16# ...box condition, 4x3, pin next to and just above ring...cg at midline kicked out.......small weight hole just under pap .....
WOW is this ball ugly....but oh...she's soooooo sweet!!
Throw this ball and it'll tell you EXACTLY where it's going EVERY time !
Medium -medium heavy arcing ball, with a smooth transition off the dry boards and a midlane read that's perfect....and when she turns the corner (as posted by many others) it looks like it's going down hill!
Easily controlled, easy to read, great hit...hell, ...low rg strong arcing solid ..what else could you ask for!
I found succes with this ball on both wood lanes and synthetics...with the wood house being a heavier pattern.....did't really matter with the Rush...it reads the pattern incredibly well and arcs till the cows come home !
I would consider this ball for league..especially if you want something that arcs, and definately a tournament ball to smooth out patterns, wet-drys and something stable!
The Rush is a BIG SLEEPER ...I'm hoping Roto Grip does something else with the Hemi core !
JEFFI think I'm finally starting to catch on.....
Proud FCC!