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Author Topic: Decent set tonight.........  (Read 3472 times)


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Decent set tonight.........
« on: February 13, 2007, 02:49:32 PM »
I used only my two Rotos tonight.  My Epic Battle and Oracle Vision.


Played the Epic up the boards till they started to breakdown.  I then switched to the Oracle at the start of game three.  If I stayed firm, I didn't have to move but a board or so for carry.  

The oracle is a very impressive ball.  I pull it out when the track is starting to go and I can bump against the oil line with no overreaction at all on the backend.  Thats why it is in the bag over my Vapor Zone right now.  Last night with only the Oracle...665.  

All in all good sets.


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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 10:56:32 PM »
Andrew i am throwing the new epic tomorrow i will tell you if it is worthy of you hahaha
JDT is a bowling god and we should be honored to have such a man amoung us


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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2007, 11:41:12 PM »
Andrew i am throwing the new epic tomorrow i will tell you if it is worthy of you hahaha
JDT is a bowling god and we should be honored to have such a man among us

Not to hijack the post but I got a serious question for Barry.

I see where pretty much purchase every new ball that comes out...

Whats the reason for this ?

If you got the $ and just like trying different gear that cool

...but are you thinking that the latest and greatest is "better" ?

Not a bash post at all, just curious

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...


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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2007, 04:56:25 AM »

Are you throwing the Odyssey tonight? You have to post your review of this Ball...... Thanks
Todd Loy
Roto Grip King of Them All!!!!


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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2007, 06:15:26 AM »
Andrew i am throwing the new epic tomorrow i will tell you if it is worthy of you hahaha
JDT is a bowling god and we should be honored to have such a man among us

Not to hijack the post but I got a serious question for Barry.

I see where pretty much purchase every new ball that comes out...

Whats the reason for this ?

If you got the $ and just like trying different gear that cool

...but are you thinking that the latest and greatest is "better" ?

Not a bash post at all, just curious

Thats just barrys thing!  The BR faithful should be happy, low mileage used equipment in abudance comes from Barry!


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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2007, 06:22:57 AM »
Great shooting Andrew!
We all know how Barry is. He and jkiser01 run a good race for President of the Ball Whore Club! HeHe!
World-Class Legend

Yeah Baby! I gave up diamond cores and went to REAL Diamond covers. Now I am setting the New Standard and have Absolute Power. I am a Masterpiece and The Buzz of the town. Nicknamed the Diamond-Core Terminator, I have The Answer! I will achieve Satisfaxion through Massive Impact of the pin deck. That is Guaranteed!


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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2007, 11:28:10 AM »
Nice rolling Andrew!



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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2007, 11:58:08 AM »
I am getting most of the newer hi-po balls now it is a hobby for me to try new things what i do is sell off some stuff and fund my newer purhcase. There is no way in world i could even afford every ball out there, i do pick and choose what i buy and i have staffers from other companies that get stuff free or cheap that i cannot pass up deal wise. Like a free Fury how about that for a deal huh??? I am not close to being a staffer but i have connections from friends that are really good bowlers, i had to pass on the Mystic yesterday i did not have enough money to buy it. I did have enough money to get the g-force though besides the Odyssey, they will be head to head.

It is totally a hobby for me expensive but i used to race my 69 camaro every friday night which actually costs me more money. Plus i would gamble if i did not bowl, i live in Vegas it is hard not to do something stupid here.

Anyway nice shooting Andrew i will let you all know how it goes see ya

Andrew i am throwing the new epic tomorrow i will tell you if it is worthy of you hahaha
JDT is a bowling god and we should be honored to have such a man among us

Not to hijack the post but I got a serious question for Barry.

I see where pretty much purchase every new ball that comes out...

Whats the reason for this ?

If you got the $ and just like trying different gear that cool

...but are you thinking that the latest and greatest is "better" ?

Not a bash post at all, just curious

When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...

JDT is a bowling god and we should be honored to have such a man amoung us


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Re: Decent set tonight.........
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2007, 10:15:18 AM »
And I am President of the D-Bag Club!!!!!!!!

Great shooting Andrew!
We all know how Barry is. He and jkiser01 run a good race for President of the Ball Whore Club! HeHe!
World-Class Legend

Yeah Baby! I gave up diamond cores and went to REAL Diamond covers. Now I am setting the New Standard and have Absolute Power. I am a Masterpiece and The Buzz of the town. Nicknamed the Diamond-Core Terminator, I have The Answer! I will achieve Satisfaxion through Massive Impact of the pin deck. That is Guaranteed!


********DOUCHE ALERT**********  

Corrected again.
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!!  

g thing is back....with a vengeance!! - Accept no substitute for the very best there is!!

Best line I've heard about politics....