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Author Topic: Venus  (Read 14443 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Once again Roto Grip® delivers exceptional performance that far exceeds the price with the introduction of the Venustm.

We bring you a light loaded particle pearl coverstock (Sure Grip IItm pearl particle) for enhanced traction on those lane conditions that have more volume in the front of the lane but the overall pattern is shorter.

The Orbitertm core with its oversized body and flip block provides far superior ball motion than all the competition combined. The synergy of coverstock and core is definitely another WINNER from Roto Grip®.


Factory Finish  1500- grit polish  
Track Flare Potential  2-3 Inches  
Lane Condition  Light - Medium Oil  
Cover Stock  Sure Grip IItm Pearll Particle  
Weight Block  Orbitertm Core  
Color  Purple / Red  
D-Scale  75 -78  
Available Weights  10 -16 Pounds

Core Dynamics

16 lb.  2.60 (Med-High)  .030 (Low)  
15 lb.  2.61 (Med-High)  .028 (Low)  
14 lb.  2.63 (High)  .035 (Med)  
13 lb.  2.67 (High)  .020 (Low)  
12 lb.  2.67 (High)  .020 (Low)



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Re: Venus
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2006, 05:08:25 PM »
Pin 3.5 - 4

I drilled it 5(pin) x 5 (cg).  

THS 39ft

Fresh - Great reaction!!!! I got up on the oil line.  Shot 289 out of the gate!!!  My biggest fear that the ball would under-react if I yanked it into the oil was quickly dispelled.  The Particle in the cover seems to take the overskid out of a pull into the oil.  The hit and turn off of the break point is very positive.  The Orbiter core seems to give a high performance reaction to a value priced ball.

Second Shift Condition - SO you'd think that with Particle in the cover that with the heads being eaten up a bit the ball would hook too soon and burn out. WRONGO!!!!  The Venus cleared the fronts easily and still had plenty left for the backend.  The Particle load is very small 1% and the particle size is really small.  This makes the Venus Versatile.

Just for giggles I took the cover down with grey pad just to see how aggressive it would get.  ALthough I had to move in like 6 and 4 the ball still responded well.  I did not lose hit or ball reaction!

The performance of this ball is comparable to balls that retail for $40 - $50 more.
Mike Sinek
Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff
Kingdom member for life
Mike Sinek
Roto Grip / Storm Staff Manager
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Re: Venus
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 04:44:28 PM »
The Roto Grip entry level balls are by far the best on the market.  If you go to their website you’ll notice under balls, the entry level is marked as “Entry Performance”  As a beginner or advanced bowler you will find what your looking for here.  The Saturn coverstock was amazing.  Easily fine tuned for a variety of conditions, but best on the ugly ones.   With a light load particle coverstock the Venus is a great compliment to the Saturn.  Smoother and stronger than the Saturn.  The Venus transitions into a great end over end roll.   As a beginner you could build a 2 ball arsenal under 300.00!  Tournament bowlers will benefit from great predictability of the Venus when the shot gets tough


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Re: Venus
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 05:36:05 PM »
WOW!  Almost too much ball for our house shot!  I have the Epic Battle, Silver Streak SE and now the Venus.  The Venus out hooks and out hits the other two.  Have only thrown it in practice and am anxious to see what it does in league.
Old Bowlers Do It Without Massive Revs


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Re: Venus
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2006, 10:15:15 AM »
Drilled my ball with a 4x4 drilling, i put the pin above my fingers and with this i mean i used an imaginary mass bias to get this drilling, i had to use a weight hole to get the static weights to where they have to be, there is 1/2 top and no finger or thumb weight. I was a little leary to drill this ball because it has a pearl particle shell and im not a huge fan of that coverstock, but i drilled it anyway, and to my amazement this ball is a very good control ball and wont jump off a pattern, i used it on synthetic and the oil pattern was 40 feet with a buff, your typical house pattern, i was able to square up with it and it doesnt like oil, your best result from this ball will come when they r medium to dry, i also see this ball being a great mid level ball for the price and the overall reaction of the ball is great and highly reccomend it for the average bowler looking for a little hook and nice looking ball and last of all the price is right.

John Brodersen

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Re: Venus
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2006, 01:20:36 AM »
Ball specs – 15 lbs 4 oz, 2.68 top weight, 3.0 inch pin.

The Venus was drilled 4.5” X 45 degrees with the pin above the ring finger about 3/4 of an inch.  The cover was left in OOB condition.

The pearl particle cover stock of the Venus surprised me in how well it read the midlane which had a fair amount of conditioner on it.  It then continued with a strong arc and hit very well.  (Was comparing the Venus and the Saturn, please see my Saturn review)  In comparison with the Saturn, the Venus’s particle cover stock read the midlane stronger and was a little stronger and angular in the back end.  The Venus is stronger and hits better than its entry-level placement would seem to indicate.

The Venus, and the entire Roto-Grip entry level Planet line, provides the best performance for the price in the industry.

John Brodersen

Mr Scary

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Re: Venus
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2006, 11:08:58 AM »
Drilled with the pin next to the ring finger, and the CG kicked out a bit, and a weight hole.

Another very smooth rolling ball.  Great replacement for the Sonic Boom.  This one is more condition sensitive.  Drier conditions and centers that play better with higher RG equipment, this is the ball, no questions asked.  For the higher revving players, this ball will wok well on a little heavier conditions.

You cannot beat the power of the ball, for the price.

