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Author Topic: Top Fuel  (Read 15034 times)


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Top Fuel
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Top Fuelâ„¢

In the competitive market of High Performance bowling balls you must have an edge to get ahead.

Roto Grip® continues its constant quest for state of the art technology and the Top Fuel™ is no exception.
We took the Cyclotronâ„¢ core from the original Fuel and combined it with the all new Ultimate Gripâ„¢ reactive
coverstock to give you one of the strongest reactive balls ever made.  

The Ultimate Gripâ„¢ reactive coverstock has a special additive found in the polymer industry to enhance friction.
This translates into more “hook” throughout the lane and enhanced backend reaction.   The coverstock is easily
adjusted with the use of scotch-brite pads and polishes.


   Technical Data:

   Factory Finish- 1000 Matte Finish

   Radius of Gyration- 2.54 (Medium)

   Differential- .050 (High)

   Hook Potential- 23 (25 scale)

   Track Flare Potential- 7+ Inches

   Length- 6 (10 scale)

Backend- 10 (10 scale)

   Cover Stock- Ultimate Gripâ„¢ Reactive

   Weight Block- Cyclotron Coreâ„¢

   Color- Navy / Ocean Blue

   D-Scale- 73 to 75

   Available Weights- 14-16 Pounds



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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2003, 09:03:53 AM »

The pro shop received the Top Fuel from Roto Grip and I drilled it Saturday afternoon. With a small scratch tournament coming up on Sunday I thought it would be a good idea to test this ball in tournament. Well out of the box with a shine to allow the layout to keep its energy on the backend this ball was impressive. You are able to stroke it or get on it hard and get the same hitting power out of both. The pins stayed low and carried the corners well a few 9 pins and a solid 8. But for 4 games of qualifing 942. This ball is must have for all Fuel owners reactive cover and more backend than you could believe.
Thanks to Hank Boomershine and staff for such a good reacting ball looking foward to a pearl version if there is going to be one.
T's Pro Shop

DS Express

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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2003, 06:59:26 PM »
I have this ball drilled to go long.I needed to polish it but it did not lose any power.I have alot of revs so one concern was rolling out to soon...but it did not.This ball hits like a truck.The pin is above my ring finger and c.g. just out of my palm.The lanes had a fair amount of oil inside and light oil not get this ball out to soon without any speed.I would like to thank Roto-Grip for a great ball.Overall I can only say WOW!


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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2003, 09:37:09 AM »
Picked this beauty up last week.  The pro I work with drilled this up with the pin 4" from my PAP, mass bias in the STRONG position (option C on roto-grip's tech drilling sheet).  I'm a tweener, rev rate low-mid 300s, 15-16 mph.  Tried it yesterday on a medium house condition.  First tried my favorite line (or, more to the point, a line that my current equipment usually forces me to play on fresher conditions)...up the boards with my hand under the ball.  The ball didn't do much.  Down the lane with a nicy smooth arc to the pocket.  Nice, but I wasn't overly impressed.  Movied inside and decided to get around the side of it, almost to a semi-spinner release, to see what it could do...WOW!  This ball came to life.  18-board out to 5-6 board, then crush.  Spent the rest of my session feeding it out, watching it set up, turn, then crush the hole.  240s all day long.  Seemed to keep the pins very low and carry off-hits well.  This ball seems to give me the "stand left, feed it right, and open up the lane" option that I've been looking for.  Can't wait to try it in tournaments.  
Summary:  Pure strokers might not get much kick out of it.  It seems like a ball that likes to be thrown with some side tilt.  If you do that, you should love it.
My first ROTO GRIP ball.  Definitely not my last.

Chris Postel

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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2003, 08:46:21 AM »
Drilled this up Label Leverage (pin up), no need for weight hole.

I tried throwing this ball with the box finish of "semi-sheen", but this did not work for me, kept rolling out.  I threw it in the polish machine and threw it again, made a strong skid snap (which you can expect from polishing this type of ball), but it just wasn't finishing off the pins.

A friend of mine was with me and he suggested to scotch brite the backend flare on my track, so he did that for me.

HOLY CRAP!  It should be illegal to have a ball hit so hard!  Using this ball at my home house (7-7 40 ft.) I was mainly forced to play a swing shot.

