Be careful to throw stones too quickly at Roger on the Pearl Cell. With the undeniable success of the solid, the pearl HAS to be as big if not bigger so as to not disappoint - which is a big challenge to our Utah friends to uphold. Told to me directly from Hank at a trade show yesterday is it will be released before the end of 2008 - could be October, could be December 31st. To be sure, they won't release it until all testing has been done and they are sure this is as big a home run as the original. All great things come to those who wait.
To answer your question for your immediate needs, buy a Gravity Shift to compliment your CELL. If you go the route of the Grand, expect a far more angular look down lane, which is why I think the Gravity is a better compliment.
Steve Richter
Roto Grip Amateur Staff Member