What do you mean by 'most aggressive'? Or more importantly WHERE do you want the ball to be aggressive?
I assume you want a long and 'aggressive' snap on the back end, in which case I'd go with the Double Thumb Layout from Morich. That's what I currently have on my Rogue, and it has nice length, with a hard snap, hits the pocket harder than anything else in my bag, and carries amazingly for me.
My Pap is 5" over 1" up, and the Double Thumb layoutm resulted in the Pin about 1" above my Ring finger (RH) and the MB at 1.5" right of my thumb hole, as called for in the layout.
Good luck.
Mega Friction 278
Virtual Gravity 272
Twisted Fury 268
The Sauce 255
Rogue Cell
FS/FT Black Widow Solid $30
FS/FT Kinetic Energy $25