I tried this out at another house with a shot about 2-2 and about 43ft.? down (this is a PBA Practice Center, that's why it's not a typical shot).  This ball is the ball to fight oil, even throwing the original Fuel wouldn't turn on this shot, and I just kept opening up the lane with the Top Fuel.

Another thing is that this ball needs some sort of mid-lane oil to keep going because the way I tweeked the surface (mainly because of the backend flare).

Very versatile, controllable, and predictable.  Overall, a very good ball.
That Is All,
Chris P

Mr Scary

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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2003, 02:27:43 PM »
Drilling: 15 lb., pin under my ring finger with the CG kicked out to the right a bit.

I put a small coat of polish on it because it looked too strong for GR. with the box finish.  GR. is not known for putting out heavy oil.  The reaction was too violent with fresh backends, so I hit it with a scotch brite pad, and that sure did the trick.  It still makes it through the heads clean, and flies on the backends.  I had to play 5th arrow out to 10 in order to keep it in play.  The carry is awesome, and no signs of rolling out, even with fresh backends. I even hit the OB, and it still turned the corner.  Awesome ball, I can’t wait to use how it was intended, in some oil.
Chris Slagter
Roto Grip Amatuer Staff


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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2003, 06:29:01 PM »
This ball was delivered on Friday. I'm a right hander and the PIN was over and to the left of my middle finger/ Center of Gravity was in the middle of my grip. Never having this layout I was worried about 'what to expect'. Dropped a line to MUSTANG GUY and he suggested it was used to MINIMIZE FLARE and BACKEND. Used the ball MONDAY and TUESDAY without getting any carry at all. Called MIKE CIMBA (the driller) and he suggested a solution.Mike suggested I watch the BREAK-POINT of the ball and perhaps adjust my line. Used the ball today and it was blowing the pins away. I have an X-FACTOR .. this ball gives me MORE and it was less expensive. Need a new ball .. try this one .. you won't be disappointed!
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2003, 03:54:44 PM »
Just picked mine up last week, I would describe myself as a tweener right handed, med. revs, med speed about 18mph.  I had mine drilled stacked leverage. Out of box condition. This ball is awesome.  I have bowled about 10 games with it nothing less than a 215 yet.  Keep in mind I normally only average about 190 at this house.  This ball let me open up the lanes the way I been wanting to. If you dont have one I would definitely recommend you getting one.


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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2003, 03:23:05 PM »
Cleaner through fronts than expected. consistent in the midlane. Classic Roto Grip hitting power.  

Drilled it 5 x 5 pin under ring finger. Box finish on new 40' house shot. New ball, new shot... should be interesting.  Took a game or so to get comfortable shot 246 the last game with 9 strikes and 3 solid 8's (lefthanded).  The ball gave me a very consistent / strong reaction. Pin carry exceptional (bounced one over the rake).

Will drill another one up with a stronger pattern to see if I can open the lane up even more.
Mike Sinek
Roto Grip / Storm Staff Manager
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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2003, 05:59:00 PM »
I LOVE this ball!! The pin is 3 3/8 off my PAP just above my ring finger. The c.g. is also 3 3/8 from my PAP, and the mass bias is in the "B" position from the drilling chart. The ball gets thru the heads very clean and has a very defined angular but controlled breakpoint. Hitting power....??? WOW!!! The piston logo on the ball says it all. It's got 8 of them in that big v8 engine turning! You can't go wrong with this one.

Mike Austin

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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2003, 09:34:02 PM »
We drilled our first Top Fuel for the young man that works for me, Brad Baines.  Brad is a Senior at the University of Houston and bowls for the U of H team.  He is right handed, throws the ball very hard, has a nice hand motion, but does track very close to his fingers.  He throws 16 pound balls.

He doesn't really have an oil ball that has a very much back end movement, so we thought we would try this ball.  The layout Brad used worked well for him in 2-3 other balls, so he used the following.  Pin out about 3.25 inches, 3.35 top weight.  Basically, just a label shift, with the pin at 12:00 to the CG.  Pin was right of his ring finger, which for Brad is about 4 inches to his PAP.  The mass bias is in a strong position, or at about 80 degrees.  He used a 7/8 bit to get the ball back to legal side weight, the X hole was 3 inches to the right of his grip center.

The first few games were bowled on Brunswick synthetics on fresh oil.  The house is medium oily, and not known for having alot of back ends.  We use Twister pins also.

