i bowl i na few houses that are shall we say, "nicely walled up". 8 board block, pattern goes to 35-37 feet, and the backends are stripped. both are synthetics.
i basically need a ball that is going to clear the heads on these rather medium-dry alleys *might as well be, you drift outside the oil you get a wind-up!* and has a nice sharp angular pocket entry. yes, a *snap* reaction would be applicable.
i has a TI messenger for such a shot, and it was great until it finally died on me. over 450 games with that ball will do that, i guess.

i would like a roto-grip that can fill that hole. goes long, and breaks for the pocket like a rocket went off in the side of the ball! i like the prices of Roto-grip stuff, too. like the messenger, i want something i can find and drill up for sub-$150. is this possible?