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Author Topic: Drilled up a Cell last night  (Read 1408 times)


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Drilled up a Cell last night
« on: June 04, 2008, 11:28:09 PM »
Well I drilled up a cell last night.  5” P2P, pin under, MB 90º.  This is supposed to be 1 of the more controlled layouts.  I have somewhat decent amount of hand & fairly low ball speed(16-17mph).  I don’t really have too much of an opinion of the cell just yet, I bowled with  it last night & had to bowl after a league.  The shot was BURNT, it was rough to try to bowl on it with the cell.  I did get a bit of roll out, but that is to be expected with this strong of a ball on fried lanes.  I will say that when I actually threw a good shot, the ball did what I expected it to do.  From what ive seen, even with the energy loss from the dry lanes, the ball hits very hard, & mixes the pins up very nicely.  Im going back today after work to get some more practice in & get my fiancée a ball drilled(cell is WAY too much ball for her, getting her a BWP).

I honestly didn’t think I had any kind of a chance to throw this strong of a ball at 2000 abralon….as of now I think im going to keep it OOB & see what it does when there is at least SOME oil out there.

Quick question.  How does the cell roll polished?  Maybe 1000 abralon + polish?

Also, r there any videos of polished cells?   I cant seem to find any.

Anyway, I will try to update this either tonight or tomorrow after bowling on oil(THS, but at least it will be semi-fresh)




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Re: Drilled up a Cell last night
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2008, 07:40:31 AM »
Cell + Polish = Very erradic reaction.  I have one drilled 5 x 3 and I tried it polished and it was just erradic and jumped off the dry.  It was very hard to read with polish. I went and wet sand it back to 2000 grit and left it that way and it was a lot better.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Drilled up a Cell last night
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2008, 07:41:59 AM »
I honestly didn’t think I had any kind of a chance to throw this strong of a ball at 2000 abralon….as of now I think im going to keep it OOB & see what it does when there is at least SOME oil out there.
I agree.  See how it handles fresher lane conditions first.  I was surprised by how much friction my Cell could handle without burning up and rolling out.  All I had to do was keep my speed up and not be afraid to move left.  But people do have success with polishing their Cells -- it's still going to be smooth and continuous, just a little longer and stronger off the breakpoint.


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Re: Drilled up a Cell last night
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 08:46:34 AM »
Cell + 600 sanded + Brunswick high gloss makes a smooth easy to control (for me) ball. Shot 289 2nd game with ball on a summer league shot.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.


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Re: Drilled up a Cell last night
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2008, 05:22:52 PM »
I tried just bringing a Cell up to 4000 no polish and it got too jumpy for me. Granted I have a lot more hand than most but I am afraid to polish a Cell personally. I know some people who have had luck with it but they tend to be in the 200's for RPMs.
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Re: Drilled up a Cell last night
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2008, 05:38:14 PM »
Don't change the cover before you use the ball for 15 to 20 games and really get used to it. My brother did the exact same thing that you did when he first got his cell, tried using it on fried lanes after league play, and was disappointed in how the ball rolled and reacted.

The following week, used the ball on a fresh shot and was truly amazed by it. He bowled 279 the first game, and had a series of 15 in a row through the second game. . . and then, the ball return ate his cell. He is still upset.

I ordered one right after that but have not drilled it yet. Got too many other good balls in the bag, including a recently traded for vapor zone that rolls as good as anything I have thrown in a while.

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