid and pearl coverstock generates the strongest and most consistent hook from release to impact. The energy from within comes from the highly successful, performance proven Nucleus core. This unique asymmetrical core powered the original Cell to "Ball of the Year" in 2008. Mutated from the original, the Rogue Cell is set to challenge for superiority in the bowling kingdom.



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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2009, 06:51:49 PM »
Within the first week of drilling up the ROUGE, I have found that the ROGUE CELL is a great addition to the CELL lineup.  The ROGUE allows the bowler a reaction option that falls between the original CELL and the CELL PEARL.  For a low track player, the spinner’s dream layout is just that, a dream.  The ROGUE reads the midlane very well and if the bowler should miss his mark left, it can hold the line and drive hard to the pocket. Miss right and the ROGUE has the ability to recover with a continuous motion into the pocket that drives through the pins.


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2009, 11:56:05 PM »
My Axis is 5 5/8 right, ¼ up, my speed is average and I would consider myself with higher revs but more up the back.  So not a cranker but not really straight either.  

I drilled this ball very strong with the pin under my ring finger and MB in a strong position which put the CG positive and in the thumb weight quadrant.  Then we put a hole just right of my thumb hole pitched away from thumb and brought the weight to 7/8 side and 0 finger, thumb.

This ball is very strong.  I’ve used it on several patterns.  On a drier house shot if I hit the dry too soon it wants to jump hard.  However, if I kept it in the oil I could open the lane way up and keep moving left and it would always come back.  On the oilier Kegal and PBA shots it works great because it is so strong.  This is a great ball for oil or to just stand left and throw it out.  It reads the mid lane very good and it continues on the back end very well.  Only fault is it is not the ball for the driest of lanes.  Leave those lanes for the Mars.
Ron Case - RotoGrip Staff


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2009, 08:10:26 AM »
My Cell Rogue is drilled with the pin under the fingers. The layout is 4” pin from PAP and 2 1/2” Mass Bias from PAP. There is an extra hole on the PAP.

The Rogue reacted as expected. This ball has a more angular move to the pocket than the Cell and starts in the mid lane sooner than the Cell Pearl. The hitting power and the backend reaction are as expected strong and continuous. Because of my slower ball speed, I will need some head oil so the ball doesn't burn up its energy too early.

I like the versatility of this offering. I was able to score equally as well when playing on a 36’ condition and swinging the ball or on a 42’ shot and going directly down the oil line.

Mike Johnston
Roto Grip Advisory Staff


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2009, 05:42:16 PM »
Based on the early reviews, even before the Rogue was being shipped to the Pro Shops, it appears Hank & the Boys at Roto Grip has another ball in the running for Ball of the Year 2009...Being a 71 year old LH Stroker, my 1st Rogue layout has the 3 inch pin below the ring finger & CG one inch out with X-hole. With hand behind ball it gets down the lane with a smooth flip at the break point with hard hitting carry...As others have said, not a dry lane league ball. I found this out in 1st league warm up. I had to move to far right & even though I could get ball back to pocket, I left 6-7 pins in a row, so back in the bag and out came the Cell Pearl..My 2nd league at a diff. house has a longer & wider oil pattern. I could go 10 to 5 board staying behind ball shot 268-258-742 in 1st league outing..A week later in a Open Tournament on USBC pattern I could go straight up 5-7 with a strong back-end & super carry..In the 6 game qual. changing lanes, had high games of 268-258-248.... Last Sunday 3/15 in another tournament, had a 300 middle game in 3 game qual. and a 279  in the 1 game semies..                                                                                        Since I'm retired & spend 6-7 months in Az. & the balance in Fremont, Mi. for the summer, I have bowling ties there. My Grand Daughters & two sons all use Roto Grip balls(what else).....Son Mike, a Right Hander wanted a Rogue for Vegas next month..He had it drilled about 10 days ago..Last Tues. 3/17..he shot 268-204-269-744. Two nights later 3/19, he had his 1st 800...226-289-300-815.. He can't wait for Vegas....Wait, there's more...  In the same league on 3/19, at Fremont Lanes, Tom Margo, owner of Toms Pro Shop had his 2nd 300 with his Rogue Cell..His 1st was the week before in his 1st game out of the box. A special Thanks to Roto Grip for all they do for the Senior High-Roller Tournaments.....     Larry Hoffman, Roto Grip Advisory Staff....

