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Author Topic: 3 ball arsenal  (Read 1776 times)


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3 ball arsenal
« on: July 09, 2006, 05:14:28 AM »
If someone were thinking of switching over to Roto Grip what would be a good 3 ball arsenal for someone with low revs medium speed
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Re: 3 ball arsenal
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2006, 02:22:25 PM »
Depends upon how much you want to spend.  For a three ball arsenal, not including a spare ball you have two basic options.

The More Expensive:
Epic - medium heavy
Epic Saga - medium
Saturn - medium light
The maximus core in the Epic and Epic Saga is one of the best cores on the market today.

The less expensive
RS-X: medium heavy
RS-1 or Horizon: medium
Saturn: medium light.

Spare ball....the Spare Tire looks great and is great and I would recommend it but a Columbia Blue dot is cheaper.

If you want to expand this a little....The Epic Battle is one of the best heavy oil balls out there and it can be polished to make it go longer if need be.
The Horizon is just a great all purpose ball in the medium range and it looks good too. If you decide you need a dry lane ball, get the Mercury. It's not as strong as the Saturn. And the new Venus is also a possibility for the light/medium range though I think the Saturn will handle carry down a little better and maybe be a bit more versatile. Maybe.


Edited on 7/9/2006 2:19 PM


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Re: 3 ball arsenal
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2006, 02:31:44 PM »
My recommendations are close to Chuck's.

Heavy/Medium-Heavy: Epic Battle
Medium: Horizon (Silver Streak SE if you can get your hands on one)
Medium-Light: Saturn or Venus

My arsenal is Battle/SSSE/RS-1, with an Epic Saga on the way to fill the gap between the Battle and the SSSE.
Lightning strikes at the oddest times...

My high game?  Two 300's...within two weeks of each other.

"For the money, for the glory, for the fun.  Mostly for the money."
-Smokey and the Bandit


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Re: 3 ball arsenal
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2006, 02:46:02 PM »
RS-1 or Horizon
and if you really need something for dry a mercury
Current arsenal

Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift


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Re: 3 ball arsenal
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2006, 03:03:38 PM »
It all depends upon what kind of oil volume you are bowling on, how consistent the house is with that oil, how much you want to spend, how you throw the ball, whether you are using a spare ball or not, what angle you like to take to the pocket...are you a straight bowler, a outside shot bowler, use the track area, or use the inside area.

Let's say you bowl on heavier oil lanes most of the time. Then you might want to go with the Epic Battle, Epic, and Epic Saga as your three choices. Or the Epic Battle, RX-1 and Saturn, or perhaps the RS-X, RSP, and RS-1 for a little less money.

If you are bowling on "average" conditions most of the time, then either of the two lists I mentioned in my earlier post will work fine.

If you bowl on "lighter" conditions most of the time, then something like a Horizon, Saturn, and Mercury would be your best choices. If there's lot's of carry down then substitute the Venus for the Mercury.

If you bowl predominately down the track area, down and in, then choices should include the Horizon and Saturn for sure. If you like more of an aggressive skid/flip reaction, then the Silver Streak SE is a slightly better choice then the Horizon which is more of an arc type of ball at least for me.

Basically, Roto Grip's current line has bowling balls that will match up to almost any conditions you might find out of the box. And if you need to adjust that their cover stocks take well to tweaking, either polishing or light sanding. Any of the Roto's hit hard and carry well. So that is not a problem. The choices are yours. You will like whatever you buy.
My arsenal includes the following...The Epic Battle, Epic, Silver Streak SE, Horizon, Saturn, and Mercury with the spare tire just having arrived. I have an Epic Saga pre-ordered, just because I love the maximus core.


Edited on 7/9/2006 3:00 PM

Edited on 7/9/2006 3:01 PM

Edited on 7/9/2006 3:04 PM