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Author Topic: Silver Streak Pearl  (Read 12808 times)


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Silver Streak Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »

Silver Streakâ„¢


The Silver Streak Pearlâ„¢ is Roto Grip’s newest entrant into the mid-priced market.  It uses the performance proven Silver Streak Core with a new pearlized coverstock.

This Low/ Medium RG core with medium Differential gives you more length with a sharper breakpoint allowing greater entry angle into the pins for increased carry.

Sure Grip Pearlâ„¢ reactive surrounds this core creating a stiffer coverstock for those medium to dry lane condition

   Technical Data

   Factory Finish- 1500 polished

   Radius of Gyration- 2.52 (Low)

   Differential- .040 (Medium)

   Hook Potential- 19 (25 scale)

   Track Flare Potential- 4 Inches

   Length- 7 (10 scale)

Backend- 10 (10 scale)

   Cover Stock- Sure Gripâ„¢ Reactive Pearl

   Weight Block- Modified Rotary â„¢ core

   Color- Silver Pearl/ Purple Pearl

   D-Scale- 75-78

   Available Weights- 12-16 Pounds



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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2003, 12:39:31 AM »
The Silver Streak Pearl is just an amazing ball in its self. I was really looking for something for my typical league ball, THIS WAS THE ANSWER! I drilled it up 4 x 4 wanting more of a Skid snap reaction from it, just what I needed! It gives me just enough length but this ball flat out MOVES on the backend! If the lanes are on the drier side; I can pretty much play wherever I want to. On my League shot: I stand at 20, throw to 10, Breakpoint around 8 board. I know this ball is coming back and coming back hard! The carry on this ball is truly amazing for me; light hits send powerful mixers, high hits just demolish the pins. Occasional 10 pin if I get a little speedy (What ball won't?) also if I get lazy and don't 'hit' the ball; I see a lot more solid 8 and 9 pins with this ball. The Silver Streak Pearl gives me area's of the lane, I can't normally play with my Med-Low rev rate. This ball can fit in just about anybody's arsenal.

Roto Grip is redefining the art of striking!

When in doubt, Throw it out. Go buy a whole new arsenal!


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2003, 03:23:23 PM »
Had this one drilled pin next to my ring finger, CG in the middle of the grip, designed to go long and turn hard.  I wanted this as a ball to fill the gap between my Inferno and Sonic X, but in my opinion this ball has just as much hook as the Inferno, just in a different way.  The Inferno (drilled the same as the SSP by the way), rolls a little sooner and is more of a powerful arc, whereas the SSP is skid-flip all the way, as much backend hook as I've ever seen. Although, this really isn't what I wanted because it hooks a little too much for me, it is still a fantastic ball, when used on a fresh house condition, this ball is an animal, when they start to break down, it gets a little hard to control for me, and I move down to the Sonic X, or deep inside with the Inferno.  The carry is very good with this ball, and as I get more accustomed to what conditions to use it on, I think I will be able to shoot some big numbers with this great Roto Grip product.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2003, 05:34:11 AM »
Although I am not proficient with all the actual specs, I will attempt to do my best.
Ball was drilled pin (3") slightly above and right of ring finger, and cg is kicked right of that approximately 3/4". There is a small balance hole.
I have med speed and above average revs per my drillers, and track approx 1" from fingers and 1/2" from thumb.

Now on to the ball's performance:
I have now used this on many different patterns, and 2 different oils (Offense & Legends). Although the patterns were basically THS, they had been experimenting with new ones, and the oils. I also was able to play some on some modified sport shots as well.
This ball seems to always be clean through the heads, even with light oil. But beware, you do need some oil, and to some decent length. Once this ball reads the dry and decides to move, it MOVES HARD.
I have been able to easily adjust with slight change of lines or slight hand/wrist adjustments, and the SSP responds accordingly.
It may or may not be a 1st out ball depending on your lanes and likes, but it definitely is one to have in your arsenal.
BTW...despite playing 95% on wood lanes, and with well over 50 games on it, I have not seen any loss of performance, and no major wear/tracking.
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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2003, 12:44:25 PM »
Label Leverage
Pin 3" from PAP
CG in grip

