I know where you're coming from, Russell, and I'm not saying there haven't been pieces similar to this ball in the past that would have been similar to the Defiant. However, we see a LOT of transition in our old wooden house shot. If you dare stay right of it, you'll need a LOT of speed to keep the ball on line. That will, usually, dramatically diminish carry for me as the night progresses. Oh, sure, migrate left is the answer but now your dancing across the burnt up track areas with 6-3 types of adjustments to get a better look. I'm able to stay left, well left, of everyone else from the start. That's not a bad thing for my game. I don't bank it off the cushion outside of five, I'm trying to keep the ball just to the right of the oil line (6-8) where the pattern tapers on the outside. We've got city tournament this weekend and they've put out the USBC Blue shot. I'm looking forward to seeing how it does with this condition for, as we all know, hook is NOT a problem on old wood.
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"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo
"I'm as frustrated as a mosquito in a mannequin factory."-Larry The Cable Guy