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Author Topic: help with a cell pro cg  (Read 1129 times)


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help with a cell pro cg
« on: May 16, 2008, 09:29:28 AM »
need some help with a cell pro cg ball.  my uncle got one (14.03 lb, 2.5oz top weight, 2.5" pin, cg 1 1/2" to the right).  he throws righty.  we got the ball drilled with the pin below the fingers (center span), and the mb is about 1" below the thumb, looks like a 5x5 layout.  my ball driller calls this a spitzer layout?? but to me it's a 5x5 layout.  the cg sits right of the ring finger, bout 1/2" bout midspan.  no weight hole.  he said that the mb will make the ball push forward and then hook on the back end.  my uncle throws about 11-12mph (hey.. he's in his 70's) and has a good release.  now when he throws the ball, it goes straight.  3 things i see wrong.  its a rather tame layout, and the cg is to the right, and he doesn't like weightholes.  now i need some feeback.  

WOULD A WEIGHT HOLE MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE (he may not have a choice but to get a weight hole??



(i was thinking of putting the pin just right of the ring finger, kick the CG out (almost like a 4x3 or 4x2 layout), and put the weight hole on the PAP or finger quadrant to get the finger weight legal) .

so if there are any fellow bowlers who throw the cell, you're input would be valuable.

thx all...andy



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Re: help with a cell pro cg
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 05:50:39 PM »
Does you uncle get alot on the ball? I have a 5x5 layout with the pin above my bridge and its a pretty tame reaction for me and i consider myself a cranker.
But before you do anything extreme i would play with the cover. I don't have a cell but have seen reviews online which lend themselevs to say that the cell already has a strong cover but it would be a starting point. If that fails then look at a weight hole. However that would depend on how much side weight the ball already has, because you don't want to give a ball that already goes straight negative side wait. Then you need to consider the placement of the weight hole. If your using Mo's weight hole technique drilling the wieght hole on the MB of close to it will increase ball dynamics. Or something to that effect...


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Re: help with a cell pro cg
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 08:37:03 PM »
Mine is laid out 4.5x5, but my pap puts the pin over my ring, and the mb under and  right of thumb.  It ends up making be ball more of a medium oil ball, and it gets down the lane pretty good before making it's move.  The ball hooks a good amount, more than anything else in my bag.

But just because it works for me, doesn't mean it's going to work for a slow speed stroker.  What I would do is take a layout you know works for him, and use that.  If you end up having to use a weighthole put it near his PAP and it shouldn't affect reaction that much.

Also, how does the ball look going down the lane?  Does it flare much?  Do the flare rings look normal?


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Re: help with a cell pro cg
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2008, 02:14:56 PM »
thanks guys.. this will be in 2 parts.

-taylorproshop - i would say my uncle gets med revs and is a classic stroker, down and in.  he has a ebonite NVS and NV, both drilled the same (pin above the fingers, cg kicked out about an 1" right (roughly 4.5x3), and he doesn't have a problem getting those balls to hook and we keep the surfaces (NV-4000 grit, with storm diamond gloss, NVS-1500 grit storm xtra shine), do im thinking the layout is the issue.  

-nospareball - he's throwing it OOB RIGHT NOW, so you would think it would be hooking early, but he's saying that the ball is going straight, and when he hits the pocket, the ball has no pop, so its rolling out on him.  we're gonna try to add some polish to see if that changes the reaction.  i'll keep ya posted.  

thx both of ya for your input and if you have other suggestions that would be great.  oh.. also to add, and i noticed this, that the person who has been drilling mine and my uncles, just lays the ball out without going off our PAP.  DO YOU SEE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS???


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Re: help with a cell pro cg
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2008, 10:10:42 AM »
Why didn't your driller place the MB to the right of the thumb instead of below the thumb?  Next to putting the MB in the track, this is the weakest position you can have it.  I would have kept the pin where it is and put the MB at least 2 inches to the right of his thumb so that it can make it have some more pop on the backends.  Also, a low pin is going to make it read the lane earlier and the cover is very strong so it might be burning up if you don't have enough head oil.  A weight hole inside his PAP will make it flare a little more, but I think its to MB placement that is making it weak.  You might take it to 2000 grit with no polish and try that.  Polish makes the Cell too erradic from what I've seen.  Hope this helps.
