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Author Topic: Cell drilled today  (Read 1676 times)


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Cell drilled today
« on: February 19, 2008, 02:28:47 AM »
Ok so first off i dont know much about drilling but here is what i can tell you. The pin is 3.5" and is below my ring finger and about half an inch to the right. the cg is to the left of my index finger and a little more than an inch to the left and about an inch or more above the thumb hole but still left of the thumb hole too. then the mass bias is located a little more than an inch below my thumb and slightly right of the thumb. I know he used a dual angle layout but thats about all i know. He says that i am a very high track player and my ball speed is about 14-15 mph, right handed with above avg rev rate.

Here is my problem...for one on a fresh house shot i couldnt get the ball to carry the 10pin now matter where i moved. On top of that the ball had very little reaction either in the oil, backend or outside of the 5board. The most troubling to me was the same problem im having with all my equipment right now is that the track is going over my ring finger and thumb hole very badly.
Any ideas or help for me or the drilling? he didnt watch me bowl but has my info on file from last time he did watch me. I dont feel as though ive changed much but i couldnt say that i havent.



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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 10:39:28 AM »
I would say that even when he did watch you bowl he didn't really bother to pay attention.  Did he find your PAP when he did watch you or is he one of those throw 2 balls and I'll call you when I'm done kind of guys?
I can't tell you how worth it it is to take a few minutes in your spare time and learn the more technical side of bowling.  It gave me great insight on how and why a ball does what it does and how and what to change to make it do something different.  Not to mention, it will help you get a feel on whether or not you have confidence in someone who is going to be punching up your new $100+plus piece of equipment.
RotoGrip Convert

Edited on 2/19/2008 11:44 AM


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 10:43:24 AM »
when he watched me it was a little more than a year ago and i dont recall him finding my pap. I have had five balls drilled by him and since the first one i think he has watched me bowl on one of the other balls. Now having said that i bowled on league with him last year so he knows my game and last year i did carry a 215 plus avg all the way through a trio league. And although im not on league now i feel my avg is still above 200 but im losing reaction on all the balls and i believe its due to the track being wrong with me possibly having changed something about my release or something else. its just frustrating and no i dont have a clue what my pap is and thats bugging me too


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 10:47:38 AM »
This has some really helpful information with the basic technical knowledge.
RotoGrip Convert

Edited on 2/19/2008 11:48 AM


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 10:51:40 AM »
Are you right handed? If you are indeed a high tracker, I wonder why he drilled your ball with the pin below the fingers.  I'm a high tracker and i cannot have the pin below the fingers because it will make me track/flare over the holes.

Edited on 2/19/2008 11:53 AM


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 10:54:08 AM »
yea that sounds like my problem. i have two balls with the pin above and two with it below and the ones with pin below track right over the holes and i can hear it going down the lane. i am right handed and i kind of cup the ball in hand hand and wrist. Low backswing aswell if that helps anybody


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2008, 10:54:17 AM »
Let me take over for my girl here.  Sounds like to me that you had a Pro-CG ball with the way you described where the CG ended up which is alright but I think he could have done better.  I track high, but don't clip the middle ring (I think you meant to say that instead of ring finger if you are right handed Ryan)  My Cell is drilled 4 x 4 (pin and MB) and it came with a 3" pin.  This put the pin to the right of my ring finger and above it by about an inch and put the mb to the right of my thumb 3 inches.  This is per the instruction with the ball and I've never had a stronger ball then this one.  If drilled like this I don't think you would have the problem of it not reacting in the oil cause mine sure does.  

I am not a fan of the dual angle layout from Morich so I stick to what works.

The clipping of the finger and thumb will have to be fixed by yourself as it sounds like you come up the back of the ball and your hand is almost perpendicular with lane causing the high track. You should try some different hand positions to try to correct that because the way he drilled it, it shouldn't flare over the fingers and there is no drill pattern to fix that.  

Hope that helps.


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2008, 10:59:34 AM »
actually it really does track directly over the ring finger. Going from top to bottom of the fingers it tracks right where the pin is below the ring finger and diagonally across the inside of the thumb hole


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2008, 11:01:02 AM »
almost to where the cg is located but slightly below that. it tracks to the left of the thumb but clips the inside of the whole or sometimes directly over the thumb but always over the ring finger


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2008, 11:02:36 AM »
as for it being pro cg im not sure. the box said 3.5-4 inch pin and 2.56oz top weight. Joe the guy who drilled my ball actually felt this was a great placement for me and said he didnt have to drill a weight hole

Edited on 2/19/2008 12:19 PM

the pooh

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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2008, 12:09:08 PM »
You may be a "closet" full roller! Seriously,get your pap rechecked with a plastic ball with no weight block and see if you track between the fingers and thumb.Quite often,I see full rollers throwing balls drilled for 3/4 rollers.Their tracks start at or right of the thumb,and go left.Drilled properly,the track will startjust right of the thumb and go right,not hitting the thumbhole.
the pooh
the pooh


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2008, 03:58:16 PM »
see i think the problem is that i have never had my PAP checked to begin with. I doubt very seriously im a full roller as when i was first evaluated by the guy that drills my balls he says that i have too much tilt or side rotation and he worked with me to get me to try and come more up the back of the ball and keeping my elbow in. I cup the ball with my wrist and in my palm and normally track very high.


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Re: Cell drilled today
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 09:38:19 AM »
well the easiest way is to throw a few balls (with a low flairing ball, preferably plastic, but symetrical at very least) and then get to a spinner when you can see the track..   Mark the Inside (closest to fingers) track line and go All the way around the ball, put it on the spinner until you get the line balanced (it spins strait around, no wobble, like a lattitude line on a globe) once you have that, the top of the ball is your PAP, mark it out and measure from the center line of your grip, over and up or down.  That is if you can get to a spinner or you have a way to mark the oil line until you can.
You can also estimate it by setting be ball on a ball cup (or cup holders work) and try to measure out the line from line down to the table, do it at 4 sides until its equal and you will be real close.  Mark the top of the ball and away you go to try it out.

Other wise, you can fiddle with it a bit by taking some tape and following a similar procedure with the oil lines and estimating where the pap will be, then marking it with tape.  Then throw the ball and see if you the tape stays stationary going down the lane. If not, move it around until you find that spot where it is.  Then you can know where it is, and you could reference your drilling from there OR bring it back here and we might be able to help you some more.

Edited on 2/20/2008 10:42 AM