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Author Topic: Drilling for Epic Battle  (Read 808 times)


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Drilling for Epic Battle
« on: June 06, 2006, 02:30:31 AM »
I'm looking for recommendations on how to drill an Epic Battle for heavy oil.  There's one house here in Tucson that I'm having a very hard time getting anything to hook on.  (Part of it is that I've been a speed dominant player and this place has a heavy/long pattern with a lower friction lane surface) My best option is to use my Paradigm straight down the 6 board with as much hand as I can put in the ball.  Lower RG balls seem to work better here (probably due to the extra revs) but I'd like to get a ball that picks up a little sooner.  My pro shop operator says I'm between a stroker and a tweener as far as style goes(see profile).  Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Edited on 6/6/2006 10:28 AM



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Re: Drilling for Epic Battle
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2006, 11:11:48 AM »
I just drilled a Battle up to be my oil ball as my Epic didn't have the right enough pin to lay it out how I wanted it.  I drill mine with the pin 4 1/2" from my PAP with the RG in the strong position, at least 2" from my thumb with the pin under my fingers.  Haven't been able to try it out on our heavy pattern as we won't be putting it out during the summer from what I see from throwing a couple balls is that this drilling makes the ball roll really heavy and pick up earlier than my epic and paradigm and just a hard, continuous arch.  I don't intend on throwing this ball much in my house, maybe if I run into carrydown, but I doubt even then.  I think this ball will mostly be a tournament ball for me, but sounds like for you, this drilling might work great for this house you bowl in.  I would suggest drilling it this way and then try to square up to the pocket and not try to swing it because when it picks up friction, it will turn over hard on you.  This ball definitely likes oil.  Hope that helps.