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Author Topic: Another Rogue Cell Layout Question  (Read 1021 times)


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Another Rogue Cell Layout Question
« on: September 29, 2009, 11:00:34 AM »
I'm righthanded and my PAP is 5 9/16 over and 1 5/8 up. I want the ball to be the most aggressive that it can be. What pin placement do you guys and ladies think would be the best layout. I have change the surface a few times and that just is not the answer. Thanks for any input on this matter. Carlos



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Re: Another Rogue Cell Layout Question
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 01:17:46 AM »
What do you mean by 'most aggressive'?  Or more importantly WHERE do you want the ball to be aggressive?
I assume you want a long and 'aggressive' snap on the back end, in which case I'd go with the Double Thumb Layout from Morich.  That's what I currently have on my Rogue, and it has nice length, with a hard snap, hits the pocket harder than anything else in my bag, and carries amazingly for me.

My Pap is 5" over 1" up, and the Double Thumb layoutm resulted in the Pin about 1" above my Ring finger (RH) and the MB at 1.5" right of my thumb hole, as called for in the layout.

Good luck.
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Re: Another Rogue Cell Layout Question
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 05:13:09 AM »
I'm sorry I did not make it more clear. The ball is lacking the backend reaction I need for it to have. I will look into the method your suggesting. I would love for it to be the first ball out the bag, but it is lacking the backend reaction. When it was first drilled the guy at the pro shop laid it out not to be as strong. Pin above ring finger, cg almost in line with the pin and the little rg symbol right next to the thumb in line with the cg. I hope this helps anyone understand my ball in relation to trying to help me. Carlos


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Re: Another Rogue Cell Layout Question
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 11:51:15 AM »

You need to describe your game some. It plays a big part in what type of layout you would use.  (example) A strong layout for a rev dominant player is different from a strong layout for a speed dominant player.   Based off how you descibed the layout in reference to your PAP the drill angle could be pretty high (75 to 90 degrees) which will result in the ball reving later The pin is most likely 4 to 4 1/2 from your pap, and you VAL angle is probably around 45 to 50 degrees which is not real angular for most styles.   This might not be the matchup for your style of game.
Jimmy Martin
Roto-Grip Staff
Striking Advantage Pro Shop
Titusville FL

Edited on 9/30/2009 11:52 AM


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Re: Another Rogue Cell Layout Question
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2009, 04:52:33 PM »
Thanks Jimmy for your input. I stand left foot on 15 board and my target is the 8 board at the first set of dots past the foul line. My speed is about 16 mph and I don't send it and bent it. I would say I have medium revs. I guess you could call me a tweener. I hope this helps you help me. Thanks for all your help. Carlos