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Author Topic: Cell Line-Up?  (Read 1246 times)


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Cell Line-Up?
« on: August 30, 2009, 07:29:00 PM »
so i've had all 3 cells at one point or another and was thinking.. could you make a 3 ball line up with all 3 cells to cover all lane conditions? i currently have the rogue and cell pearl but was thinking about ordering another cell solid for more oil, not that the rogue cant handle that =P

i was thinking about doing this...

-Cell Solid- (Pin under the bridge, kept dull and sanded)

-Rogue Cell- (Same layout as cell solid, kept polished for medium and all around lane conditions)

-Cell Pearl- (Pin above the bridge with mb kicked out just a tad for patterns when i need the ball to get down)

-Spare ball- (I usually use my spare ball on DRYDRY conditions and it seems to hit very well. BlackWidow Spare ball ;]  )

so what do you think? think it'll work? just worried that i wont have that big of a difference between the rogue and cell solid...



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Re: Cell Line-Up?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2009, 10:21:47 AM »
I have found the rogue to be far stronger than the Cell even with both at their OOB finish. I would put the Cell under the Rogue with a pin over ring drilling. I have my Rogue and Cell drilled with the same layout and the Rogue is 7 boards more. I think if you could push that to about 10 boards if you rev it up like me and maybe the the 7 if you stroke it a little more you will be looking at a good gap. For a reactive ball line-up I try to cover at least 16 boards of difference between the top and bottom. Really its up to you to figure out how but the Rogue is supposed to be naturally stronger than the Cell so why force it?
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The Cell Pimp
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