bucko the bowler

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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #35 on: March 21, 2009, 09:53:11 PM »
Out of the box this ball is very aggressive and is good for heavier oiled lanes.   I did not have much success with this ball on a typical house shot.   Once I got this ball onto a sport style oil pattern this ball came to life and gave me a very good reaction that is controllable.  This ball has a good mid-lane reaction and a very strong aggressive and angular back reaction.  This ball for sure crushes pins! It has a good consist reaction and the ball over all does not give an over/under reaction on whatever you are bowling on.
Amateur Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2009, 01:57:33 PM »
They just keep gettin better.   What the original Cell may lack in angle the Rogue makes up for it.  What the Cell Pearl lacked in ability to handle heavier oil, the Rogue makes up for it.  Every ball has its place in our order is what we are told and this one has been able to take just about every spot in my bag.  The only regret with this one so far is that I don't have more than two but that can problem is easily solved.

I have used both of the ones I have drilled up on 3 different lane surfaces and haven't put them down since I got them.  I am a medium rev with medium speed player who enjoys playing different parts of the lane whenever possible.  I map out all of my equipment using the Dual Angle Layout technique and the first one is drilled with a 65 degree initial angle and 4.75" ping distance and 45 degree VAL angle, and a weight hole in the lower thumb quadrant strong middlane roll position.  Box surface on this one with a slight glaze.  Very clean through the front with very agressive arc at the end of the pattern.  The more I let the ball do what it wants to do(which is HOOOOOOOKKKK!!!!) the better it reacts.  I have not had a problem with this ball recovering off of the break point even on a very deep inside line.  
The second Rogue I have drilled up is 80 degree initial angle and 6.25" pin to PAP distance with a 60 degree VAL angle, Weight hole below thumb adjacent thumb line.  This ball was drilled Specifically for the Cheetah pattern and houses with lots of friction to the outside.  Again clean through the  front half with a strong controlled arc on the back end part of the lane and what a monster when it hits.  Example: I know my ball speed was up and I know what the machines look like out back but I threw a pin over the middle and onto the pin deck of the lane next to me.  Could have been a coincedence and a pin just fell out of the other rack but the timing was too perfect.  I should have asked the mechanic to count them but didn't.  All I gotta say is wow.  
In my opinion the best high end performance ball on the market.


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2009, 11:40:02 AM »
Persoanl Spec's in profile:

Layout: 5x3
Pin: Above Ring
Weight Hole: in P3 location 1" x 1.5" deep
Surface: Box

First Impression:    03/24/09

I tossed the ball in practice 4 or 5 shots on a medium volume condition during warm up last night. The ball just looks agressive in my hand and I expected this ball to simply take off. Especially because I did not intend to use this ball at this house. I intended to use it in a large volume house once the pattern has broken down midway through the set.

However I was suprized as the ball went down the lane and did not jump midway... got to  the end of the pattern and made a move toward the pocket. Hmmm.. Ok... lets hit this ball a bit up the back... and the ball goes through the pattern and jumps harder off the backend. OK, now lets get some tilt and see how this ball reacts... again through the pattern just fine and when it find the back end the ball jumps hard toward the pocket and continues through the pins. Ok... I throw one more shot with it, jump left of everyone to catch a fist full and ball does now read the midlanes and hooks way too much. Knowing this house I know I can not use this ball it simply reads the drier and this house breaks down very fast (especially this week with both teams having players that play the same part of the lane.)

