I have 2, and like them both but they hook way more and earlier than I expected.
Ball#1 pin over ring mb left of thumb (I am a righty) sanded @ 4000 I love this drill and will use it again as it is very easy to read, it is long with good midlane read and a nice smooth arc to the pocket.
Ball #2 pin under ring MB stacked below. This ball is so strong I decided to sand it to 2000 and use it as my heavy oil ball. This ball revs hard off the hand and made a very violent move towards the pocket when it was OOB. Sandig it to 2000 made it read earlier with a very strong arc to the pocket.
I wish I had your problem (not hooking enough on fresh oil) I can deal with that but a ball that hooks to much is frustrating for me cuz they tend to burn up on me.
Maybe you should redrill, I can say from experience that the ball does react alot differently between these two drillings so a pin under drill sanded at 2000 would probably solve your problem.