My Specs:
15-18 mph
15 Revs/280-320 RPM
PAP over 4.75" up .75"
30-80° axis rotation,
10° axis tilt.
12" Track Diameter
Ball specs:
14# 4oz, 2.7oz top, 3.5" pin, 1500 polished
38° drilling
Pin; R/L 0", up 3.25", 4.25" to PAP
MB; right 3.5", down 2.875", 4.25" to PAP
Balance hole .375" past VAL, up/down 0
I have had this ball for about 2 months and I now feel that I am familiar enough with it to write a proper review.
First game on each condition.Lane condition:
Wood, fresh 44' Tree, 5:1 (50 units 20 board @ 12', 10 units 3 board @ 12') not sure beyond that other than it tapers to 17-23 at 38' with buff out to 44'.
Plays straight up the 5 @ about 16MPH with 30° axis rotation. Not much I can say to describe the roll on this type of shot other than, it is dead straight all the way to the break point for me. When it makes it move though it has a flip/ strong arc to the pocket and drives very hard through the pins.
Lane condition:
Wood, second shift (5 man teams) 44' Tree, moderate carrydown in track area, 5:1 (50 units 20 board @ 12', 10 units 3 board @ 12') not sure beyond that other than it tapers to 17-23 at 38' with buff out to 44'.
Plays 12 @ arrows to 5 @ 45' about 16MPH with 45° axis rotation. Ball starts to read in the later midlane. When it makes it move it has a strong arc to the pocket with a bit less hitting power than on fresh. Doesn't seem to like the carrydown very much, if I don't get it outside to get around the heavier carrydown it wants to squirt even though it appears as though it has gone through the axis precession period and is ready to move. This may also be due to the long pattern.
Other balls I have used on these shots and there lines.
Fresh: (see profile for specs)
Unleashed - 20 to 10 @ 60° AR
X-Factor (strong) - 17 to 8 @ 60° AR
X-Factor (weak) - 14 to 5 @ 45 AR
Sonic X Solid - 10 to 5 @ 45 AR
Second shift:
Unleashed - can't use
X-Factor (strong) - 20 to 7 @ 60° AR, works, but drilled to early for condition
X-Factor (weak) - 18 to 5 @ 60° AR, works good.
Sonic X Solid - 15 to 7 @ 45° AR, works great, use when Boom is squirting due to carrydown.
STORM TRACK If you get caught in the Storm Track beware it could be a Typhoon or Monsoon with Rolling Thunder and Lightning Flashes that when Unleashed may send splintered Wood flying's unofficial FAQ section