After league was over, I took it out again and jumped inside, 22 to 10-8 and the ball really came alive. It has a strange way to cary... not like other balls. Its kind of like a sponge where it sucks the pins into the pit instead of throwing them all over the place. And it rolls differently going down the lane... kind of like a snow tire in the snow but yet in gets angular in the back end. I am looking forward to seeing how it reacts tomorrow night. I will follow up after.
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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2009, 11:02:02 AM »
      1st - 5X3 w/ 2" pin buf pin above ring finger
      2nd - 4X4  pin below ring finger
The first Rogue I polised with storm high polish and this ball clesrs the heads with ease and mildy reads the mids but has a strong snap to the pocket with a very hard hit.
THe second Rogue left box finish, this ball amazingly clears the heads for me with ease reads the mids a little quicker but still has a very strong arc to the pocket and a devasting hit at the pins.Both balls so far have been very easy to control in the three centers that I bowl in. THe first center is on burnt out wood. The second center is on Bruswick overlay and the the third center is on brunswick synthetics.Will be posting more as I try different layouts and bowl in some tournaments. Thanks
Rich Mueller
 Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2009, 09:24:44 PM »
Looking for a hook monster? I suggest the Rogue.
 14lb. Right Handed 17-19 mph cranker.
 I have 2 of the original Cells 1 pin over goes long and strong backend
 other pin under, earlier roll and strong cont. arch.
 and a Pearl 5 x 3 1/2 pin up 3" to the right of the ring finger.
 Great distance and snap.
 Drilled the Rogue to be in between the Pearl and the more agressive Cell.

     O O

       O  MB
 Bowled on wood lanes 1 st night in shadow ball. Unable to get a good feel due to the fact of bowling on lanes 1 - 2 and could not get far enough left with my feet. The few that I did throw I played 23-25 out to 12 (fresh shot) and the ball reved. and absolutely blew the rack.

Bowled on again same, open bowling, with room to move. Throw the most aggresive balls that I have. The Cell and the Hole Pounder Solid both drilled aggressive. I went from playing 25 with my feet ball 17 out to 5 all three about the same. Reved strong smooth arch.

Moved left 5 boards 20 to 7 the Cell is not coming as strong but still making the pocket. HP and Rogue still have more to give.

Move in front of the ball return lofting the left gutter out to 10.

Rogue still enough to come strong and blow the rack HP not quite enough to get to the pocket.

More than I expected but I am happy.

So in closing another winner for Roto Grip.


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #40 on: March 29, 2009, 09:44:19 PM »
My Rouge Cell is drilled with a 5" pin from pap, 3" mass bias to pap with a 2" pin buffer. What I was looking for with this layout was a ball I could go to when my Cell with similiar layout was either too early or started to give up on the backend....what I got was alot more than I expected. I have thrown my Rogue Cell on a typical house shot and the kegel pattern highway to hell. On the house shot this ball is just silly....while playing 20 at the arrows I had no out of bounds and shots that were tugged inside the oil still rolled up strong and carried the 7, i could see bowling huge scores with this ball on easy patterns. On the highway to hell I could play 12 to 6-7 or I could move in deeper and slow down my speed and actually open up the lane. My favorite Roto Ball yet has been the original Cell since I have faster ball speed but with the few times I have used the Rogue I dont think it would be hard for it to pass the Cell as my fav. I know you see alot of reviews say this but its amazing just how good Roto Grip is right now....I expect the next ball they create to be amazing as well.

David Tessman
Roto Grip staff.

Craig LeMond

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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2009, 02:54:02 PM »
My Rogue Cell rolls great for me.  I did a 3x3 with a weight hole 1" on my pap.  I was needing something that would start early for me.  Not only does it start early but I was very surprised with the motion on the backend.  It had more energy left then I anticipated.  Of course I couldn't use it on most house patterns it would just burn up to early.  But for the shark pattern it rolls great.  Which is what I was looking for.  All and all the 2 Rogue Cells I drilled up for myself roll great.  Thanks to Roto Grip for the great equipment and keep up the good work.

