16lb 0 oz
1.5 in pin
3.5 oz top
drilled it with the pin 4-3/4" from my PAP 1-3/4" above the midline...MB 2 inches right of the thumb...no weight hole needed
went out and threw the ball on a lane that had a league on it and open play all day so there was a bunch of carry down in the middle and the outsides were super dry
this ball flat out turns hard in the backend...compared to my other equipment the difference was dramatic...the one and my action packed just skated and reacted late i was forced to move right and square up a little more to get them to the hole...i could move deeper with my vapor zone because this ball rolls earlier but you could still tell it was fighting against the carrydown
the epic battle really showed its muscle by just ignoring the carrydown...i was a good 5 boards deeper than my vapor zone and still ripping 4's and 9's
it reved up quick in the heads and midlane and unleashed all its energy on the backend...im very interested to see what this ball can do on a fresh shot
i had a few league bowlers come up and ask what ball i was throwing cause they had never seen anything like it (color wise)...a few said it was the ugliest ball they ever saw and a few loved the color...they were also impressed by the amount of hook in the backend this ball had...so i may have sold a few right there
i will also be interested to see how durable this cover is with the light paricle load
this ball should fill the void i had in my arsenal on the heavy side
in order by TOTAL amount of hook
Epic Battle
Vapor Zone(pin above bridge MB strong)
Action Packed(pin below ring finger)
The One(pin above bridge MB strong)
this is my first roto ball but it prolly wont be my last!
any questions feel free to message me or ask here!


Edited on 2/10/2006 8:06 PM