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Author Topic: Cell Vs BuzzBomb  (Read 2187 times)

Monster Stitch

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Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« on: May 13, 2008, 09:07:55 AM »
Anyone who owns both or compared it to their friends, what difference did you see?

I took both of mine out today on a fresh medium oil pattern with both at 2000 abralon. They both look so similar going down lane. I saw both with an early roll with continous backend. I was very surprised and shocked.


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Re: Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2008, 05:33:23 PM »
I have not thrown the Buzzbomb personally.  My local pro shop drilled about
10 of them--all duds.  He switched out all but one of them and sent them
back to Lane 1.  The Lane 1 response was that these drillers did not know
how to drill.  Be careful


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Re: Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 05:40:34 PM »
mine isnt a dud..but a very strong, continuous striking machine...i drilled mine..
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Re: Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2008, 06:32:23 PM »
Remember that a house blended oil pattern can easily hide the differences between balls.

So their being little difference between them is not surprising at all.

Neither the Buzzbomb nor the Cell are medium oil balls UNLESS your ball speed is much higher than your rev rate and/or you have a lower rev rate. IS it?

I cannot use my Cell on medium oil without a high gloss polish.
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Re: Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2008, 09:12:39 AM »
I own both and used them for the doubles/singles in the state tournament a couple of weeks ago. Used the Buzzbomb first for three games and then switched to a cell for two games and then switched down to a BW bite.

The lanes were flooded and I still managed a 699/Buzzbomb and 664/Cell-bwbite.

I can only use my Buzzbomb in heavy oil conditions and when they start drying up a bit, I go to the Cell and so on down the path of ball switches until I am forced into using my plastic ball (which rarely happens). After the Bite, I normal drop down to perl with the Complete NV, then NVS, and Total Envy.

Overall, I'm lucky if I can use the Buzzbomb for a three game set as it needs a lot of oil...


Minnesota Don

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Re: Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2008, 09:35:43 AM »
I have both the Cell and two B-Bombs. My first BB was drilled Label Leverage and ha a real nice look but not the heavy oil ball I expected so I polished it up and drilled the second BB to max hook. The Cell has about 15 games on it and compared to the 2nd BB it is more Med-Heavy oil and the BB is heavy oil. When thrown on the same pattern the BB will roll in a strong arc and hit hard. The Cell will go longer and turn harder. The Cell is a more versatile ball for my speed and delivery. I'm a tweener with about 15-16mph ball speed.


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Re: Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 06:50:22 AM »
I had a disasterous experience with the BuzzBust. I really gave it a good try after all the hype. Tried everything, multiple houses, multiple surfaces, league, flooded league, Nationals, everything... but it was an absolute dud, pure garbage in my humble opinion. I also was told by Lane 1 that the problem was with the driller, not the ball.
I went back to the pro shop (after Nationals), got the Cell, and WOW. This ball saved my league season on a condition that changed to flood mid season, and was instrumental in our playoff victory. I won sweepers as well. What else can I say? The Cell will be in my bag for as long as I can find them.

Same driller on both balls by the way, and nearly identical layout....

The Bust Bomb was the worst ball I've ever wasted money on. Other than that, I have no strong opinion...
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Edited on 5/15/2008 6:53 AM

Edited on 5/15/2008 6:53 AM


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Re: Cell Vs BuzzBomb
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 07:22:51 AM »
I have had a great experience with the BUZZBEAST, one of the best balls i have invested money on, I too have tried many surfaces from 1000 grit sanded to 1000+bean's secret sauce and several in between, and have had success in some form or another with all of them, right now I have it at 1500 wet sand and use it for a heavy/med heavy. The ball has PAID for itself several times over in tournament winnings, side pots and bracket money. Now onto the Cell, I will admit I just purchased this ball and it is still in oob finish, but I have thrown it with the Buzzbomb to compare and adjust surfaces to get different looks, the Cell fits just under the Buzzbomb, and it is a great med. heavy/ med. oil ball and so far I'm lovin it, will know more after two tournaments in the next three weeks ( State and Nationals ), but I really have no doubt the Cell will serve me well.