The ball cleared the heads nicely, most balls do, Brad has great ball speed.  Revved up pretty well in the middle third of the lane and just kept on going.  This ball hooks alot!  Out hooked his LRG with a similar layout by 5 boards with his feet.  This ball almost seemed to quit at the pin deck though, leaving some flat 10's on what looked like going to be high flush shots.  A little Storm #2 cured this problem.  Ball had 2-3 feet more length and finished all the way through the pins.  Hit very hard.  Still reads the middle part of the lane very well.

I think Brad should have used a 6 inch low rev hole.  I think this would have kept the ball from revving up quite so quickly and having more punch on the back end.  I would probably not recommend the 3" hole idea to just everybody.  The 3" hole helps to lower the RG of the ball, and make it rev up in the midlane.  Sometimes this is good, it makes the ball use up energy more quickly for me, I like to use it on wet/dry and spotty back ends.

Top Fuel is a strong reactive resin ball, doesn't over react, comes dullish in the box.  Hits very good.  I think the tweeners/ladies will really like this ball on fresh oil.  Plenty of power.  Straighties will like it most all the time.  May be too long for truly heavy oil, particle ball may be better for the straighties here.  Big hook guys will probably want to shine it, but could be nice on oil for the twisters.  Cover reminds me alot of the Trauma ER, takes adjustments in the same manner.  This ball is a nice compliment to the Fuel, probably out hooks the Fuel on all but heavy oil.

We have done pretty well with this ball since drilling Brad's, selling about 4 more.  Ball seemed to work very well for the tweeners to weaker handed players with a label drill.  Very nice power.

Hope this helps ya....  (strikes4days at   NOT AOL)
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2003, 11:22:41 AM »
I drilled this ball for a buddy of mine which I have bowled with since college.  He is a right hander with slightly less than average speed and better than average revs.  He is very adept at multiple release angles and tilts.  Punched the ball with the pin at 4 1/2 above and slightly right of the ring finger.  The pin distance was 2 1/2".  Then swung the bias half way from the strong to the VAL and put a 1 1/2 oz. hole on his PAP.  On our wood lanes oiled 1 to 1 29 ft buffed to 39 after a full weekend of tounament bowling oiled every shift, this ball performed brilliantly.  He could play the ball everywhere, with any release and hit the pocket.  The ball hit the roll every shot and the carry was impressive.  This guy intends to play this ball on all but the wettest and dryest conditions.  It will replace 4 balls in his bag, which is great since he carries up to 10.  This core/cover combination matches perfectly for those who have trouble getting tall skinny cores to get rolling through the pins.


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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2003, 09:01:31 AM »
OK, I just got this ball last week and so far I've only thrown it in practice. All I can tell you is that the condition last night was Medium and my blue retro out hooked this ball by a lot. So far I am not happy with the top fuel at all. I love roto-grip equipment but I got this ball for medium\heavy and it wasn't moving at all on mediums while my retro blue was slamming the pocket. I have to get used to it, I'll find room somewhere in my game for it but for now it will be my first disappointment from Roto-grip to date.

Two guys I bowl with got silver streak pearl's and they are monster balls..  Big SNAP!

I'll post another update in a few weeks after I learn what I need to do to get the top fuel working. BTW, when it did hit the pocket,it blew up the pins.



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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2003, 09:27:33 AM »
Bought this ball to weeks ago 15lb 0z pin 3 and 3.24 top weight, 4 1/2 mb also gave it a little polish, drilling recommended by Mustang Guy.This is the first Roto Grip I ever purchased. I went to a city tournament for doubles and singles, the lanes were flying that day.Everybody started to use their plastic ball. I had my old equipment which was not carrying and decided to take out my new Top Fuel of cause had to keep moving left to this baby on the lanes and  watch this ball come back and carry everything had a few corner pins but no problem. Great hitting power, kept the pins low, great carry. No regreat in buying this ball I give it 10.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Top Fuel
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2003, 02:14:15 PM »
We drilled this ball for Willie Willis a couple of weeks ago. This ball was laid out with the pin above the fingers, and the CG a half inch off the grips line.

Willie has used this at a variety of League and Tournament conditions.

Willie found that this ball to work very well then the lanes had head oil. This ball makes a move smooth arcing move to the pocket. This is a good ball for medium oil.

If you like the Fuel, you will need to add this to the bag. Roto-Grip as made another great ball. Thanks - Hank.

If you have any questions, just email me at
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