A few had asked me for a short review of this ball. Just threw it this morning.
Drilled: pin about 1/4 inch above finger (if even the hole would clip the pin).
CG about 70 degrees below pin. For me, with my new PAP this is about a 4 1/4 x 3 1/2 layout. I don't know if it needs a weight hole (didn't have time to weigh it out before bowling), but I doubt it. My one concern is now that I'm only drilling the fingers 5/8" deep I may have too much finger wt. If so, I'll put a hole in finger quadrant slightly inside my PAP. Very rolly ball. Though if I leaked it wide (targeting 7 board at arrows, breakpoint around 40' on 6), say to the 5 board at 45 feet, it had a sharper break and still hit dead flush. This may, in fact, be my best line with this beast. I bought this because I've heard of its great continuation. To me this translates as "strength thru the pindeck." This ball has that. Maybe too much. I left 4 9 pins and a flush (yes, flush) 7 - 9 (i'm a righty). Seems to me I don't want to hit flush but thin with this, and yes it does carry the thin hit very well. Oh, yeah, finish: when I took it out of the box it looked like about 800 (abralon). Took it up to 2000 (abralon), and I'm glad I did. Even at that it outhooks my Roto Assault by about 2-3 boards. Not (unless you can get very deep) a ball for late shifts, but terriffic on the fresh.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers." Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
I don't belong to an organized political party....I'm a Democrat.