
Equipment Boards => Roto Grip => Topic started by: bama_fan on March 18, 2008, 09:10:52 AM

Title: Cell
Post by: bama_fan on March 18, 2008, 09:10:52 AM
I bought a Cell a few weeks ago online. I think I got a ball better suited for a righty. I had to put a pretty big weight hole in it to make legal. Probably should have returned the ball. Nothing was even close to being lined up. The pro shop that drilled it said he went as aggressive as he could considering the layout. This ball has had great reviews but I can't say I'm too happy with mine.  This one isn't the hook monster I'm hearing about. This ball hits very hard and has great carry when you can control it. I'm considering plugging and a re-drill. Please help. I would send a picture but I can't figure it out.

Pin between and above fingers. MB is 2 inches below ring finger and kicked out 2 inches with a weight hole. RG about 1.5 inch left of the thumb.

2.66 top weight
3-3.5 pin

         O O
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: bama_fan on March 18, 2008, 05:13:36 PM
Sorry about the diagram, it's not correct. When I posted it moved everything left.
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: Spider Ball Bowler on March 18, 2008, 05:15:41 PM
Did you order a Pro CG?
2007-08 Averages:

Monday: 211
Tuesday Sweeper: 216
Friday: 228
Michigan Majors: 208
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: nd300 on March 18, 2008, 05:20:29 PM
Which way is everything kicked???? I don't remember,but I do know that if the Cg is kicked out of line one way too far it will only be good for a right handed bowler,and the other way will only be good for a left hander.By good,I mean drillable and useable......
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: bama_fan on March 18, 2008, 05:26:56 PM
No I didn't order a pro pin, the ball I got had RG kicked out to the right. Maybe this is better.

Title: Re: Cell
Post by: the pooh on March 18, 2008, 06:39:14 PM
The truth is:the Cell isn't about max hook!It is about breakpoint control.The Cell gives a bowler more control of the breakpoint than any other ball.
the pooh
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: Locke on March 18, 2008, 06:48:48 PM
It looks like you have a right handed pro CG. If the CG is left it is good for right handed bowlers and if it is right it is good for leftys. This is something you should take up with your pro shop if they ordered it. If you ordered it, your best bet is to plug it and sell it. It also sounds like your pro does not know much about trick drilling if that is as aggressive as he can drill it but that is besides the point. Anyways, I do not recommend strong drillings on a Cell. It is a very strong core and cover. My strong Cell is drilled stacked with the pin right 1 inch and up 1.5 inches from the ring finger. That was so strong I drilled one weaker.
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: don coyote on March 18, 2008, 07:09:31 PM
Go to,then to drilling layouts, then to PRO-CG.
You may not have gotten a PRO-CG ball but this site has a few more options.
You also may mean the CG is 2 inches away. That would make the RG(mb) about 4ish inches away from the CG. My suggestion would have been to place the RG in the track and the pin 4-4.5 inches from pap along the same plane as the fingers. This would have given the ball a strong midlane with nice
continuation. Make sure it's legal and roll it, adjust the cover if needed.
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: bama_fan on March 20, 2008, 10:40:05 AM
don coyote, you're right. I got my cg and mb confused a little. I'll get it right one day. My pro shop said it wasn't a pro cg. I've done better with ball lately, I guess everything takes a little time. I don't want to plug the ball and sell it but I might not have any choice.

I track about an inch from my fingers.

----cg------- cg is 1in. below the fingers and 2in to the left
--X---------- weight hole is 1in below cg and 1in left
-----rg-O---- rg is 1in left of thumb hole

The pin is 3in and there is 4in between the cg and rg.
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: Curt_Dupre on March 20, 2008, 04:24:39 PM
That ball is not a PRO CG. Everyone really needs to understand that even if the CG and mass bias isn't in line doesn't mean that the ball is PRO CG.
Title: Re: Cell
Post by: bigdawgwill44 on March 20, 2008, 11:47:45 PM
are the cell and the Hammer Anger pretty close in comparison? Just curious, thanks.