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Author Topic: Comparison between Idol and Hyper Cell Fused  (Read 2060 times)


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Comparison between Idol and Hyper Cell Fused
« on: April 15, 2018, 09:31:28 PM »
I picked up and Idol and love it. It's a bit more than my Phaze II, and I can see it being the replacement for it. I'm still interested in a HCF though. I need something with more snap in the back on those nights where nothing will kick the corners. I'm fairly certain they are different balls and will complement each other. Any feedback on comparison would be appreciated.


Luke Rosdahl

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Re: Comparison between Idol and Hyper Cell Fused
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2018, 07:59:16 AM »
Fused is longer and obviously sharper on the backend.  I didn't like it with the shine, but at 3000 it's pretty good.  They cover about the same amount of boards, the Fused just does it all on the backend. 
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