I bought this ball yesterday and threw it for the first time the same night first shift league.  It took me 4 frames to figure it out and then it was AWESOME!  I threw a strike the next 15 of 16 frames.  The ball is a flat out MONSTER.  Great hitting power with nice backend finish.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED especially for the price.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2004, 04:12:18 PM »
Ball wt.- 14 lbs. Pin-out - 4". Pin above ring finger, cg straight below, in thumb quadrant, ball ended with 3/4 oz. thumb, 1/2 pos.
Lane conditions vary from a THS to a dryer tournament shot(no puddle in the middle), to late-shift carrydown with drying heads.
At first, this ball was too strong at the break and would burn up before the pocket, but after about 20 games or so it calmed down a bit, and became much more usable.
This ball clears the heads on all shots I've bowled on it with. It then reads the midlane very well, and makes a very strong move on the backend. If there's some carrydown, it lays off or even quits if theres a lot of carrydown. When it hits the pins, it keeps the pins very low, and mixes very well, for me at least.

All in all, I'd rate this 9/10. Good job Roto!

Matt Fortney

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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2004, 03:59:31 AM »
I'm a little late with the review but better late than never. I got my SS Pearl in mid-January, had it drilled with pin about...half in. above and to the right of my ring finger, cg parallel to my center line. What can i say about this ball? After maybe 3 practice shots went straight to my thursday night league shot 300, 276, fell apart with 186.  I had 21 strikeds in a row, and i absolutely love the ball.  Counldn't be happier. It goes prolly about 45 feet and just takes a left turn. and surprisingly it's very forgiving too. I recommend this ball to anybody who's not on a flooded condition.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2004, 06:07:52 PM »
15lb, 2.5" pin, about 2.5oz top.
I usually like longer pins and high top weight, but oh well.

Drilled this ball up aggressive, probably too aggressive.  You get what you ask for.  Pin right next to my ring finger, cg kicked out about 45 degrees, basically a 10:30 drill (righty).  I probably should have stacked it instead.  On our league shot, this ball goes very long but it expends too much energy too fast due to the drilling.  So now it is more of a conditional ball.  I take this out when there is a lot more oil than the out normal league shot (medium/medium).  When I have to play 10 or outside of 10, this ball takes over.  It goes about 40 feet before it even thinks about hooking and then it starts it's path to destruction.  Ball carries very well on this shot.  Due to all the oil and being a pearlized ball, it will leave a 10 pin if you start pushing it or put too much speed.  I can also use this deeper on the lane if there is a heavier concentration of oil, but could not play a big hook with this ball.

After playing around with releases, I realized that if I put more spin (lower the track) on the ball, you can definitely play a bigger hook.  But not too much, or it will die before it reaches the pocket.  But that is the drilling, not the ball.

Overall this ball is a good ball (especially for the price).  It is definitely a go long and snap ball, but do not drill too agressive, unless you like playing a hook and set shot. Definitely recommend.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2004, 05:16:13 PM »
Great out of the box, better 200 games later. Out of the box, this ball was extremely responsive to friction and covered a ton of boards, which was great on walled up comditions, but not so good on tougher stuff. Now that it is tamed down i can play longer with it during league, and i can control it when the lanes get a little tighter. Very impressive for my first roto grip ball.
All I want is to carry.....when I find the pocket
All I want is to carry.....when I find the pocket


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2004, 11:00:57 AM »
before driling:
16.10 total weight
3.4 top
3.5 pin out

