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Author Topic: UpRoar  (Read 43781 times)


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« on: November 13, 2013, 01:52:58 PM »
Roto Grip Uproar Ball Specs:
- Color: Orange Pearl/Ruby Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Reaction: Good Length and Strong Down-Lane Recovery
- Coverstock: 51ML Pearl Reactive
- Core Type: Late Roll 51
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.55**
- Differential (Diff): 0.030**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Hook Potential: Medium-Low
- Length: Long
- Recommended Lane Condition: Light-Medium Oil



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Uproar by staffer Garrett Richardson
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2014, 10:34:00 PM »
Hand: Left
Ball Speed: 16-17mph
Ball Weight: 15lbs
PAP: 5 left 7/16 up
Degrees of Tilt: 17
Layout: 4 ¼ x 4 ¾ x 4 5/16

The Uproar is drilled 1 ½ inch down from ring finger and cg out with a weight hole down with 3000 abralon. When I first rolled it shined up it was a little too long for me and not much down lane motion, but once I put surface on it the ball came to life but still had the same motion as far as the length when it was polished but an earlier read in the mid lane and smoother transition down lane.

I use the uproar when the lanes break down usually after a fresh house shot pattern. When its on more of a fresh pattern I have to stand left and go up the boards until the transition hits then I can move more right. Right now the uproar has been a popular ball for the bowlers who need length with a more controlled back end and not much snap. For a medium to dry lane ball this ball hits like a truck! Great job Roto Grip once again!

If you have any questions about the Uproar email me at

Garrett Richardson
Storm/Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Amateur Staff
Pinole Bowler’s Supply


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UpRoar Review by Louis Narvaez Jr.
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2014, 12:15:18 PM »
Layout 55 x 4 1/2 x 70.

I drilled this ball using a 55 x 4 1/2 x 70 dual angle layout.  This puts the pin below my ring finger with the cg kicked out.  After throwing this ball for the first time all I could say is WOW!  Even with this layout the UpRoar made an amazing move off the spot.  On the house shot I could move as far left as I wanted and this ball would get down the lane and go left. 

When I drilled this ball I was under the impression that I would be able to begin moving back to the right when things broke down.  The great thing about the UpRoar is that I really do not have to move right.  If I am throwing a stronger piece of equipment and it just becomes overly aggressive, the UpRoar allows me to stay in the same spot and keep on going.

Here is an example.  I was throwing a Hyper Cell at 3000 grit.  After about a game the Cell was just too much ball.  I decided to move right and throw the UpRoar.  First ball BOOM Solid 9 pin.  After a few frames I was throwing the UpRoar from the same spot as the Hyper Cell and it was great. 

The UpRoar pushes down the lane with ease.  Don't let the HP2 rating fool you because this ball does move.  If you are looking for a ball to use later in blocks or if you have problems getting some of the more aggressive balls to get down the lane this is a ball you should consider. 

OOB surface on the UpRoar is 1500 Polished.  The UpRoar did roll good with this surface but seemed to go  a little bit long for me.   I hit the ball with a 2000 grit pad to get rid of some of the polish and this ball came to life for me.  It also made this ball very forgiving.

The following video shows the UpRoar compared to the Asylum.  This was done after a few games on the pattern and before I changed the surface on the ball. 

Louis Narvaez Jr.
Storm/RG Pro Shop Staff
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 12:19:20 PM by LouisN »


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Re: UpRoar
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2014, 08:04:00 PM »
The good looking bright pearl Uproar is as good as any earlier balls in its class. My drilling has the 3 inch pin above ring finger & CG kicked out an inch. As a super senior LH stroker I keep hand behind ball which gives me more lenght before a sharp, but, smooth move to the pocket. On the avg. house condition I can stand 4-5 boards right of center & cross 12 to 5-6 & with the late break point, no pins left on the deck...On medium oil I have to move left & go up 5-6 with same hand release and carry. This ball can be sanded for heavier oil & high rev bowlers...Jason Belmonte for one on recent PBA TV finals...A lot of uproars on local lanes because of its versatility with all averages. L.Hoffman RG Staff


