A buddy of mine has a cell that died..hadn't had the ball for very long and it had no hook at all, even for me (460+ rev rate) Though after a long day spent in the rejuver and a full re-drill the ball now has some motion, not nearly as strong as it was or any other cell, but it moves some.
Other than that I haven't heard any bad things about cell's dying, they all seem to be going strong..
I myself am trying to find one for sale to compliment the cell pearl..
In the bag: Complete NV,Raid,Twisted Fury, Avalanche Pearl, cherry vibe, cell pearl
HG: 300/Ball: Cell Pearl
HS: 742/Ball: cNV
HSG: 263/Ball: T-Inferno
HSS: 633/Ball: T-Inferno
Current average: 184/193