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Author Topic: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl  (Read 2572 times)


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Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« on: October 14, 2004, 07:21:04 AM »
Ok, I'll post this here.  

 I'm picking up a Roto-grip Silver Streak Pearl and am considering how to lay it out. Thinking of something like:

           O  O




I have a similar layout on a Silver Diamond and it's very long with a big, violent left turn on the back. Will this layout give me roughly the same thing with the RG SSP? And I assume I'll need a n x-hole, yes?

What would the difference between this and a 4.5 x 4.5 stack (Pin even with ring finger) be?
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Edited on 10/14/2004 5:22 PM
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Re: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2004, 03:44:21 PM »
The major problem with that pattern is that with the cg that far out the ball will tend to die on the backend and wrap too many corners!  Are you a high rev player?? Low track player?? Whats your PAP?? If you stacked it you would get a more true roll and it would be a little more readable.  What are you looking for out of this ball??  What kind of conditions are you looking to play on??
If you could give me more info I could give you the proper lay out for it!

Toby Smith
"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va


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Re: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2004, 03:52:19 PM »
Drillmaster, the diagram isn't quite right.  The CG would be on line from Pin to PAP.  I'm a medium+ rev player.  Track used to be quite high but I've moved it down in the last year or so to about 1.5 inches from fingers and thumb.  Pap (when last measured, but probably not accurate now) was 5" over, 1/2 up.  I'm looking for something to go to on pattern E when my Silver Streak Solid is too much. (that one is a 4 x 4 stack, 2000 shine).  Thanks for your help.
"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,"
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Re: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2004, 09:40:47 AM »
Because of the shortness of pattern E(even though there is good oil in heads) and the outside angle that maximizes the hit on it.  

Most winning combinations have a drilling that does not have much of a kick out in fact often drillings have had the cg kicked under grip!  To reduce midlane and give a softer angle of approach from the outside!


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Re: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2004, 10:11:38 AM »
Rags--Since you're using this on the E pattern and as LL says  
Because of the shortness of pattern E(even though there is good oil in heads) and the outside angle that maximizes the hit on it.

Most winning combinations have a drilling that does not have much of a kick out in fact often drillings have had the cg kicked under grip! To reduce midlane and give a softer angle of approach from the outside!

I use a Sonic X Pearl with pin over bridge and CG mid grip.  For me on E I play 2-3 board parallel to gutter with a lil less axis tilt to mellow out backend.  This is the best match-up I can find so far on this pattern for me.  Maybe this gives you a comparison.  I am med. speed 19 mph initial velocity 15.5-16 at cameras.  4 7/8 over 1/2 up.  


Mustang Guy

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Re: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2004, 04:11:40 PM »
The difference between that and the 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 is the one with the cg kicked way right will give you less backend with an earlier read on the lanes.  If you are trying to kill backend because there is so much friction on the outside it is not a bad idea.  If you are a higher rev player then 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 might have too much skid flip and even going with the mb towards the track might still make that already jumpy ball even more jumpy.  

I like your idea.

Roger Noordhoek
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Roto Grip, Inc.

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Re: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2004, 05:20:38 PM »
What Scotts33 said would be a good lay-out for you too!
I use a Sonic X Pearl with pin over bridge and CG mid grip. For me on E I play 2-3 board parallel to gutter with a lil less axis tilt to mellow out backend!

You could even kick the CG out about a 1/2 inch (no more than that) if you wanted a little more pop!  This is a good ball and if you drill it too strong you have no chance of using it on E pattern! Or should we say the cheetah pattern! LOL
"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va
'The Place to go when you wanna take your game "Off the Sheet"'
Toby Smith - Pro Shop Manager


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Re: Drill pattern on a SS Pearl
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2004, 11:26:33 PM »
Your diagram is basicly just a modified High RG drilling with the CG swung out to produce some more hook, It will provide lenght with a strong backend, however the CG is swung out alot so it may die on the backend, Id suggest this;

..o o



You really need to swing out the CG other wise you would be wasting the ball potienial if you where to make it a "pin above bridge, cg straight down drilling" the ball would just go to long this should work nicly, try adding a weight hole a few inch past the PAP to produce some more flare, if it hooks to much with this drilling just polish it up a bit, it should kill'em...
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Edited on 10/19/2004 11:19 PM