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Re: UpRoar
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2014, 10:28:06 AM »
The NEW Roto Grip UpRoar is the perfect new addition to the HP2 line. With the discontinuing of the Shatter, the uproar compliments the Wrecker and the Rumble perfectly. The cover/core combo on the Uproar gives it an extremely clean look through the front, and monster continuation in the back. When the rumble and wrecker are a lil too early rolling, the uproar is the perfect go to ball. I drilled mine with my basic pin down layout (45x4x75), and the motion i got out of this ball down lane was as if it was a high performance symmetric ball. This is a must have ball for all bowlers looking for a great league ball, or something for mid to later parts of a tournament. Own It!!!

Erik Ramos
Storm/Roto Grip Staff

Tony Reynaud

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Re: UpRoar
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2014, 02:07:36 PM »
RELEASE DATE: 01/07/14

My layout: 4 3/8 x 5 1/8 x 2
My PAP: 4 1/2 over 1 1/4 up

If you go back and read some of my other reviews you will see that I have a strong tendency to really like solid coverstock balls. You will also notice that I haven’t given many strong reviews on pearls and hybrids. Therefore when I tell you that I have a high opinion on the Uproar from Roto Grip it should really mean something to you.

As I said in the past I am not a big skip/flip type of guy. I like archy ball motions, and I don’t get that with many pearls or hybrids. The Uproar really rolls well for me and became part of my tournament bag very quickly. I don’t get that big skid /flip reaction, and yet the ball does make a very good controllable move in the back part of the lane and accelerates through the pocket.

Being that it is a pearl ball I also never have any trouble getting it down the lane. The ball really works well for me when I need to ball down due to transition, The fact that it doesn’t skid/flip, and just archs for me, helps me play the right part of the lane, therefore avoiding the under over reaction I get with most pearls.

What amazes more about the Uproar from Roto Grip is it very low price point. I feel you get so much ball for your money that the Uproar should be part of everyone’s arsenal. It will be very hard to go wrong with the Uproar from Roto Grip. The Uproar therefore gets my highest rating.


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Re: UpRoar
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2014, 05:54:16 PM »
Perfect for medium to dryer conditions, especially on sport or wet/dry conditions.  It has that mid-lane smooth roll rarely seen in these lower end bowling balls.  Very predictable motion down lane and doesn’t over-skid.  I have this one drilled 5X4 with 2000 polished on top. Never afraid to bring this one out of the bag and a must for Open Championships after the shot breaks down.  Averaged 240 last 3 games with this ball at Texas Masters.  Another female student used it with confidence for last 7 of the 8 games in Blue Bonnet tournament.  Wouldn’t have made cut without it.

Ernie Mccraken

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Re: UpRoar
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2014, 01:06:12 PM »
Type of bowler: Tweener
Avg Speed: 17.5
Rev Rate: 375-400
PAP: 5 x ¾ up
Layout: 65 x 5 1/4 x 38

Drilled this ball looking for something that would get down the lane and be tame. Figured the UpRoar would be that type of ball. Layout is designed to give me some of that for my roll and what’s worked for me.

Ball does this well with a few hiccups.

40 ft house pattern – The surface is wood so the friction is high and scores are high. The ball allows me to stay closer to the track area on the fresh which is good. Doesn’t overread the backends early in the day. Issues come when the friction gets really high and the ball over reads the end of the pattern.

Kegel Autobahn – 42 ft pattern with a 2.5 to 1 ratio. Ball was not useful on the fresh but towards the end of the day allowed me to stay in the track area. Really sensitive in the oil regardless of angle.

Nationals doubles/singles pattern – Was very useful during the middle games. Didn’t over read once the pattern set in until very late.

My only issues is that when it gets very dry or very oily down lane the ball reads very sensitive. Other than that, a very good piece of equipment and would fit both high and low rev players.
Darrell Lovell

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shop