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Author Topic: Cell @ Nationals  (Read 4871 times)

Mike James

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Cell @ Nationals
« on: February 28, 2008, 10:09:02 AM »
I've had the Cell for several weeks now and was wondering how to prep the ball for Nationals in the Team is some info...I'm a high tracker(stroker-med revs)and plan on attacking the Team event going up no more in than the 1st i have the Cell drilled kinda strong 4x3 and OOB this ball stands up half way down the lanes on most houses when playing the track area(slides in the oil it being reactive) i took it up to 4000 abralon and hit it with a rag that already had polish on it(just a bit)and works when i bowl the team should i take the polish off? or take it to 1000 abralon or less and have it touched up with a bit of polish?....thanks for any serious replies



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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 06:51:14 PM »
From someone who played the lanes wrong in the team event this year , I don't think the best look is outside of 5.  I think it is similar to last year and in the track area.  There is plenty of backend in team, so there is no need to scuff anythign up too much.  I used a pin down Storm Paradigm polished and had NO trouble getting the ball to the pocket.  To me surface would have probably made the ball start puking by the end of the first game.

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"

Mike James

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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 06:51:24 AM »
From someone who played the lanes wrong in the team event this year , I don't think the best look is outside of 5.  I think it is similar to last year and in the track area.  There is plenty of backend in team, so there is no need to scuff anythign up too much.  I used a pin down Storm Paradigm polished and had NO trouble getting the ball to the pocket.  To me surface would have probably made the ball start puking by the end of the first game.

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"

So track area i would presume it was 2nd arrow? and how did team differ from the Roto Grip Challenge?

Mike James

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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 07:40:35 AM »
From someone who played the lanes wrong in the team event this year

But did you have fun?

I don't think the best look is outside of 5.

Outside of five, except in rare years and for players that can play the twig, is almost always a fake. For example Billings was an outside year. Often you see folks get stuck out trying to make something work but it rarely holds up for a whole game let alone a set.
Yes couple weeks...hope my spare tire makes it through scale room this time...see ya soon Mark
There is plenty of backend in team.. (snip) To me surface would have probably made the ball start puking by the end of the first game.

Backend is never a problem for us but control of the spot can be. In many years I've spoken with good players and am struck comments that they could have used more surface. In my best years I've used ball preps around 1000 grit with old style wet paper and more recently I'm looking at 2000 abralon. I almost always want some surface to control my reaction on flatter patterns.

For the OP - I expect the Cell is going to be decent and with what looks like a slightly heavier volume pattern this year it could be spot on. I would also bring something that is easier to push down the lane with excellent recovery. I'll be bringing the Cell, two Horizon solids and probably a Mystic. If I bring anything else it'll probably be a Venus as that is a great all around ball.

I'll be quite surprised if either the Cell or old faithful Horizon solid #1 doesn't give me a decent look. We'll know in a couple weeks :-)


Mike James

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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2008, 07:44:26 AM »
Well hope my spare  tire makes it through the scale room this time...see ya soon Mark

From someone who played the lanes wrong in the team event this year

But did you have fun?

I don't think the best look is outside of 5.

Outside of five, except in rare years and for players that can play the twig, is almost always a fake. For example Billings was an outside year. Often you see folks get stuck out trying to make something work but it rarely holds up for a whole game let alone a set.

There is plenty of backend in team.. (snip) To me surface would have probably made the ball start puking by the end of the first game.

Backend is never a problem for us but control of the spot can be. In many years I've spoken with good players and am struck comments that they could have used more surface. In my best years I've used ball preps around 1000 grit with old style wet paper and more recently I'm looking at 2000 abralon. I almost always want some surface to control my reaction on flatter patterns.

For the OP - I expect the Cell is going to be decent and with what looks like a slightly heavier volume pattern this year it could be spot on. I would also bring something that is easier to push down the lane with excellent recovery. I'll be bringing the Cell, two Horizon solids and probably a Mystic. If I bring anything else it'll probably be a Venus as that is a great all around ball.

I'll be quite surprised if either the Cell or old faithful Horizon solid #1 doesn't give me a decent look. We'll know in a couple weeks :-)



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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 07:48:16 AM »
From someone who played the lanes wrong in the team event this year

But did you have fun?

I don't think the best look is outside of 5.

Outside of five, except in rare years and for players that can play the twig, is almost always a fake. For example Billings was an outside year. Often you see folks get stuck out trying to make something work but it rarely holds up for a whole game let alone a set.

There is plenty of backend in team.. (snip) To me surface would have probably made the ball start puking by the end of the first game.

Backend is never a problem for us but control of the spot can be. In many years I've spoken with good players and am struck comments that they could have used more surface. In my best years I've used ball preps around 1000 grit with old style wet paper and more recently I'm looking at 2000 abralon. I almost always want some surface to control my reaction on flatter patterns.

For the OP - I expect the Cell is going to be decent and with what looks like a slightly heavier volume pattern this year it could be spot on. I would also bring something that is easier to push down the lane with excellent recovery. I'll be bringing the Cell, two Horizon solids and probably a Mystic. If I bring anything else it'll probably be a Venus as that is a great all around ball.

I'll be quite surprised if either the Cell or old faithful Horizon solid #1 doesn't give me a decent look. We'll know in a couple weeks :-)


I had a good time....was disappointed at my spare shooting more than anything.  The Roto Grip challenge is kinda similar...more hook and more friction in the track.....but I think the shot is in the same part of the lane.

I admit I fell for the bluff outside.  I only got 4 shots in practice and didn't get a chance to roll one in the track....which is my mistake.  I kinda panicked in my head and thought I could throw it up the outside and at least keep it in play.

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"


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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 12:00:30 PM »
Great report as usual Mark.  Good to hear that you had at least a decent Albuquerque experience.  Must be nice having Roto management and staff hanging around to advise your team.  Concerning your team event report, I am now wondering if I really need to bring my Battle.  I had planned on bringing it for prepping the line during the team event and the BTM.  We had the pattern laid out at Cloverleaf and then we had a short practice session.  After prep with the Battle straight up 8, the Cell seemed to work ok with a small swing from say 10-11 to 8.  As long as I did not get outside of 8, it got to the pocket just fine.  Carry of course is another issue.  My Cell is OOB, perhaps that is all I need.  Also will bring the Mystic and Neptune for the other events and maybe the Venus now instead of the Battle.
Tag Team Coaching success story

Mike James

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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2008, 07:42:40 AM »
Bowled on the high end for team event and had a nice line going straight up 5-6 board using a special agent at 2000 abralon...1st 2 games were 200,234...last game the ball was coming up too strong but a small and simple move didn't give me a good reaction...161 for 595 series.....doubles on the 5:30pm squad i thought i might have a shot a bit more inside but was not the case...tried the same outside line after altering the ball to 4000 abralon...was able to hit the one lane for awhile while too strong on the other lane...a bit of a swing worked as well but not on both lanes...534...switched to a polished up Epic near the end of doubles and should have using the Epic had a nice reacttion...was able to stand between 20-25 out to 12-13 and had the ball come back...had to keep moving deeper has the lanes were drying out.....613 series

Bowled the BJ on 1st shift and if you like floods then this is for you...its 42 or 43 foot pattern.....might be better to bowl 2nd-3rd squads


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Re: Cell @ Nationals
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2008, 10:10:34 AM »
In the Singles and doubles event the track area was fried.  My biggest regret was not bringing a weaker ball.  I wish I would have had my pluto with a little surface, maybe 1000.