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Author Topic: 713, 716 OOB with new Mercuries(sp?)  (Read 829 times)


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713, 716 OOB with new Mercuries(sp?)
« on: April 24, 2008, 06:04:42 PM »
So i went ahead and drilled up both of the new 16 lb. Mercuries(sp?) i picked up off of ebay. I drilled the first one pin-on-axis and took the surface down to 2000 abralon on my spinner so i now have a good control ball. The second one i left the OOB surface as is and drilled it 5x4 with the pin above the bridge and the cg kicked to to right about a half inch. This ball allows me to successfully play a part of the lane i've never been able to before. Straight up the 6 or 7 board. It clears the heads so clean, and once it hits the dry boards, it makes a smooth but very pronounced move to the pocket. Not jumpy at all, and wouldn't get jumpy on me no matter what i did. The pin action and carry is great. My first league series with the ball last night was 223, 223, 267. And tonight on my other league i shot a 256, 225, 235. So far i am really liking this ball and i am thinking of picking up a Neptune next.