I bowle my second 700 last night shooting 236, 280, 239, with 755. my first 700 was like 701 or something like that.
First game got 7-10 split on the nineth. then second game strike spare 9 count 10 pin pick up then rest smooth sailing with 280. then 3 identical on the 2nd game instead got 7 count left 3 6 10 pick it up went 8 in a row stupid me threw a gutter picked it up struck on the 10th with 9 spare with 239. would have another 280. But i'm very happy on how i bowled really been working on my game.
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----cg x(weighthole)
THis is how my lay out is for my grand illusion.
Oh ya my friend who been helping me alot shot 745 with a 290 on the 3rd game using his ROGUE CELL. i threw my rogue, cell pearl, grand illusion but gi kinda game be the better result. felt comfortable.