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Author Topic: Battle to the rescue :)  (Read 825 times)


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Battle to the rescue :)
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:22:49 AM »
I bowled in a doubles tournament this weekend where my Battle absolutely saved me.  The tournament was at a house I had never even seen before and that I had been warned had a near impossible shot.  When I got there some friends of mine who bowled in an earlier shift were saying that there was absolutely no movement on any of their balls.  The lanes were oiled in a flat pattern to about 45 feet before each set and there was a ton of carrydown on the backends.  I watched some of my friends bowl and it was obvious that there was a lot of oil on the lanes but I wasn't too worried since I put a ton of revs on the ball and usually have more trouble with drier lanes than with too much oil.  

I had 5 balls with me for the tournament, a Visionary Immortal solid (2000 Abralon finish), my old faithful Epic (4000 Abralon finish), a Battle (maroon Scotch Brite finish), a Mercury (OOB finish), and a Spare Tire.  The Epic has always been my go to ball 90% of the time with the Immortal being my main piece when the Epic wasn't moving enough.  The lanes where I bowl rarely see enough oil for the Battle so when I got ready to bowl I figured I'd start with the Immortal and see how it worked.  My first two balls in practice skidded straight through the breakpoint and didn't even come close to the pocket.  I was starting to worry that I was going to end up struggling llike my friends had so I put the Immortal up and decided to give the Battle a try.  Good decision!  I had to slow my ball speed down quite a bit but as long as I kept it around 17mph at the pins (according to the display) I was getting a smooth, predictable break and crushing the pocket.  I had trouble over-throwing the ball the first game (my normal ball speed is 19+ mph) but once I got in a groove I started stringing together decent scores and ended up shooting nearly 15 pins  per game over my average for the 3 sets I bowled.  My partner and I made the first cut but got eliminated early on the second day.   Even though we didn't do as well as I had hoped my Battle more than paid for itself.  I made enough money between what we got from our placing in the tournament and what I made on the side brackets to pay for all my expenses for the weekend plus have a little left over.

If you are looking for a heavy oil ball I STRONGLY recommend that you give the Battle a try!