I drilled the ball 3.5 X 5
the ball snapped when I first drilled it, but after abotu 50 games it has an arc to it... a very strong arc, the more I use it the more predictible it becomes, it hits hard and no over/under. Used mostly on a second shift with carry-down.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2004, 05:28:02 PM »
Layout on this ball is about a 5x4, pin is above the ring finger, cg is slightly kicked out, balance hole just left of my PAP.  This ball is about as close to a benchmark ball as I have.  I'm able to throw it on JUST about anything, can play down and in on medium-heavy and swing the ball on light/short patterns.  Have had a 300 is practice and a 297 sanctioned with this one, not that scores matter.  Not sure on the grit, it was polished about 6 months ago, but it wore off and i've loved it since, haven't touched the surface.  Ball gets decent length, decent backend reaction (not too much of either) and the hit/carry is unbelievable.  I can't say enough good things about this ball, if I had a chance, i'd drill up an entire case of them.
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."
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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2004, 12:37:46 AM »
Monday night 6/14/04. I use the Silver Streak Pearl with pin and c.g 5x5 stacked with pin above and between the fingers with c.g below. I hope that I explain this right. I was throwing between first and second arrow with some hook going into 1-3 pocket. My series for that night a 751 with 226,267,258. In 36 frames 28 strikes and 8 frames for spares. I was carry with solid hits and light ones as well. Only 3 cross over for brooklyn.
I hate ten pins but love the game of bowling with just the right ball to take them out.

Mr 725

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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2004, 03:12:08 AM »
I had purchased this ball about 1 1/2 years ago and threw alot of games with it averaging about 163...then i bought a power charge from storm and started throwing it but then i became unhappy about the charge then went back to my silver streak pearl...after throwing it for awhile i started to get good with it it was really sharp break point and i did better with the ball than i did with my power charge! now i have changed back over to my power charge and just shot! I still use it now and then but i keep a good 320 grit polish on it at all times.    
What's That?...An 8 Pin?  

Mr 725

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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2004, 03:12:08 AM »
I had purchased this ball about 1 1/2 years ago and threw alot of games with it averaging about 163...then i bought a power charge from storm and started throwing it but then i became unhappy about the charge then went back to my silver streak pearl...after throwing it for awhile i started to get good with it it was really sharp break point and i did better with the ball than i did with my power charge! now i have changed back over to my power charge and just shot! I still use it now and then but i keep a good 320 grit polish on it at all times.    
What's That?...An 8 Pin?  


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2004, 11:04:59 PM »
Drilling: 3" pin out; 4.5x4.5 stacked, pin above ring finger at about 1:00. MB is thus basically in 'strong' position

Profile: 15 mph, medium high revs (approx. 300 rpm), minimal axis tilt (30 degrees guessing)-- basically a power stroker / tweener.

I've had this ball now for a couple of months and have tried it on two different synthetic patterns. I bowl league on both.

In one word: unholy. Warning: take the specifications that Rotogrip lists for this ball on their website seriously. Roto is dead on with this one. I wish they'd list a breakpoint shape like Brunswick does since this may have dissuaded me from purchasing this ball.

Skid flip for me. Archetypical pearl resin reaction. One look at the very sharp and angular core should give you an idea of what this thing is all about. This is a high performance ball masquarading as a midprice ball. There's nothing middle about it. Of course that's good and bad depending on the lane condition. The backend is very angular and practically never quits and this is also the hardest hitting ball I own. I imagine a sport or tourney pattern would tame it down but I bowl strictly on league lane conditions.

Condition A: 35-40' synthetic, medium heavy x'mas tree pattern (40 units in the middle) with a generous buff out region

Condition B: 40' synthetic, light oil (18 units in middle stepping down in 5-board increments to 3 units outside 5), squared off backend (no buff out)

On condition A: Excellent reaction due to the strong heads and buff out region at the rear of the oil line. I can swing it out from 12-15 and it has radar. Admittedly this is a very forgiving and high-scoring pattern but it does break down fast, probably because people like to throw aggressive stuff on it. Even though this is a pearl it sometimes struggles get cleanly through the midlane after a game or two of five-man league. It isn't fazed by carry down, though.