Roto Grip Staffer
Craig LeMond


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #42 on: March 31, 2009, 09:01:57 PM »
I thought Roto Grip’s coloring of the Rogue Cell was kind of neat.  The ball is supposed to be in between the Cell and the Cell Pearl in reaction.  What’s cool is they made part of the Cell Rogue look like the Cell and the other part of it look like the Cell Pearl.  It looks like the hybrid it is supposed to be!

Not only does the ball look like a cross of the two, it also fits in between the two in the reaction.  It gets through the heads easier than my Cell but not near as long as the Pearl, picks up a good, heavy mid-lane roll like the Cell, then finishes on the back end in between the two (it is much smoother on the back-end than the Pearl but finishes harder than my Cell).

On house shots the ball has been awesome.  Last night in league, I shot 733 with two awful shots that left splits.  It took me about five frames to get lined up the first game but after that I only lost three hits.  One was a swishing 10 (probably a bad rack), a six pin as the shot broke down, and a weak 7 on a weak shot.  Every other shot in the pocket struck.  The ball really reacts good in the oil as I am able to move further inside the oil line than usual and avoid the overreacting dry.  

I also used the ball in a six gamer on a house shot a couple of weeks ago.  Since it was a new ball, I tried throwing other stuff first (I always like throwing new stuff but get in trouble with them).  I dug myself a deep hole after three games with the old stuff, switched to the Cell Rogue and shot 300, 24+ and 23+ to win a high game and place in other side pots.  Should have switched earlier!


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2009, 10:13:28 AM »
I purchased this ball last week so I could break it in before going to Vegas. Shot 300 first game out of the box. Great back end. Excellent addition to my Cell Pearl.

Monster Stitch

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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2009, 05:58:57 PM »
2.86 top
3 inch pin

Pin over ring, MB 1-1/2 right of thumb, Pin 5-1/2 from PAP, 60 degree pin angle, MB 4-5/8 from PAP, 40 Degree Val Angle


The Rogue is a great fit between the Original Cell and Cell Pearl. It's very clean through the front part of the lane, strong in the midlane and has an unbelievable continuous arc on the backend. I've only tried it out with the out of box finish but when i clenaed it with a white scotch brite pad and Clean N Dull the surface smoothed out a bit.

Brunswick 20 year old HPL Synthetics, oiled 38 feet, med/heavy in the middle, 5 to 5 with a med volume outside. When i threw my HyRoad the ball would just sail unless i played up the 1 to 3 board with a softer hand. Anything inside skided and left the rail. I pulled out the ROGUE and i had area from the track out to 5. Ball rolled strong down lane and made a nice turn on the backend. I tried an up the back release and it responded well and also got in and gave it tilt and it reacted well also. I can say this ball is versatile. This ball is a great compliment to my Virtual Gravity.

The big test will be at Nationals in Las Vegas.

Team Banger Bowling Test Staff


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Re: Rogue Cell
« Reply #45 on: April 03, 2009, 11:25:57 PM »
Rogue Cell

To revisit the Cell. Again if you haven't thrown one your missing out. The Cell core creates a shape and predictability no other balls have matched. For tougher patterns its hard to find a better look or success than the Cell. No other ball has been able to maintain the differential as long as the cell.
The 3rd installment of the cell series and possibly the most versatile.  I've drill all 3 the same with a modified RICO layout.  I didn’t think there would be much different from the first 2 but I was wrong.  While the original Cell is by far the earliest of the series and the Pearl Cell is the longest.  The Rogue fits easily in between.  The Rogue provides great overall control of the lane with its Hybrid coverstock.  Definitely not suited for drier patterns but easily adjust with a little polish.  

The way I see it this makes lane play a little easier.
Where do you want to attack the lanes.
Heads:  Cell
Mids:  Rogue
Backend:  Cell Pearl

The Rogue Cell could be this years best stimulus package!

Kelly O'Driscoll
Roto Grip Staff