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Author Topic: Rush  (Read 13087 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
In today's Fast-paced and High Scoring environment your equipment must have the technology and horsepower to stay ahead of the competition. Roto-Grip has delivered once again with the introduction of the Rush.

The Rush is powered by an all new Hemispherical-"Hemi" core. This low RG/medium differential "Hemi" produces increased spin rate for earlier mid-lane traction with continuous acceleration to the finish line.

The tread on the Rush consists of an all new Posi-Trac solid reactive coverstock designed for added traction and continuous backend motion.

Color Purple/Yellow
Coverstock Reactive
Core 2-piece Asymmetrical
RG 2.47
Differential 0.043
Factory finish 1000 grit matte
Weights 12 thru 16lbs
Lane Conditions Medium-Heavy Oil


big hank j

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Re: Rush
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2004, 12:08:58 AM »
I received the Rush with a 3" pin - drilled 5" x 4" with no weight hole.  This ball reacts great on flat oily conditions and has a good readable reaction.  This ball starts into a good controllable reaction with a smooth predictable back end.  I used this ball primarily right of ten then followed breakdown in to eighteen with no loss of hitting power.  I left the surface just like it was out of the box and was very happy.  This is the perfect ball for medium plus to heavy oil.  Can't Miss!!!!!!

Hank Jordan
Roto Grip Test Staff Member


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Re: Rush
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2004, 07:27:33 PM »
15 lb  w/ 3" pin
Drilled 3 3/8 X3 3/8
Shined to 800.

I would classify myself as a power stroker with medium speed and medium/high revs.

I love this ball on Oily or Medium lanes. Reads the lanes easily and has a strong but smooth backend. I can't get inside with this one. It is very playable from 15 to the ditch, but the line has to be somewhat tight. It doesn't seem to hit very well if I swing it out more than 5 or 6 boards.
As long as there is oil in the heads, I can move right with this ball and it carries all day. It is normally my first ball out of the back for league.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Rush
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2004, 08:03:22 PM »
Ball: 3 3/8 pin from PAP, CG stacked below, left with the factory box surface

Lane Condition: various....wood lanes.

Hook: Smooth rolling and smooth breakpoint. Almost like a urethane but stronger. With the strong layout it can cover alot of boards, but not once I have thrown this ball and was it unpredictable. When you throw it if you are close to your mark you will be rewarded. I like this ball on sport shots because it tames the over/under reaction that most reactives will have. It is for medium oil-heavy oil....but not quite strong enough for the heaviest of oil. 9.5

Control: Great ball to read the lanes with. Once I am loose and I throw this ball it tells me exactly where I need to play. As stated above, it tames down the wet dry conditions. Responds very well to hand position changes. 9.0

Hit: Tremendous!! This ball punishes the pins. When it is in the pocket it keeps the pins so low that it rarely leaves one standing. Low and back....what other kind of impact would you want a ball to have? 9.0

Readability: Despite being drilled so strong this is the ball to read the lanes with. If you are on a shorter pattern you can see the ball get into an early roll and go left......but it is an arc, not a snap. 9.0

OVERALL: Roto Grip dropped the ball with this easily could have sold at a high price point! Definately one of the best balls for the dollar kind of releases in a long time. I feel that I have not seen more of these on the lanes because of the color. Guys are too masculine to want to throw something that looks plastic or has girly colors in it.....NOT THIS GUY!

C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

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Re: Rush
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2005, 09:57:52 AM »
16# condition, 4x3, pin next to and just above at midline kicked out.......small weight hole just under pap .....

WOW is this ball ugly....but oh...she's soooooo sweet!!

Throw this ball and it'll tell you EXACTLY where it's going EVERY time !

Medium -medium heavy arcing ball, with a smooth transition off the dry boards and a midlane read that's perfect....and when she turns the corner (as posted by many others) it looks like it's going down hill!

Easily controlled, easy to read, great hit...hell, ...low rg strong arcing solid ..what else could you ask for!

I found succes with this ball on both wood lanes and synthetics...with the wood house being a heavier pattern.....did't really matter with the reads the pattern incredibly well and arcs till the cows come home !

I would consider this ball for league..especially if you want something that arcs, and definately a tournament ball to smooth out patterns, wet-drys and something stable!

The Rush is a BIG SLEEPER ...I'm hoping Roto Grip does something else with the Hemi core !
I think I'm finally starting to catch on.....
Proud FCC!


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Re: Rush
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2005, 10:17:07 PM »
16lb drilled pin next to ring finger cg stacked below with a small weight hole.

I imediately loved this ball as soon as I started using it.
This ball doesnt seem to be very overreative it rolls very smooth on most lane conditions.I also use an Ebonite Warrior, and Shooter.
The Rush handles more oil than either of those two balls so it has been a perfect compliment for them.

Once again I waited too long to try one of these so now i am in search of another one because they are discontinued.
This game is sooooo easy.SEE SPOT HIT SPOT why is it I still cant get it right after all this time?
This game is sooooo easy.SEE SPOT HIT SPOT why is it I still cant get it right after all this time?


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Re: Rush
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2006, 12:24:51 AM »
For what it's worth, my stats and video are in my profile.

My Rush is layed out with a 4" pin to PAD(pin axis distance) 1 1/4 inch above the midline with a strong X-hole in the thumb quadrant(6" 45 degrees from the center of grip).  OOB finish at the infamous "800 smooth" proved to be WAYYY too early of a continuous sweeping hook for oil volumes in 5 different houses that I bowl in.  The flare was 6 1/2 inches and my rings were almost an inch apart.  I took the cover down with a Burgandy scotch brite and applied a burned in coat of Brunswick Rough buff.  I wanted to still retain the quick revving in the midlane that this ball does by nature but just more push down the lane.  Rough Buff was the ticket!  I easily got about 6 more feet out of the ball and a very strong arc off the end of the patterns that I've thrown it on.  I've thrown hundreds of balls, but few have the strength of the Rush off the "spot" in a polished state.  The stength can definately be appreciated when you see how hard the ball finishes.  It's strong through the deck which keeps the pins very low which is a good thing.  A flat ten every now and then is usually the signal for me to put this ball up as it's using too much strength before the end of the pattern or I am trying to cover too many boards with it.  In med-heavy+ volumes and carrydown is where the Rush will shine for just about every style.

Imo this ball rivals overall strength and performance with something like a Vortex II, Nemesis/Wizard, and Diablo.  

For those that love low R.G. core systems, this is a ball versatile enough to put your favorite drilling/surface prep on and have a #1 ball out of the bag reaction.
Respect the Game


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Re: Rush
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2008, 05:03:11 PM »
I FINALLY GOT ONE!!! ive been looking years for a rush, and thanx to 800bowler300, i finally have one. the ball i got came with pin above the bridge, cg under RF, and in a polished state. WOW! what a move this ball makes! ive only had two outings with this ball, and the 2nd was in a mens travel league, i used the rush the whole night, it was my one ball arsenal. so far, ive only bowled at my home house with it, i will post more when i get more games on it.

7-10 split converted on 01/24/08, 2nd in 5 yrs

"Do, or do not. There is no try." Yoda
(Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back)

New HI game of 248 with my Roto Grip Spare Tire!!! Heck Yes!!