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Author Topic: Some people (me) just can't make decisions! :)  (Read 3364 times)


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Some people (me) just can't make decisions! :)
« on: July 12, 2006, 12:15:00 AM »
I need a ball for light oil.  I'm debating between the Venus and the Mercury.  I worry a bit about the Mercury as I've heard some say it doesn't move at all and has to be basically pointed right at the hole.  I've heard from others, though, that's it's a great ball for light oil.  From what I understand, the Venus is essentially a Mercury with a light particle load.  I thought this might be useful because the dry conditions I see aren't PURE dry, but more the product of lane breakdown combined with some carrydown.  I figure the particle load can help me combat these conditions to cut through some of the carrydown a little.  I am a basic stroker, low revs and speed, and I like to play the track area and outside.  My primary ball right now is the Doom, and I find it to be stronger than advertised, and see it as a true medium piece.  My PAP is 4 1/2 over and 1 up, if that makes any difference, or if you want to recommend a layout.  Thanks!

p.s.  I really like the LOOK of the Venus over the Mercury, too!
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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Some people (me) just can't make decisions! :)
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2006, 02:53:34 PM »

There are many very good balls out there from almost every company. What you have to latch onto (wrap your mind around) is NOT ONLY which one would best suit both your game, the oil pattern on which you'll use it and general ball reaction you're looking for, BUT ALSO
which drilling and which surface modification is most appropriate for you and that ball.

Whether you like the idea of not, it is not unusual for a ball to need either a more appropriate drill or some slight mod to the surface.

If I may be so bold, take a step backward, so you don't rush into something you'll regret later on.

I am pretty sure he has been researching this for a while now actually.  From what I read, his DOOM has been overdoing it on game three for a while now.  

I say get another run down from your pro shop person.  Don't try to steer him/her to a specific ball that you want, just see what they have to say.  Then, think "the weaker the better" and buy the ball you like the best.  You are never going to know until you take the plunge I can say that.

For example, I remember reading a thread recently about the Hot Rod Hybrid.  There was a debate about whether or not the ball was for dry lanes or was too strong and needed light oil.  Well, the person just drilled it with a weaker length drilling and he loves it and it worked out fine.  So basically, everyone is going to be throwing different opinions at you (because everyone plays differently) but at the end of the day you have to just make a well-informed decision and be prepared to tweak the ball if you need to.

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Re: Some people (me) just can't make decisions! :)
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2006, 07:03:08 PM »
Based on your initial comment, I'd go with a Mercury over a Venus unless your lanes have serious carrydown issues.  All other factors being the same, the Venus will grab the lane a little earlier and it'll be a little smoother off the dry.  But that won't help you much on broken down lanes unless you can make a speed and hand adjustment to get it further down the lane in it's OOB condition. That being said, either one of them is able to do what you want given the right ball characteristics (pin to CG distance, topweight, etc.), layout and surface adjustments.  

As far as the Tropical goes, it's a little more aggressive than advertised mainly due to the fact that it uses the same Reactor Pearl Coverstock found on the Fired Up and the Agent.

Edited on 7/13/2006 7:07 PM


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Re: Some people (me) just can't make decisions! :)
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2006, 09:08:19 PM »
Thanks all.  If I can't move my Big One, I may not get anything right now!  I think I've narrowed it down, and I'm considering both the Merc and the Vibe.
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I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.

If you don't like Wrigley, you might as well leave the country and join the Taliban.