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Author Topic: Blue retro question  (Read 1895 times)


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Blue retro question
« on: January 08, 2004, 12:32:37 AM »
I just picked up a Blue retro with a 1 inch pin. I've heard that this ball is very snappy on the backend. I'm a no thumber that has had problems with too sharp an entry angle on the backend. When the backends are reall crisp the ball over reacts
and tends to come into the pocket very late leaving a lot of single pins and some ugly splits.
How can I drill the blue to get length and mute the backend somewhat? I'd like to retain some flare potential because my track begins right over the middle finger hole and about an inch from the thumbhole.
I'd considered drilling the Retro with the cg in the ring finger hole and the pin just right of that hole with no thumbhole. Will this be too snappy?
I have a very high rev rate and medium speed. I normally bowl on the house shot.
All replies are welcome.

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Mustang Guy

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Re: Blue retro question
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2004, 06:19:21 PM »

If you want good length and less flare I would get the pin closer to your track.  Put the pin above your middle finger (negative side) and the cg right underneath the bridge.  As long as you don't have too much top weight which you probably don't you can just drill the fingers a tad deeper to get out any extra finger weight that might be over the legal limit.  This should hopefully also push your bowtie up and get the ball flaring off of your finger.  I have seen many no thumbers with this problem and usually unless you change your hand position a bit you will alway flare over that finger.  Either way this should put the pin almost 6+" from your pap which increases length and decreases flare.  

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Re: Blue retro question
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2004, 09:13:47 PM »
I don't want to put the pin over middle finger because that is actually in my track. I like the ball to flare a bit so it doesn't thump going down the lane. I may use a lower pin. Even though that will flare over the finger holes at first, I think the Blue Retro will flare enough to move the track away from the finger holes. I was also considering placing the pin about 2 inches from PAP but near finger height. I tried that drill with an old Rhino Pro Gold and it rolled beautifully but didn't carry the ten.
Anybody else have some thoughts?

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Re: Blue retro question
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2004, 01:18:44 PM »
I agree with Junior Pro in general 1 inch pins are not going to flip.  Even on this strong flippy ball.


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Re: Blue retro question
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2004, 10:10:35 PM »
I ended up drilling it cg in palm and pin 2 inches below ring finger. I bowled one game with it but it was in the Sahara desert so I couldn't judge the ball reaction. It does roll over the middle finger, but it doesn't thump too badly. Ball flares a lot away from the thumb hole but hardly moves near the fingers. Interesting. I'll update when I throw the ball on its intended condition.

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Re: Blue retro question
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2004, 07:53:32 PM »
Well I got to roll the ball today on its intended condition. This is a really strong coverstock! If I let up on the speed at all it was right through the nose every time. The ball would not hold in the oil when pulled and over reacted badly when sent out to the dry to early. The ball is just too strong off of the dry for me. It magnifies my over-reaction problems. On the plus side the hit is excellent when I execute perfectly. I think the ball would be awesome for someone with less hand or more speed, but it is just too much ball for my needs.

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