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Author Topic: Awaiting new toy!  (Read 2257 times)


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Awaiting new toy!
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:23:44 PM »
So, I got my first "real" job out of college in the Big Apple, and as a gift to me I got myself a Neptune

I'm going to drill it up this weekend, and I was wondering out of those peoples who own one if you could help me out.  I'm looking for it to be nice and smooth when the lanes are trash, or for shorter/lighter tournament patterns (think Cheetah).  I want to use it straighter than my T-Road Pearl, as that's a bit strong for squaring up on a broken down shot.  Would a pin down drill be alright? Or should I stick with pin above?  That's my main concern at the moment. I was thinking 5x4 or even 4x4 pin below since it seems like such a mellow ball.  Any input would be great.

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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 08:58:06 AM »
I also am awaiting the arrival of my Neptune. I bought mine used off of ebay for $40. I am also considering the same lane condition usage from mine. I am a liitle considered that a pin down drilling will not have the right kind of pop in the backend. I am considering pin above ring finger! Any info would be helpful!
Mr. 298
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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 02:27:21 PM »
Thanks jam!  That's exactly what I'm looking for, a ball to square up on lighter and shorter stuff.  I think this will be perfect for me considering I'm a stroker to the core.  I think if I had pin 6 inches from PAP, it'd just skid for hours, lol.  Anybody else have any thoughts?
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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 03:01:24 PM »
I don't remember my exact drilling (I'm at work and the ball is at home) but I know the pin is just under the ring finger by about an inch, maybe a little less, and the CG is halfway down my palm between the finger and thumb holes.  I'm not sure where the PAP is relative to my pin.  I'm about the same style and revs and jamjr.

I used this ball during a practice session when after a full day of open bowling, no leagues and only having been oiled once in the morning, the heads were dry as a bone and the the back end of the lane was completely soaked with the head oil.  Very weird condition and very hard to get a good look at the pocket, but the Neptune allowed me to at least be close.  It went downlane and didn't break in too hard, but putting the ball in the same spot twice produced different reactions each time.

I'm not sure the Neptune would be great on completely toasted conditions front to back, but I have a White Dot for that.
15.5# MoRich NSane LevRG
16# AMF Nighthawk (replacing soon)
16# Roto-Grip Neptune
16# Colombia White Dot

More to come!
Roto Grip Hyper Cell
Roto Grip Deranged
Motiv Ascent Pearl Green/Purple Coming Soon!
Pyramid Path Blue/White Plastic


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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2008, 04:28:59 AM »
Sounds like I picked up the perfect piece for broken down conditions.  Sweet guys, thanks.
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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2008, 04:31:22 PM »
I have a Neptune its a good ball hits very hard . The only draw back I have with mind is the coverstock at 1500 polished is very snappy for me also I drilled the ball to go long and put a mellow drilling for it and the ball still snaps to the pocket. I'm going to bring the coverstock to 4000 abralon with no polish hope this tames the snappy reaction.


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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2008, 05:06:53 PM »
Do let me know how that works for you!  I was tinkering with that idea already, and I haven't even gotten the ball lol.  I just have a natural disgust of polish *disgust*
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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 01:15:50 AM »
I live in central Jersey at the moment.  I bowl at Howell Lanes.  I'll be migrating up towards more northern Jersey probably by late summer
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Re: Awaiting new toy!
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2008, 11:46:37 PM »
Well, I got my lovely toy punched up tonight and played a few games with it.  Mellow is not even the word to describe this ball.  I got it drilled 6x3.5 pin up.  It's a control piece and it's exactly what I wanted.  The house I got it drilled at was having a party, and the whole house was rented out for the night.  So I got it drilled, threw a few balls to make sure it was a good fit, and trekked to another alley for a few games.  I compared it to my Pyro and my T-Road Pearl.  Playing straight up 5 on a pretty good THS during cosmic bowling (I was surprised too), the Pyro would pick up like, maybe half way and do a nose dive brooklyn.  The T-Road Pearl would pick up a bit further down the lane and destroy the head pin.  The Neptune would go the furthest before turning, and hit the lighter side of the pocket. It does exactly what I want, and then some.  And it's the easiest ball to throw for 10 pins, so that's a lovely bonus I never expected.  Woo!  Yay Neptune!
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."