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Author Topic: Adding Cell to my arsenal?  (Read 760 times)


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Adding Cell to my arsenal?
« on: March 18, 2008, 03:57:27 PM »
I have been bowling for a while with my 13 lb balls. and i start to bowl with a 15lb T-Road Pearl once in a while. I get more control with 15 and i am thinking of building a new arsenal
So I already have 2 more balls ready to be drilled..
they are the Total inferno
and a Orge SS

I was thinking of getting a Cell for heavier oil with good control.... would that be a good ball choice?
I am a extremely slow stroker with med revs...



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Re: Adding Cell to my arsenal?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 02:04:58 PM »
Maybe a t road solid, the cell might be too strong to start off with? Just a suggestion.
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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
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