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Author Topic: Cracking for the Odyssey???  (Read 3909 times)

Ric Clint

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Cracking for the Odyssey???
« on: September 13, 2008, 01:59:44 AM »

Has anybody seen any or had any ODYSSEY's to crack?

I know there was an issue with the Mystic's cracking, but I am wondering if there was a problem with any of the ODYSSEY's?

Also, how would a "polished" ODYSSEY compare to a MYSTIC?




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Re: Cracking for the Odyssey???
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2009, 12:51:38 AM »
i had the problem with mine cracking too, one of my favorite balls, it cracked from the ring finger to the pin, and i just sent it in and got a kinetic instead,


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Re: Cracking for the Odyssey???
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2009, 02:57:24 AM »
I had mine crack on me all the way around. Funny story about it and it will go to speak about how good Roto cust. service is.

 I shipped the ball back to them directly as I had bought it online. A couple months passed by and it slipped my mind entirely until I got to Albequerque for Nationals last year and went to their booth. So when I get back to my room I decide to call up Roto Grip and ask what the status was and why I hadn't recieved a new one yet.

As it goes, there was some issue in their recieving department and so the cracked one got held up somewhere along the line and the customer rep. said someone would give me a call back later in the day.

Well lo and behold, later that afternoon I get a call from Roger N. the brand manager and he apologizes repeatedly and tells me to go to the booth tomorrow and tell them who I am and there will be an Odessey waiting for you.

Pretty cool, I thought. Still have that one NIB. HAHA.

side note: my first one was a killer, and yes very angular.