The Apocalypse is not designed for carry-down, especially in box condition. And, the Apocalypse has a stronger cover than the Pure NOT get the Pure Fuel if you're looking at carry-down, you probably won't be happy either...
Your house sounds like mine...carry down happens real fast! Carry down doesn't happen that fast in all places, but.... If you want it to last longer, take down the box finish to either 800 or 1000 smooth, or, 600, then put a 'light' coat of polish on'll probably handle carrydown much better.
If you really like your Apoc as is.......just keep it as is and keep moving to your Top Fuel....sounds like this one house is where you're having trouble...
Good luck......
JEFFQuit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!
Edited on 3/10/2004 7:08 AM