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Author Topic: Can you tell me anything about this ball?  (Read 13363 times)


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Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:23:25 AM »
Hi Everyone!

I go bowling only occasionally, so I don't really know much about bowling balls. I have always rented my equipment. Anyway, today at work we had to clean this cellar (which really just meant that we were supposed to throw everything to the waste container) and there i found this bowling ball. I thought it looked nice so i took it home. The balls weight was also pretty good for me and my fingers fit the holes pretty well, maybe I'll even use it sometime.

I already know that the ball is made in the US by Roto Grip. On the surface of the ball reads "Blue Star" and "Ace". My quess is that "Ace" is the model and "Blue star" refers to the colour but I'm not sure so hopefully you can tell me more about this ball. It would be also nice to know how old it is.

Here's a picture of it!

Thanks!  :P



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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2013, 03:45:01 PM »
Oddly enough I know just exactly what it is. This ball is not a Roto Grip ball, I think the box and the ball do not match. Ace is  the manufacturer, my grandfather worked for them ages ago before they closed up shop. Its hard for me to tell from the picture, but my guess is its a hard rubber ball. I actually have 3 old Ace balls myself, 2 are my parents, and one is a one off plastic ball that I use to shoot spares.

Now I didn't see it first hand, but my Grandfather once told me that they used to pour plastic balls for Ebonite as well. According to him thats what my spare ball ( pics below) was supposed to be, Red/White/Blue solid stripes but it messed up. He thought it was pretty and brought it home. 20-30 years later I had it drilled.

The name Ace actually still exists, however it is more well known as the Hard Rubber Black Barbers combs which is owned by Goody's now.

I'm not sure if they had another manufacturing center or not, but they were poured somewhere outside of Booneville, Arkansas. Mine is actually labeled as an Ace Supreme. You can see it here ( if you can't access them someone tell me and I'll find another place for them):

As far as I can remember, they had to have closed up sometime in the 70's maybe the 80's, but as far as I know they didn't produce anything in Urethane.

If I can remember to I'll snap a picture of my fathers, I'm almost certain thats the exact same ball he had.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 04:01:34 PM by Armourboy »


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2013, 04:02:01 PM »
I think Armourboy is correct.  I had to log on to get a better size view of the picture and from that, it is made by Ace.  I remember seeing a few Ace balls in the early 70's or late '60s but all of the ones I saw were black rubber but they had the Ace of Spades symbol on them.   I think someone just put that ball in a handy box that happened to be a Roto box.

Unless someone happened to own a ball like that one, you probably will have a difficult time getting more info on it.  I doubt that it is on any of the ball review websites since most of them started in the '90s and info on the real early balls ('70s or earlier) is hard to find (but most of them were rubber and had no 'real' cores, maybe just pancake).

Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 04:14:45 PM »
As far as I know they are just solid cores, as all they were was compressed Hard Rubber. They were made basically from the same material that old hair combs used to be made from ( and the Ace brand is still made from). I'll check my dad's out tonight, but I believe the material you see on the outside is just how the ball looks all the way to the center.

My plastic one may be weighted in some way, as I can get it too hook pretty dang well on dry lanes but I have zero way of knowing that being its an error ball. Just looking in the thumb hole the core almost looks like compressed cork with a 2 inch plastic shell.

I'll talk to my dad tonight and see if he can recall anything about when my grandfather worked there and maybe I can get a better time line and some more detailed information. Sadly my grandfather passed away a couple years ago or I would just call him up and ask him.

I know we also had what he called a " blondie" undrilled somewhere. It looked very similar to the ball used in the movie Kingpin lol.


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 04:32:51 PM »
Armourboy, Ace Supreme:

I could not look at your Facebook pics but from your description, not the same as the above link.

BTW, like the info on Ace as I did not know anything about them other than their logo.

Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2013, 04:41:19 PM »
Thats exactly what my ball is, even has the same serial number on it. So it is weighted, that explain a lot. Damn thing hits like a beast on dry lanes played down and in.

Like I said, alot of my info is second hand from my grandfather. My coloring will not look like anything else thats out there because its an error ball. My mothers is a solid red version of the ball you linked ( although I think it has an Arkansas Razorback logo on it) but my dads is an old Hard Rubber ball which is a different type of logo, although its still the spade.

BTW you might try the pic links again, as I modified them to public.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 04:51:13 PM by Armourboy »


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2013, 04:50:38 PM »

 but my dads is an old Hard Rubber ball which is a different type of logo, although its still the spade.

The ones I remember seeing were all black rubber balls with a solid white Ace Of Spades logo.

Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2013, 04:52:26 PM »
His is Blue and black with a Black and white logo. I'll get a picture here in a few and get back to you tonight, I have dinner with my parents for a few hours.


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2013, 08:26:45 PM »
Ok I got another picture of a couple of other balls  I have, One is my dad's Ace Limited, the other is an Ace Pro seen here:

The neat thing about the limited apparently is that the logo is not a sticker according to my mom. She said she worked there for a while and that limited logo is essentially a pin, its not etched in or a sticker. She said she used to put them in, which was neat to find out. The Pro according to Dad would basically be a house ball today.

According to my Dad they still made bowling balls until the late 80's maybe early 90's. They produced balls for both Ebonite and Brunswick up until that point apparently as well, but from what I can tell it was all plastic.

Apparently they were fairly expensive balls at the time with my dads costing roughly 35 dollars in 1971. Mom said hers was slightly cheaper being it was plastic and not hard rubber. You can see the core material I was talking about earlier and found out that the Hard rubber was a shell just like the plastic.

My Dad also said as far as he ever knew, the plant in Booneville, Arkansas was the only plant that ever made bowling balls, so if you have one, thats where it came from. He said the company made a ton of money, but that eventually their quality got to be so bad they were tossing as many as they were selling. Apparently they had far more orders than they could ever make and it caused huge issues and eventually led to their demise. He said they were hugely popular in Japan, with just about as many being sold there as in the states.

Dad said mine and a few others he's going to look for were ones picked out specifically by my grandfather because of their balance when they closed the place up. He said they literally buried thousands of them, and people even took them home for things like doorstops, and he said he even saw someone use them to make flower beds.

Basically they couldn't keep up with demand, and when the Pro's started wanting exact certain measurements and stuff they just got a bad name in the industry.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 08:30:05 PM by Armourboy »


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2013, 09:32:57 PM »
Thanks for all that info .. may sound crazy but I remember that ACE label! Not that I owned or threw one but I remember it!
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2013, 10:11:22 PM »
Thanks for all that info .. may sound crazy but I remember that ACE label! Not that I owned or threw one but I remember it!

No problem! Its been interesting because tbh its always something I've wanted to know about as well. I've looked at those bowling balls since I was a kid and didn't know much about the history either.

I really wish my dad and I had the same span and finger size because I would throw his just to see what happened. He says he has another one undrilled somewhere though so I may get to eventually :)


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2013, 02:20:17 PM »
Wow thanks a lot! Didn't really expect this many replies and this much info, but thanks again!!


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Re: Can you tell me anything about this ball?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2013, 03:36:38 PM »
Wow thanks a lot! Didn't really expect this many replies and this much info, but thanks again!!

You get lucky sometimes. I just happened to join the site month or so ago. I've never seen one used or talked about outside my family, so I always  assumed it was just some redneck thing from Arkansas  :P