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Author Topic: Cell: a work in progress  (Read 851 times)


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Cell: a work in progress
« on: February 26, 2008, 09:13:58 AM »
When Roger @ Roto-Grip was nice enough to send me a Cell to test and "play with" (my term, not his), I guess he didn't realize that it takes me a long time to get a good handle on a ball. I like to test it on as many variations and with as many surfaces as possible.

SInce it's already been a few weeks, I owed him a review, at least the start of one. SO last night, to the best of my ability, I put one together and posted it in the formal review section.

It's not nearly as detailed as I like, but should give a few people an idea about how versatile, flexible & powerful this ball is, considering how arc-like and smooth the overall ball reaction is.

I need to do more testing with 4000 grit and maybe with some polish. I also need to compare it to some more well known balls.

If you go to read it, be well prepared to the usual excess of words, which I feel is necessary to transmit all the details.

Thank you, Roger and thank you, Roto-Grip (Hank).

Since I have liked this ball a lot, fairly unusual for me, I have tried to post some comments in the RG forum, especially  
- when people are having problems with theirs or,
- when they seem to not have explored its potential fully or,
- when they get some initial bad results when using an inappropriate drill or use it on the wrong oil amount.
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Edited on 2/27/2008 12:42 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


Mustang Guy

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Re: Cell: a work in progress
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2008, 08:15:25 AM »
Roger Noordhoek
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Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.

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Roger Noordhoek
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Storm Products, Inc.

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