In Storm's line up, they have a couple of great oilers: Virtual Gravity, Dimension, T-Road Solid. Roto's line up has the Cell and The Rogue Cell.
Both the Virtual and the Cell are strong/dynamic off the spot. The Rogue can be very dynamic, but comes with a smoother surface out of box. On a house pattern, it will probably out hook the Cell because of that smooth surface. It will get thru the front's cleaner than the Cell and store up more energy for that strong move on the back. Get them out side by side on a true long pattern that is flatter and the Rogue would probably need more surface to keep up because of the box surface.
I will put in a quick plug for the Dimension here. I have drilled 2 of these in the last two years and the are very workman-like. No fancy bright colors, just consistant read of the midlane. I shined one of them and the ball did what it was supposed to and got more length with smoothness in the back end of the lane. I keep a pin under one at 2000 in my bag for longer/flatter patterns. I can keep it in play better than my Virtual which I usually have to give more room because of the strong back ends.
T-Road solid is a keeper because it has benchmark type qualities. Great for getting a good read on the lane condition, also great when shined as it glides thru the front easy with polish.
"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986
Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH