Need some additional advice. I am looking to purchase my first league ball for hi-lo league that'll have a THS- christmas tree pattern with medium oil.
Have my "heart" set on a 15lb. Saturn, but I am "torn" between the Saturn or the Horizon pearl for the lane condition. In fact I have a 15lb. Saturn in the shopping cart on Bowling. com.
I am a RH, stroker. My current arsenal: 14lb. White Dot and Scout R [the old scout, not the new ones]. If you were an immediate bowler going into your first league play, would you go with a Saturn or Horizon pearl for the lane condition?
I have gathered feedback from experienced bowlers. Mike Austin says to go with the Saturn. Another person suggested to have a wait and see attitude, to go with my current arsenal, seeing what other bowlers bowl for the THS before investing in another ball, if needed.
I have asked the pro at my local house. Ran down the list of balls I was considering. He wasn't too big on the Saturn, but felt a Storm Thunderstruck is a better choice. However, I feel that a Roto-grip is the better ball not only due to performance but also cost.
I would like some additional advice before "I proceed to checkout".