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Author Topic: Cell wins AGAIN!!!  (Read 1380 times)

Ric Clint

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Cell wins AGAIN!!!
« on: March 01, 2009, 05:33:01 AM »
Kind of weird to see a ball that has been out as long as the original Cell has, still being used to win Tournaments, with all the other balls that have came out since the Cell came out. Just goes to show that no matter how "old" a ball is, if it works, keep using it!

That is why if I find a ball that works, I buy 4-5 of them NIB to last me for a few years. Everytime one wears out, I drill another one. And I don't take a chance on every single new release that comes out. That can be expensive!


six pack

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Re: Cell wins AGAIN!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2009, 02:26:12 PM »
I could see your point if I was to bowl in the same house on the same shot for the rest of my life.
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Re: Cell wins AGAIN!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2009, 03:49:36 PM »
I could see your point if I was to bowl in the same house on the same shot for the rest of my life.
Actually I think his point goes way beyond just bowling in the same house.  The benchmark ball in my line-up is a Black Widow and I have used multiple versions at all sorts of house / shots across the New England area, Nationals, etc.  I have some stashed away to replace my current 2 once they get too old and I will replace them and down-grade the current 2 to league balls.  That's what I did about a year ago or so...
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Cell wins AGAIN!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2009, 03:55:45 PM »
that has nothing to o with it.. having 5 of the same ball doesn't mean they are all drilled the same.. or have the same suface prep.. I know a hammer staffer that had a 7 no mercy arsenal with different drillings and preps

I could see your point if I was to bowl in the same house on the same shot for the rest of my life.
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Re: Cell wins AGAIN!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2009, 06:40:09 AM »
Totally agree, Malott's Cell and Cell Pearls are all drilled differently.  I think he made 8 shows this year, many different layouts on the cell/ cell pearl.  It won ball of the year for a reason.  Guess what also won ball of the year?: the Black Widow, so you guys are on to something.