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Author Topic: If the wife...  (Read 1760 times)

Elimeno Pee

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If the wife...
« on: November 10, 2013, 07:01:36 PM »
if the wife would allow, i'd love to get a Hyper Cell, and an Uproar, My thought is:

(aggressive to least)
1. Hyper Cell
2. Totally Defiant ::already in bag::
3. Defiant ::already in bag:: (or Asylum if
4. Uproar
5. Crown(spare ball)

Have  an aggressive and less aggressive pearl, the Hyper Cell to be a beast, the Asylum to be something non-pearl, moderately aggressive..
Wise bowler told me once: K.I.S.S.   Keep it simple stupid.

Hyper Cell
Freak Out
Totally Defiant
C-System Versa Max



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Re: If the wife...
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 09:23:38 PM »
Well the problem isnt that you need a hyper cell (although everyone needs to get this ball!) The problem is that you have no mid price pieces or low end

I think asylum should be your first venture...wheel brackets and make enough $ for a hyper cell..:)
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???

Elimeno Pee

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Re: If the wife...
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 09:38:17 PM »
Well the problem isnt that you need a hyper cell (although everyone needs to get this ball!) The problem is that you have no mid price pieces or low end

I think asylum should be your first venture...wheel brackets and make enough $ for a hyper cell..:)

House shot in the local went to 43 feet this year, and is not light.  My biggest hole so far this year has been being able to move left away from the traffic zone so far, which i'm trying to figure out how to play all over.  My first 2 choices are the Hyper Cell and then the Uproar.  if I need to I can polish my Versa-Max, but i'd love a weaker pearl for late, I tend to run into issues with my shot when the head oil goes away.

I do appreciate any and all info and advice, I learned a long time ago to listen to all of it, try some, keep what works.
Wise bowler told me once: K.I.S.S.   Keep it simple stupid.

Hyper Cell
Freak Out
Totally Defiant
C-System Versa Max