On condition B: um, er, unholy. Not necessarily unholy bad but the combination of lighter oil and flying backends means I have to be very consistent with ball speed and release because I'm throwing out to a breakpoint and it zips back like a raving lunatic. I can tear it up on this pattern bowling practice but things get iffy fast in a five-man league environment where oil lines are crossing and breakdown is happening at an accelerated rate. I don't use this ball in this league anymore for this reason. Lots of splits and over/under. But it hits EVEN HARDER on this pattern due to the intense backend and entry angle. Perhaps with more practice ...

1. Black Danger Zone reissue (4.5x4.5, pin at 1:30 above ring): my BDZ is drilled identically to the SS pearl so it's a perfect comparison. The BDZ gets similar length (40-45') but it's more forgiving -- more rolling and hard arc than skid flip. It has ~5 boards less backend than the SS pearl as well on the same line and lane condition.

2. Monster Slay/R (4.75x4.75, pin at 12:00 above ring): Brunswick claims this ball has 90/100 (highly angular) breakpoint shape. Well, that would mean the SS Pearl would be about 180/100 on this angularity scale. No kidding. The Slay/R is actually a rolly, smooth ball compared to Mr. Unholy, I mean SS Pearl. The SS pearl also has about 10, maybe even 15 boards more backend than the Slay/R but also turns the corner 3-5' sooner (perhaps due to the slightly stronger drilling since Rg and diff are pretty similar between the two).

Overall I really like this ball and it has a definite place in my arsenal but I'd like to see this core around a weaker pearl cover for my game. Any ball that hits this hard as has such a strong reaction has a place in my arsenal. But, my release seems to promote a hard arc or angular ball reaction, admittedly. I would guess the SS Pearl would work best for strokers, though crankers might also love it per their typical higher ball speed than me. Just make sure there's decent head oil. I would also recommend drilling it 'weaker' (or at least 'forgiving') as far as Pin-->PAP and MB position for typical league conditions to maximize it's applicability.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2004, 09:15:14 PM »
Update to my last review.

I've gone back to playing more down-and-in lately (my preferred game, really) and the Silver Streak Pearl really shines now. I would guess my rev rate is around 250 rpm when I'm stroking the ball and my ball speed is 16 mph at the pins. My previous review was based on my tweener/power stroker release.

Whereas before when I was tweening the ball I found it very condition-specific given the sharp backend, now it's useful almost on anything. It gives a very precise, angular read and by stroking is much more forgiving of minor speed and release variations. Tweening the ball I found it difficult to control on flying backends unless I was near perfect with my mechanics (but when I'd get lined up and in a rhythm, look out).

Also, as I said in my previous review, it is a very strong pearl and this, in concert with the angular read, means it also handles carry-down well. I've tried it on three different patterns ranging from the light to the heavy end of medium 40' and it's great on all three stroking the ball.

If you're a stroker I think you'd really like this ball on a wide variety of patterns between the extremes (toast light and soup) since it provides good angularity for entry angle and a strong hit. Being a pearl it's also clean through the heads up to the point where practically everything stronger than plastic or polished urethane is checking up early. It hits and carries just as well or better than my black danger zone reissue (drilled identically and in stock compound finish) either stroking or tweening the ball and is about 5 boards stronger but with nearly identical length.

It's too bad Roto discontinued this one for the RS1. This one's a sleeper and I see why it's been in their lineup for so long and garnered so many honor scores. I see the RS1 as a lot stronger and thus more limited in it's applicability (especially since they already have the Apocalypse in their line up and my pro shop driller really likes his Apocalypse). Personally I think my purchase of the SSP a few months ago inspired his getting an Apocalypse since he'd never seen a Roto thrown prior to ordering mine. He would have probably gotten a SSP as well but his house is the one with the heavy medium 40' oil I mentioned above. That alone says a lot since he's drilled a whole lot of balls for himself.