Go Roto
Mr. Scary
Chris Slagter

Chris Slagter
Roto Grip Advisory Staff
Chris Slagter
Roto Grip Amatuer Staff


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Re: Venus
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2006, 12:39:14 AM »
I drilled my Venus pin negative and this ball gets thru the fronts great with plenty of kick on the back end. In my opinion this is the best ball at this price point hands down.  For the beginning bowler looking to try resin this is the ball of choice in my opinion.  For the tournament bowler either looking to go more up the lane on the fresh or move in and wheel it on the burn this ball will give you that look.  So for 120 bucks or so you can't go wrong with the Venus.

Justin Godfrey
Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff

big hank j

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Re: Venus
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2006, 10:25:01 AM »
Finally found condition needed for this new ball.  Used on dry heads, clean back ends. Drilled this ball 4 1/2" x 4" no weight hole pin just above ring finger.  I have no problems getting this ball thru the heads.  The reaction is smooth and steady off the spot.  With my medium plus and medium rev rate, had no problems getting the ball to the spot and the backends are hard and consistent.  I am very pleased with the way this ball carries and seems to get better the drier it gets.  No problems moving left or right.  Several of these balls have been purchased locally.  Nothing but smiles.

big hank j

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Re: Venus
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2006, 10:25:22 AM »
Finally found condition needed for this new ball.  Used on dry heads, clean back ends. Drilled this ball 4 1/2" x 4" no weight hole pin just above ring finger.  I have no problems getting this ball thru the heads.  The reaction is smooth and steady off the spot.  With my medium plus and medium rev rate, had no problems getting the ball to the spot and the backends are hard and consistent.  I am very pleased with the way this ball carries and seems to get better the drier it gets.  No problems moving left or right.  Several of these balls have been purchased locally.  Nothing but smiles.  

Hank Jordan
Roto Grip Advisory Staff


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Re: Venus
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2006, 07:54:17 PM »
With a medium pin stacked under the ring finger this ball is very predictable, like many of the Rotos and takes the touchiness out of wet - dry conditions. Continuing their tradition, Roto - grip has produced another affordable ball with great performance. Smooth hook with good strong finish. kGood for the med. to dry conditions. All Roto's current balls in this price range hit harder and produce more pin action than any of it's competitors comparable models. (in my opinion).
Great value.

Cliff Saliba -Saliba's Bowlers Shop


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Re: Venus
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2006, 02:52:34 PM »
Pin to CG Distance - 2.25"
Topweight - Around 3oz. (Don't remember exactly)

Layout - Pin under and slightly right of ring finger, CG kicked slightly out

My Bowling Style (See profile)


I've been using this ball for a couple of months now, and I'm very happy with it. I originally asked for this ball to be drilled for dryer heads with carrydown in the back because I have a Sunday night league where they don't strip the backends at all and just re-oil the front 25 ft.  What I ended up getting in addition to that is my "Go to" ball on most fresh league shots because of the smooth motion and excellent carry.  This ball hits like something that costs alot more than the $125 dollars I paid for it.  It's also very receptive to hand position changes, but it is at it's best when played more down and in.  When I try to move too far inside with it, the reaction is a little speed sensitive, but that's to be expected given the high RG/low differential core coupled with my style being more speed dominant.  Not a big deal because I've got other balls that I can get deeper with if that's the shot.  It really shines when I take my hand out of it and up the speed on dryer conditions or when the lanes break down.  

I think this ball will get the most use for me in the fall leagues this season because of it's versatility, smooth reaction and great hit.   Roto Grip has another winner with this one.


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Re: Venus
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2006, 05:59:19 PM »
once again roto comes up with a ball that is unbeatable for its price range.  Basically this is a tremendous ball for shorter and/or light oil patterns.  I drilled one about 6X4 with the pin on grip line above fingers, CG out 1 1/2" with a weight hole on axis, and left slightly positve.  It gets easy length with a smooth but strong backend move.  I used it in a sport league over the summer and it was by far the best look I had.  For those of you with slower speeds and higher revs, this is a ball you should be able to move further right on the lane than anyone else is playing.  If the outside few boards are scorched, try the venus right up it.

Corey Atkinson
Roto-Grip SW Reg. Staff

Mark Curran

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Re: Venus
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2006, 12:58:53 AM »
Not much to say that hasn't already been written - Venus is a woderful nugget o'bowling goodness(tm). Punched a mid-pin ball with the pin at 4" under my ring finger and the CG stacked. It gets great length and smooth finish. Carry is excellent.

I'm becoming a real fan of particle pearl covers. The Saturn is a super ball and I use the Mercury a lot on drier conditions. Both show the strength of the orbiter core design. The Venus takes the lenght of the Merc and the strength of the Saturn and gives you a ball that can be used on medium dries to wetter mediums without hesitation. Depending on how you throw it you can make this ball go long and strong or tilt it up for a more angular pop off the dry. Hard to ask for more than that at this price point.

The Venus has the versitility of the orginal Sonic-x and is a now one of my core arsenal balls. Meaning it gets to go everywhere with me.



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Re: Venus
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 08:48:55 PM »
Another great 100.00 ball from Roto Grip....Will go along with the other 100.00 Saturn.  As a SS left hander the Venus rolls a little smoother without the sharper back-end as the Saturn, but hits & carries as well. I have the 4 inch pin 1 inch left & below ring finger. Staying behind ball gets it down the lane as far as I want & even if I get it to far out in the dry, it does'nt over react getting back to the pocket...1st series out of box 187-702 tournament. 2nd series was in league 300-779 & after a off week, had 279-764 last night. Have sdvised the local pro-shops where I bowl who really liked the Saturn & sold many, that they need to jump on this beauty, plus, its nice looking too.......Larry Hoffman, Roto Grip Advisory Staff....