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Author Topic: One last review of my Rogue  (Read 862 times)


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One last review of my Rogue
« on: April 24, 2009, 12:39:50 AM »
Bowled in League last night and man I love this ball. Had a little trouble the second game adjusting to the lanes as they dried up but overall (for me) a solid night. I am a new bowler this league season, Started with a straight ball switched to a hook ball about 2 month's in and recently picked up a Rogue Cell. Average started low but has been creeping up. Started last night with a 138 average. Bowled a 246 first game, for a handicap high of 295 getting me on the league boards for 2nd highest handicap game and a patch for 100 pins over average. Second game got a little squirrely as the lanes started drying and burning rolled a 166. Got it back together for the last game after a shaky start and closed with 5 in a row for a 204, gives me a 616 series scratch and a 763 Handicap series if I calculated it right which also gets my on the board for second highest handicap series. The second game would have been a lot better if i would have just increased my speed rather than trying to move around the lanes to adjust. The Rogue is a great ball that allows me to play an area of the lanes that most other bowlers are not on so I don't have to switch balls 3 times a night just pick up the speed a bit and it drops right back in the pocket for me. My last 5 strikes in a row were a thrill to watch because this ball really hits the pocket with impressive force.
Get left and get some!